Janice Davis
CRIMINAL charges have been filed against the Swiss drugs authority on behalf of six people allegedly injured by the Covid vaccination. A team of lawyers and scientists have compiled a comprehensive evidence report and have made publicly available around 1,200 items of evidence, arguing that Swissmedic has created a risk to public health which significantly exceeds that of SARS-CoV-2.
They assert that the authority approved the new gene therapeutics, although the minimum standards required by law were never met, citing a lack of evidence as to the effectiveness of the vaccines, the failure to minimise the risks associated with that approval, and failing to protect the health of consumers. As a result, it is alleged, the public was misled by incomplete and untrue information about the actual benefit-risk ratio of the so-called vaccination.
The criminal complaint was filed on July 14, 2022, but the authorities have not responded. As a result, the lawyers held a press conference on November 14, four months later.
They pointed out that these mRNA preparations are not in fact vaccines, that they had neither positively influenced the course of the pandemic nor prevented deaths, and that over time, more and more groups have received warning signals, which Swissmedic ignored. The lawyers demand that the approval of all mRNA ‘vaccines’ be suspended, and criminal proceedings be opened against those responsible at Swissmedic. The first Cantonal proceedings against vaccinating doctors have already been opened.
Swiss media has reported widely, although in brief, on this criminal complaint. The topic of vaccination side effects is also increasingly addressed in the public service SRF – yesterday’s news reported that 38 per cent of side effects are classed as ‘serious’. In addition to myocarditis, other adverse reactions such as viral reactivation and the possibility of serious complications were identified.
Swissmedic is the Swiss surveillance authority for medicines and medical devices, analogous to the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). All medical products require its approval before being brought to the Swiss market, and the products may be made available only if their quality, safety and effectiveness are sufficiently evaluated and approved.
Between January 2021 and November 2022, 16,212 reports were made to the agency of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines in Switzerland. On evaluation, the agency stated that the overall positive benefit-risk ratio remained. The 38 per cent serious classification was confirmed. Among other analyses, several negative features were identified, including myocarditis, side-effects from bivalent vaccines, and various menstrual disorders. Swissmedic didn’t think these were sufficient to alter the claimed positive benefit-risk ratio.
TCW has already reported that in November 2021 households in Switzerland received a flyer from the health authorities, encouraging all residents to come forward for their Covid-19 jabs. Within the text were included such reassurances as ‘the Covid-19 vaccine is very effective and prevents serious complications and deaths’ and ‘serious adverse effects are very rare. The vaccination is safe’. And to settle the matter in citizens’ minds, there appeared the clincher: ‘Serious complications and suffering from the illness are much more common than serious side effects from the vaccine’. Two A3 sides of 100 per cent certainties.
This confidence is shattered by the chart included in the legal depositions submitted by the Swiss lawyers Kruse Law to the courts, detailing on a specified time-line the emergence of risk factors in relation to the ‘vaccines’ since December 2020. (Factors identified translated from the German below.)

Source: Vikendi
(NB: Comirnaty, Spikevax = Swiss vaccine brands)
The 16 factors identified are as follows:
1. Inadequate animal studies, elementary research omitted.
2. Temporary authorisation, two weeks as opposed to the usual 12 weeks.
3. Control group dismissed, clinical studies virtually worthless.
4. Toxic pollution, first indications thereof in authorisation papers.
5. Lipid nano-particles, potentially carcinogenic, damaging to fertility, foetus.
6. Delayed effects, indications of potential neurological and autoimmune illnesses.
7. Suspected Comirnaty cases – 42,086 side effects, 1,200 deaths.
8. Authorisation studies, missing proof of effectiveness in young people.
9. Falsified data, found in Comirnaty authorisation study.
10. Comirnaty’s clinical studies – 46 deaths (1.5 per cent) in post-marketing phase.
11. Teenagers: 6 times higher risk of myocarditis than of suffering serious case of Covid.
12. Suspected cases in Switzerland, EU, USA: 13,632 deaths; 1,095,777 side effects.
13. Alarm bells: 128 publications showing health problems; 223 showing clotting disorders; 7 showing possible deaths.
14. Producer admission: safety profile for pregnant and breast-feeding women not known.
15. EU, USA: 2,177 stillbirths from Comirnaty; 810 stillbirths from Spikevax.
16. Male fertility, sperm count 150 days after second jab 15.9 per cent lower than before.
So much for the positive benefit-risk ratio!
Elsewhere in the world, health authorities have continued to promote nationwide vaccination programmes, advertising additional booster shots even now. They do so confident in the knowledge that it was made clear that people couldn’t sue the drug companies for any unintended consequences arising from Covid jabs. At the moment, the only legal activity in this area appears to be the drug companies squabbling amongst themselves over patent violations. Hopefully, this action in Zürich will prove to be a game-changer.