When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know


There no longer exists any form of representative government under the framework that is the United Nations Charter. The U.N. platform is offered as a contract and is then enforced via the Bilderberg Steering Committee’s influence upon all signatory governments. Today what presents itself as your council or government, or more correctly, the men and women working within the same, defraud you by pretending they represent you and operate according to the parameters of the office they hold after you gave them your vote to hold that office.[A]

What we call government today is in fact an incorporated entity, that means that because they are corporations, [1] they can no longer represent you an Autonomous living man/woman, due to the fact the council/government has changed Jurisdiction, they have shifted from a realm of laws to a realm of commercial legislation, controlled by the UCC and for the movement of the cargo, coming under Shipping, (UPU) this they call the Legal System. However, they enthusiastically keep up an act in which they work very hard to convince you that they represent you while knowing the contrary to be fact.

That makes them liars from the minute they join the council/government. The position is in Controversy, and any and all organisations of men/women that cover this fact are also in Controversy, including the Judiciary. The Judiciary cover the scam and if you demand full disclosure as it relates to the use of DOG-LATIN, today called American Sign Language, they run out of court. They do that because of the fact, in the paperwork they are using two languages, therefore they run out of court for one of two reasons, Concealment of the facts and or the right to Silence.[B] They are very very naughty.

Meet the Edgar File, H.M. Gov is a corporation, click below image

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know




That ever so spiritual State of Israel is also a corporation : https://web.archive.org/web/20190615225542/https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0000052749&owner=include&count=40&hidefilings=0

Canada : http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK;=0000230098&owner;=exclude&count;=40&hidefilings;=0

Australia : http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK;=0000805157&owner;=include&count;=40&hidefilings;=0

New Zealand : http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=New+Zealand&match;=contains&filenum;=&State;=&Country;=Q2&SIC;=8888&myowner;=exclude&action;=getcompany&Find;=Search

Japan : http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK;=0000837056&owner;=include&count;=40&hidefilings;=0

Note – Some of the above links have been removed from their respective urls, go to bottom of the page for snapshots of United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia.

“In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.”
S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane’s Administraters (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54)

Bankrupting the Government – all assets move to the Crown :


At the Highest Levels

The three Jurisdictions of the Court are as follows :
Ecclesiastical courts (based in the scriptural law of the Old Testament)

Greek canon law oversees :
Admiralty (military) courts
Maritime  (commercial) courts

These jurisdictions were handed to the Inner Temple after Elizabeth I built the Navy financed by the House Pallavacini of the Holy See. Under command of the Private Crown, the Inner Temple, this jurisdiction passed over to Washington D.C in the contracts made after WWI. It was part of the carrot that brought America into the First World War, for Britain, the government had to support the creation of Israel. Ergo, Israel is the creation of the families behind the Holy See.

Admiralty and Maritime are the jurisdictions operated by the Inner Temple, itself tied to the Holy See via Templar.
This means that the Byzantine Greek canon has operated through the Inner Temple at least since the English Civil War on behalf of the Holy See.
Elizabeth I built the Navy, financed by the House Pallavacini on behalf of the Holy See, this in turn gave the Inner Temple its rights to oversea the jurisdictions relating to the Sea/See.
It took longer , until Vatican II, for the Templar Inner Temple secret societies to overturn the Roman canon and install the Greek.
Ergo, Washington D.C, as the head of the Navy, on behalf of the Inner Temple, administers all the cargo for the same. This is why all our birth certificates and governments are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

What this communicates is the fact, the British Crown is not the private Crown that is the Crown Temple.

Today the world is governed through the rules of bankruptcy, issued to your bankrupt government via the military backed will of the United Nations. The United Nations, as a satellite of the Round Table secret society network, operates as the bankers ‘official receiver’ which gives it full oversight over the asset base of each bankrupt government tied to the U.N. Charter. Today you the people are also classed as assets of the bankrupt corporate government through the split title the government creates at the registration of a live birth. 

The government manages your resources without you having any input or the ability to see the paper mechanics of that management process, they have achieved this in the use of charitable status by many outsource providers. There is no transparency for anything classed as an asset belonging to the central banking cartel.

The banks Rule the Temple Church and the Attorners carry out their orders by controlling their victim’s judiciary and by determining the jurisdiction under which they are to be judged.



When you have completed a study of this page, I would encourage you to take a look at the profile of Barnfield Construction Limited. Through a study of this Credit web, we can see how such corporate entities as Barnfield entrap your Council by guaranteeing its debt.

In Profile : Barnfield Construction Limited
What is controlling your town and who is responsible?

A system set forth in England by Oliver Cromwell, as a direct result of his political changes to the commons, which was preventing the new baronies agenda of enclosure, would be formed a Parliament ready for borrowing under the terms of Usury from the rising Central Banks network (Whigs) across Europe, that Cromwell represented, it was he who shifted what was the Provisions of Oxford and the Commons thus formed, into a committee of the new Barony, made so through the theft of Church lands and properties by Henry VII and his son, Henry VIII. They basically created their own version of Camelot on the ashes of Christian England. He formed the parliament under the doctrine of the Talmud : Page from the 1901 Babylonian Talmud

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know










Once the Bank of England was commissioned, war with France was manipulated by the bankers, forcing the new barony to borrow from the Bank of England, a private affair made up from the funds of the old money Templar families, the rest as they say, is fake history to cover the debt. The Bank of England was founded as a private usury bank in 1694 to act as banker to the Government. 

In essence what took place in England from the introduction of the Tudors by the House Stanley, until the introduction of Usury and a puppet monarch in Charles II, and, the commissioning of the Bank of England, was the undermining of the Christian Canon in England and the installation of the road to the incorporation of the entire nation as a new feudal system makes Serfs[3] of the population from the incorporation of the Crown.[4]

‘Nondisclosure’ from the outset of the fact two languages are written on the paperwork, this is unacceptable because there is no one to one correspondence between the two different languages in word or sign. It is Fraud, False.[A]

Let us also not forget that the next ruling monarch in the corporation that is the United Kingdom, will name himself Charles III, though some claim he will take the name George. See : The Queen of the Chair of Estates and the King of Persons.[4]

More importantly, according to Greg Hallet, Prince William is the son of former King Juan Carlos of Spain, who abdicated in 2014 to make way for his son. King Juan Carlos is also the King of Jerusalem which is the Cabalistic Templar secret society front king from which they will present to the earth the anti-life puppet. His son, Felipe VI is now said to be the claimant to the title but we are of course speaking of the secret societies who’s art is deception to divert.

Whenever you are confronted with supposed councillors and politicians, and any personnel feigning to be the holder of a political office, it is your duty to establish who everyone is and what jurisdiction is in force. If you fail in this regard then they will determine the jurisdiction for you.

When you fully absorb this information you can take full jurisdiction over these liars and unclean folks because the living flesh is the nation all else is a dead corporation.

Attacks by Other Methods : [5]

What is a corporation and how does it differ from a real representative government?


When a representative government exists, all involved hold ‘an office’ under an oath to that office. The rules of that office determine its Jurisdiction.[A]

When a representational government incorporates it becomes a commercial entity and can only operate in commerce through contract. (Contracts such as with, NATO, the U.N., Europe, and all trade agreements that today we know to be stifling enterprise outside the contracts offered by the network of ever expanding banking owned corporations. They are the outsource providers running your domestic system very badly, while the costs of the contracts rise month on month, that absolutely is a position that needs to change.

Commerce conducts business through contract. It rules the world of paper.

Flesh and blood Man is ‘involved’ with corporations but they cannot be a corporation unless you operate through the Legal Persona. (The Mask)

Governments as corporation become strict commercial entities, as such they act according to what is efficient and not according to anything resembling rights, what was the government becomes a Fiduciary with obligations to its share-stockholders, it no longer represents the public. The Public become the Debtor when in point of fact the real position for the Public is as the Creditor. Something has changed without our knowledge, yet when you confront the corporate state we face another excuse for Nondisclosure.

Bankrupting governments is the first move to absolve nations of their State so they can implement the Noahide platform as the governing body.

Language has been changed.

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know

Before incorporation the Parliament was an entity with the sole aim of representing the landed gentry who claimed to represent the public interest by definition of those in service to that landowner. When incorporated, the same is unable to represent anyone in the flesh and blood, they become a fiction and can only conduct and engage other corporations and legal persons through commercial contracts. It is a dead thing in commerce, when government do this they become strictly a commercial entity.Judges (opinionators) enforce commercial code unless you are in British Jurisdiction and understand the Biblical Man, then you invoke real and unwritten common law of England, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Charters in the past governed commerce between government and private enterprise and was a temporary commission to serve a specific purpose, say to build a railroad or sewer system, or any utility need domestically, the government could then contract with the private realm to physically oversee its construction, when the scheme was complete the charter and its rules would be folded. No private enterprise could intrude on the realm. When the government itself incorporates, commercial code becomes the authority without change, and the top of fiat currency in todays global system is the Bank for International Settlements, its World Bank and the fund thereof, the IMF.

Corporate Government is an invention in the fiction, it is a paper entity only. It is a product of the Banks and therefore owned by the banks but has no physical assets of its own, it collects the assets of the flesh and blood through deception and entrapment. That is a Burden placed upon you and Limits Your Capacity as a Man/Woman. For that they are Liable.

Ultimately then, Maritime Law is banking law to serve the banks paper empire. For efficiency a corporate government which acts according to Maritime Law, inverts the land law paradigm and brings ‘Charges’ not ‘Accusations’ against any shipmates (crew or legal persons) who then become the Defendant, a dead entity, and therefore the innocence is on you to prove. You are ‘Guilty as Charged’. That is Napoleonic Code.

The system that is usurping nations came out of the Royal Society amalgam of all the gnostic cults of the day. Pushed into nations as the script of the secret societies.

Politics Made Easy
As a bankrupt entity the ‘United Kingdom Corporation Sole’, the U.K. Government, must be folded, this act alone kills all contracts to that entity, all bets are off and we go back to the realm. This works also in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, each having the same original Constitutional realm as England.

When your politicians, judges and heads of police, etc, are chosen by the secret societies, not based on talent, but entirely on the fact they are persons compromised by some dire behaviour or have been set up to suggest the same, you have a serious problem. So serious is that stranglehold that it will take an equally extreme measure to combat the situation. Only with a full and complete amnesty after giving up the blackmailers, can we move in a direction that will give us back our politics and remove it from the shadowy claws of finance. 

Who Funds the Councils?
Corporate governments can get grants but to get them they have to militarise which includes the deployment of military type drills inside society.
This is why uniforms become the main attire for corporate officers, it is a prize from the grantor.

Local authorities are also threatened with their budgets being cut if they do not install the 5G platform outside your homes.  What this means.[6]

They claim government powers while no longer operating as such by definition of the shift of Jurisdiction to the legal realm, or commercial code. They are in Controversy.

The foundation of the unwritten common law is that you :
do no harm to man or property
keep the peace
be truthful in your agreements

[A] 7 Principles of Public Life
Committee on Standards in Public Life
First Published : 31 May 1995
Government Transparency and Accountability
An overview of the Nolan Principles, which are the basis of the ethical standards expected of public office holders.
The 7 Principles of public life apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder. This includes people who are elected or appointed to public office, nationally and locally, and all people appointed to work in :
the civil service
local government
the police
the courts and probation services
non-departmental public bodies
health, education, social and care services
The principles also apply to all those in other sectors that deliver public services.
The principles were first set out by Lord Nolan in 1995 and are included in the ministerial code.

The 7 Principles are :

[B] The Fact of the Matter
Chicago Manual of Styles 16th Edition
Under Foreign Languages
section 11 147
American Sign Language
“the written language description of a sign is called a gloss. glosses are words from the spoken language written in small capital letters.”

“Alternatively regular capital letters may be used.”

“One obvious limitation of the use of glosses from the spoken written language to represent signs is that there is no one to one correspondence between the words or signs in any two languages.”

(They mix dog latin uppercase with descriptive words that is two languages.)
In mixing languages, there is no joinder between the two fonts. Anything of importance that could incriminate the court is presented in the American Sign Language which is a different language to English. See/Download text as PDF
Now it must be fully understood that your Consent to the false documentation is the primary victory for the corporation as described on page 37 Silent Weapons for a Quite War.

When you watch your TV and see the small box with sign language accompanying the spoken English, they say for deaf people, what they are doing is programming a mix of language as normal, furthering the divide between the educated and the ignorant.

Now consider the following maxims :
“An error which is not resisted is approved; a truth which is not defended is suppressed…. He who does not oppose an evident crime is open to the suspicion of secret complicity.”
Pope Felix III (as quoted by Pope Leo XIII in a Inimica Vis.

[1] Definition Corporation
1: a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild[2]b : the municipal authorities of a town or city

2 : a body formed and authorised by commercial law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession

3 : an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organised as an organ of political representation in a corporative state

the inclusion of something as part of a whole.
”the software facilitates the incorporation of active learning in the course”

 the process of constituting a company, city, or other organisation as a legal corporation.
”a law allowing incorporation as a company”  “the City Council opposed all new incorporations”

[2] Definition of Guild 
1 : an association of people with similar interests or pursuits especially : a medieval association of merchants or craftsmen.
2 : a group of organisms that use the same ecological resource in a similar way a feeding guild.

Synonyms for guild
association, board, brotherhood, chambe, club, college, congress, consortium, council, fellowship, fraternity, institute, institution, league, order, organisation, society, sodality.

[3] Definition Serf
1. A member of the lowest feudal class, legally bound to a landed estate and required to perform labour for the lord of that estate in exchange for a personal allotment of land.
2. An agricultural labourer under various similar systems, especially in Russia and eastern Europe in the 1700s and 1800s.
3. A person in bondage or servitude. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin servus]

serf′dom n.
(Historical Terms) (esp in medieval Europe) an unfree person, esp one bound to the land. If his lord sold the land, the serf was passed on to the new landlord.[C15: from Old French, from Latin servus a slave; see serve]ˈserfdom, ˈserfhood n ˈserfˌlike adj serf.
1. a person in a condition of feudal servitude, required to render services to a lord, commonly attached to the lord’s land and transferred with it from one owner to another.
2. a slave. More Definitions

[4] The Crown

Within most constitutional monarchies, notably the Commonwealth realms, the Crown is not the Monarch.

Although the office and office-holder, conceptually speaking, retain dual capacities in that they may act both in a corporate capacity (as monarch) and in an individual capacity (as a private person), they are inseparably fused in law, which is to say that there is no legal distinction between the office of the crown/sovereign and the individual person who holds it. The Crown can enter into contracts and possess property, and it is in this way that the Crown (state) legally acts as a person. Conceptually speaking, the person of the monarch (office holder) may hold properties privately, distinct from property he or she possesses corporately, and may act as monarch separate from their personal acts. For example, Elizabeth II as a natural person holds several separate offices, such as Queen of the United Kingdom, Queen of Canada, Queen of Australia, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, etc., which are all distinct corporations sole, and at the same time she may also act as a natural person in a private capacity separate and apart from her role filling these various offices (corporations). This functions in the same way as the office of Prime Minister for example, which may have use of certain properties and privileges, such as an official residence and decision-making powers, however these assets do not belong to the office-holder in a private capacity and thus remain with the office once the office holder leaves, and at the same time the office holder may own property such as a house or a car in a private non-office related capacity.

The sovereign’s status as a corporation sole ensures that all references to the Queen, the King, Her Majesty, His Majesty, and the Crown are all synonymous and refer to exactly the same legal personality over time. While natural persons who serve as sovereign may pass on, the sovereign never dies in law, thus it is the corporate nature of the office of sovereign that ensures that the authority of the state continues uninterrupted as successive persons occupy the office. Subsequently, the sovereign is made a corporation sole to prevent the possibility of disruption or interregnum preserving the stability of the Crown (state), and so at the moment of the demise of the sovereign a successor is immediately and automatically in place.

Having the Crown as a corporation sole means that the legal person of the sovereign is the personification of the state, and subsequently acts as the guarantor of the rule of law and the fount of all executive authority behind the state’s institutions. As certain countries such as Australia and Canada have federal systems of government, the sovereign in these cases also possesses capacities as distinct corporation sole in right of each of the Australian states and Canadian provinces, for example as Her Majesty the Queen of Australia in Right of Queensland and Her Majesty the Queen of Canada in Right of Alberta. Source as PDF

The Chair of Estates
Some Scottish and Irish and Canadian groups are confused. They thought that —to at least some appreciable extent— they have been cut free from the British yoke? So they are checking their treaties — especially their Treaties from Westminster — and wondering?

First Fun Flying Factoid — “Westminster” is a separate principality of the Inner City of London which is itself an independent international city-state and part of the municipal government established by the Holy See.

So a Treaty from Westminster is a separate deal with a different entity than you might suppose.

You may recall certain annual ceremonies where the Queen knocks on the door of Westminster and is admitted by the Lord Mayor? And then she walks behind him in procession, head bowed? This is because she has entered the separate jurisdiction of Westminster, which does not, strictly speaking, exist on British soil.

In the case of Canada, and I have no reason to think it is substantially different for Scotland, Ireland, Wales or Australia, Westminster released the Canadians from subject status many years ago. They entered into their national sovereignty — meaning they gained control of the top six inches of dirt throughout the country known as a “soil jurisdiction”. The people were also released as living beings.
All that is very well and good, but it does not release the land jurisdiction owed to the Canadians, which the Queen continues to claim and exercise via her office connected to The Chair of Estates.
For the purpose of claiming and exercising her dominion over the land jurisdiction (deeper than 6 inches) she does not occupy her throne at all. It is the underground portion that she retains and gloms onto — the realm of the dead and of mineral resources.

This is why all the murders and child sacrifices and other dirty business always occurs underground. This is why Princess Di was killed in a tunnel. This is the “Royal Secret”. This is how Elizabeth could take The Coronation Oath with her living breath and promise to honour the Public Law and all the other good things that The Coronation Oath requires, and then, three days later, turn around and break it all.

Three days after the Coronation, she stepped down from the actual Throne, occupied The Chair of Estates, and has remained there doing the dirty work and ruling over the dead realm ever since.
And so, while she is busy claiming the land and that means the physical land estates of the dead — her consort, Prince Philip, is just as busy claiming the assets of all the various “Persons” — also dead entities that belong to the realm of the dead.

The Royal Society, A Very Well Paid Government Department Pushing Climate Change

Remember JOHN DOE — “who” is a ward of the Public Charitable Trust run by the U.S. Attorney Generals’ Office? And therefore treated as an “incompetent” and a “ward of the state” and “legally and civilly dead”?

He belongs as property to Prince Philip, and Prince Philip will tell you that, if you press him.

Remember JOHN RAYMOND DOE? —- “HE” is the ESTATE of “John Raymond Doe” — an American presumed “lost, missing at Sea” — after, that is, considerable self-interested falsification of both public and private records by Her Majesty’s Territorial Employees. HIS land assets are “presumed” to belong to the Queen, and all else that he might have is “presumed” to belong to Prince Philip.

Remember JOHN R. DOE? — this one is a Puerto Rican Public Transmitting Utility franchise, again, another “legal fiction entity” that is “dead” by definition, and also presumed to be a Territorial holding of Prince Philip. Source

[4ii]The Old English yeomanry which as a yeoman you were a member of a social class in late medieval to early modern England. In early recorded uses, a yeoman was an attendant in a noble household; hence titles such as “Yeoman of the Chamber”, “Yeoman of the Crown”, “Yeoman Usher”, “King’s Yeoman”, Yeomen Warders, Yeomen of the Guard. The later sense of yeoman as “a commoner who cultivates his own land” is recorded from the 15th century; in military context, yeoman was the rank of the third order of “fighting men”, below knights and squires, but above knaves. A specialised meaning in naval terminology, “petty officer in charge of supplies”, arose in the 1660s.

[5] Subverting Nations Through the Application of Military Grade Crafted Attacks
Three World Wars
Undermining Religion
Wilhelm Wundt, Psychological Programming Of Children
Sir Paul Gordon Fildes, Expert In Biological Warfare
Cancers, Tumours, Autism, Diabetes, What Is Really Going On?
Cancer Epidemic Due To The Introduction Of Viruses Through Vaccinations, SV-40 On Trial
The Magic Mushroom And The Fake Evolution, Mind Control Inc
The Roots Of The Hip Hop Agenda, Islam, Paedophiles And Cults
The Lilly Wave And Psychotronic Warfare

[6] An Illegal and unlawful act in the implementation of the 5G network, Mark Steel :




When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know





When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know




New Zealand

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know





When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know




United States

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know





When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know




Republic of Korea

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know





Further Study
Iraq, Death And The Facts, Reveals Genocide Inc As The United Nations Mandate
Undermining Civilisation To Instal The Corporate Script, The Green Machine, C.S Lewis On Trial
The Real Threat of the United Nations
WHO Memos 1972 Explain How To Turn Vaccines Into A Means Of Killing
Jeremy Corbyn, The United Nations And The European Genocide Via Mass Immigration
1829 : 9 Principles Of Law Enforcement Adopted By British And Commonwealth Constabularies
In Profile : UKIP United Kingdom Independence Party
The U.N. Sanctions The Dumbing Down Of Education For Sustainable Development
Restructuring Of Sovereign Debt : UN Expert Stresses GA Principles Are Binding
Agenda 21 And Sustainable Development
In Profile : The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan And The Genocide Of The Peoples Of Europe
Modern Warfare Strategy Against The Populations Coordinated By The Bilderberg Steering Committee
United Nations

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