Hands-down, this is the most important interview that I have ever transcribed. I’ve been scratching at the surface of why the COVID Hoax seemed to reveal that everything we’ve been taught about World War II is not true; that it was the Nazis who were the victors and that the Fourth Reich is now ensconced within parts of the US Government and within various Globalist institutions, like NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Economic Forum and others.

How else to explain the clamor among the “racial justice”-obsessed Democrats to fund and arm actual Nazis (not “neo” Nazis) in Ukraine or how all of the institutions that have been aggressively dictating to us and impoverishing us for the past 4 years (i.e. NATO, the EU, the WHO, the WEF etc) were actually founded by Nazis and are currently being led by the descendants of Nazis?

My colleague, James Grundvig and I got to talking about this and we decided to make a documentary about it, called ‘Splintering Babylon’ and the production phase is complete and we now have two editing teams cutting the film.


Here’s the trailer that our cameraman, drone operator/editor, Jeff Gallatin slapped together, it’s pretty hot!

As I’ve repeated several times, I’ve known next to nothing about the Nazis, because I avoided the topic my whole life. It was so dark and disgusting and Sadistic and cruel, I couldn’t bear to go there. So who better to explain what’s going on than David Hughes, a fully-credentialed Nazi expert, with Master’s Degree from Oxford and a PhD from Duke University in German Studies?

David begins by saying, I never, in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be bringing my first doctorate in German studies back out, dusting it off…I do have quite a significant background and grounding, educationally in the Nazi past. I never, for one moment thought that would be relevant to the 2020s. Unfortunately, it turns out to be central!”


David continues:

You might like to think that former leading Nazis would not have been able to assume leading political or industrial or other leading positions in society thereafter – but not just in Germany. 

We see multiple instances of this, for example, within the EU, particularly within NATO, the foundation of the Bilderberg Group in the mid 1950s. It goes on and on and all the way through to the present, of course, when you consider somebody like Klaus Schwab, the Director of the World Economic Forum. He is the son of a man called Eugen Schwab, who was a leading industrialist in Nazi Germany. And he was granted special permission by the Nazis to use slave labor!

“So we’re dealing with direct descendants from the Nazis – or Chrystia Freeland in Canada. One of her relatives, I forget the exact relation now, was to do with the Ukrainian Nazi connection. But there are many of these kinds of instances.

Ursula von der Leyen, again, has these bloodlines. I mentioned her in the book. So even just in terms of direct connections that you can trace in these very tangible ways, there are many more there than we would like to imagine…

“The way that history has taught to us is that the Nazis were the ‘baddies’ and that we, in this case, the United States and Britain, were the ‘goodies’. And it’s a kind of black-and-white dichotomy.

“But when you actually do your homework on this, you find that it would have been impossible for the Nazis to build up their War Machine and recover economically and actually go to war and wage war and sustain that war, were it not for the backing of very wealthy industrialists and financiers, particularly around Wall Street and to a lesser extent, around the City of London. So this is pretty shocking, really.

“Synthetic fuel, for example, is one obvious instance here that was required for the Luftwaffe to be able to fly its warplanes. That was being supplied by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company! Often kind of contravening international law, to be able to actually ship it transatlantically. 

“So, in that chapter, I go into dozens and dozens of these kinds of mechanisms of financing and funding and sending raw materials of all kinds. And this went on all the way through to the end of the war – even after the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1942! And what’s even more shocking is that at end of the war, there was no justice for any of these people.” 

David and James have an incredibly dynamic and revelatory conversation, which culminates with David saying:

“Now, we all know where 1930s Nazi Germany led, in terms of the War of Annihilation, war crimes, the Holocaust, medical experimentation, and everything that Nazi Germany is remembered for, in an exceptionally negative way.

“The point about the book is that the historical trajectory that we, in the West are now on is not accidental. It is by design. It’s a deliberate attempt to institute totalitarianism, this time, a global form, this time, a novel bio-digital form of totalitarianism that’s known as Technocracy.

“But again, it’s by design. It’s in response to a major crisis moment. So 1929, back then with the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression and so on and as I say, in 2019, major social unrest all across the world, major crisis in the global monetary and financial system, major crisis in the Western propaganda system. 

“The logics are all very similar. And so, unless we recognize this for what it is, which is a Global Technocratic Coup being enacted across every area of life, and unless we put it down, then we can expect, on a global level to see a return of many of the kinds of the worst horrors of Nazi Germany.

“And I lay that out quite graphically in Chapter Seven. So yes, we will be dealing with the return of slavery, for example, the New World Order concept – which many scoff at – the Nazis had the idea of a “New Order” in Europe; the return of eugenics, the return of euthanasia and many other ugly elements.

“This is what lies in wait for us, unless we stop this.” 

Get your Free Download of David A Hughes’ ‘Covid-19: Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1’ HERE.



James Grundvig: Hello, this is James Grundvig with Decentralized.media and Unrestricted Warfare. I have a very special guest, first-time guest, out of the United Kingdom, David A Hughes, and he’s got a brand new book out, ‘Wall Street, the Nazis and the Crimes of the Deep State’.

It is very fascinating, because history repeats itself often in the 20th and 21st century. We’re diving into all the Technocracy. We’re diving into totalitarianism, Third Reich, Fourth Reich, Wall Street, money, all of it, the debt enslavement system. And all of this is happening while there is a political earthquake over in the EU. So these are really fascinating times we’re living through. Actually, after we get through the insanity this year, I think we’re going to be freer than ever.

We’ll bring on our guests in a minute. I’m going to start off with the PowerPoint slide to introduce them properly. ‘Wall Street and the Nazis’, very fascinating book.

We will get into it in a minute. You know where to find me. And this is what I’m talking about real quick.

David, I don’t know if you want to comment on any of this. Boris Johnson: gone. Macron: done. New Zealand: done, Klaus Schwab: resigned, apparently and now Trudeau is left hanging by himself. What do you think?

David A Hughes: Yes and also, in this country [the UK], a record number of MPs are leaving ahead of the next General Election, so it does seem as though many of the senior figures who are in charge during the COVID era now want out, for whatever reason. 

James Grundvig: (Laughs)I have some ideas on “whatever reason”.

This is not your book, but this is important. This is what I’ve been saying for the past couple of years: The United States and the Allies didn’t technically win World War II.

Yes, we’re meant to present it, but the elites actually won World War II. The Nazis, the Third Reich, then Fourth Reich, they went underground. I have not read this book, but this is just an image I want to show everybody, because we’ve been fully infiltrated for the last 80 years.

And COVID didn’t start five years ago. And the mRNA vaccines were OK, maybe made 15 years ago but the reality is, they’ve been planning the depopulation and the takeover of the world a long, long time ago. This is what we’re facing. 

Now, this is David’s book, ‘Wall Street, the Nazis and the Crimes of the Deep State’ by David A Hughes. You can find it on Amazon. I just want to read one of the praises in the book: 

“For nearly a century, people have feared the ascent of technocrats in the service of totalitarian corporate elite.” 

(James interjects, “Right. They removed the Nazi logos. They took off the boots and the Army uniform. They traded them for attaché briefcases and corporate suits and ties. This is exactly what we’ve been dealing with”. Continues reading the review): 

“As Dr. David Hughes clearly establishes, the moment has arrived with dire consequences for humanity, save for the ruling transnational crime class, criminal class and its carefully-chosen guardians.” 

Yes, we are fighting a upper echelon class. They’ve stolen all the money from us. They robbed our freedom. They put most countries in national debt. So this is from Douglas Valentine, author of ‘The CIA as Organized Crime’. David, any response to this nice praise?

David A Hughes: Well, firstly, I’m very grateful to Douglas for offering this. But yeah, I mean, technocracy is an ideology which goes back to the 1930s and the era of the Great Depression and seeking to find an alternative system to capitalism and the unpredictable booms and busts and so on.

And so originally, it was based on the idea of pricing everything according to the energy cost of production and usage. And originally, it was supposed to create greater leisure time for everybody. So it’s all about the scientific management of society, creating greater efficiencies and so on. And in principle, that sounds nice. 

Now, the problem is that over the course of the subsequent century, this idea has morphed into ideas about scientific dictatorship in the mid-20th century. It’s involved huge infusions of funding from the Rockefeller Foundation into China since the 1970s, that’s partly behind the rise of China, particularly in terms of R&D. It’s very interesting. And this has led to what Iain Davis refers to as China being the world’s first “technate”, i.e. the first kind of proof that technocracy can be rolled out in an entire country – and indeed, the world’s most populous country.

So, I think what we’re faced with now is a project to take that model, which has been proven to work and to roll it out across the entire West, as well and essentially to globalize it. However, I will just add, it is a form of totalitarianism. 

James Grundvig: Here’s your bio for the audience, right here: “David Hughes is Senior Lecturer, International Relations at the University of Lincoln, UK. Degrees from Oxford University, German studies. You speak German? 

David A Hughes: Yes, I do. Although it’s been about 20 years since I last did.

James Grundvig: No reason for it now. Well, not yet anyways. You’ve also researched psychological warfare. 9/11 of course. I lived in New York City, COVID-19. 

9/11 was used by the Globalists to unite everybody. COVID-19 was used for the opposite; to divide everybody. This is how the game is played by the Deep State, by the Globalists. Anything to add to this? 

David A Hughes: Well, only that I never, in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be bringing my first doctorate in German studies back out, dusting it off. Obviously, I knew quite a bit, from four years of studying German at Oxford, and then another year at Oxford doing a master’s degree and then the PhD at Duke. I also lived in Germany on study years in Berlin and Munster for two years.

So, I do have quite a significant background and grounding, educationally in the Nazi past. I never, for one moment thought that would be relevant to the 2020s. Unfortunately, it turns out to be central!

James Grundvig: It’s actually really good, in my opinion. I think we’re at the Daniel 2:35 moment, where God’s rock, God’s Law destroys the Fifth and Final Kingdom, which is the New World – or Nazi – World Order. It’s going to be destroyed.

I believe we’re going to win. I think the political earthquake is just part of what’s going on. A lot of people are waking up and once the masses wake up, they can’t stop the momentum. 

David A Hughes: I agree 100%. We’re living in very precarious times, now. They’ve really went for it very, very strongly with the psychological warfare in 2020 and 2021. But I think, increasingly more and more people are getting wise to what they’re up to, what these technocratic totalitarian agendas are all about and he resistance is mounting incrementally, every day. I think they’re in real trouble and we just have to hold our ground. 

James Grundvig: I agree. We’ve got to stand up, hold our ground, not do anything violence-related. Just take advantage of free will. 

David A Hughes: Lawful, peaceful protest, mass non-compliance against all aspects of technocracy, civil disobedience, where appropriate. I would also add in, perhaps trying to ditch smart technologies and making that a norm, as well, because they’re being used to oppress us. But no, it doesn’t require violence of any kind. 

James Grundvig: No, it absolutely does not. In fact, the CBDCs are way behind schedule. Agenda 2030 is six years behind schedule, from all my sources. There’s no way they’re going to be able to roll it out the way they thought they would. And now, because it’s out of schedule, out of sequence, out of order, their global plans are really in deep trouble.

David A Hughes: Yeah. There’s a real note of urgency when you listen to them speak, as well. One of the things I’ve argued in a previous book is that, at the start of the so-called pandemic, many of these senior figures, like Gates and Schwab and Kristalina Georgieva of the IMF, they all came out with a kind of 18-month time frame. “This has to be done within 18 months! This has to be done within 18 months!” 

And that took us to roughly September-October 2021 and when that moment arrived, there was a real sense of desperation in some of the things they were saying. So I don’t know if you recall Ngair Woods at the World Economic Forum, talking about how the good news is, she said, “The good news is that the elites trust each other more and more,” you know, very self-congratulatory elites. “But the bad news is the people are trusting their elites less and less and if they don’t trust us, we can lead, but they won’t follow.” 

And I thought that was really very, very telling that there’s a gulf opening up, now. And indeed, it was only a few months after that, that the World Economic Forum launched its “Rebuilding Trust” initiative. Why would it need to rebuild trust? I can’t imagine, but I don’t think the prospects are very good for being able to do so! 

James Grundvig: Well, you know, they came out in Davos January of this year, like you said, Rebuilding Trust was the theme, and yet they turned around Ursula von der Leyen, and she comes out and says what? “Disinformation, misinformation is the number one threat to the world.” Really? Threat to their world – not to our world.

David A Hughes: That’s right. And they can’t hide their true colors. And this nonsense about the “infodemic” has been there from the start and this whole kind of phony concept of “misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, fact-checking,” and all the rest of it is very simply an excuse for censorship. 

The truth is coming out in great volume now. And their only recourse, now is to try and cover it up with censorship. Again, it’s desperate. 

James Grundvig: It’s desperate, and it’s ultimately failing, especially at Twitter, among other places and there’s new platforms, beyond YouTube.

So, the Cancel Culture is not working the way they thought it would, as well. So the truth is coming out. And every day, I see new citizen-reporters. They weren’t there five years ago. They weren’t there four years ago, like you and I were, right? They’ve only come out in the last two years. So, someone educated them.

And they’re very organic. And they pick on one subject, and in two minutes, really dismantle false flags, decode false narratives, on and on. They’re mocking the elites and it’s been amazing to watch. And there’s millions of them, apparently.

David A Hughes: Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, you only have to go back maybe 10 years or so, maybe a little bit longer. That very term, false flag, how many people would have even understood it in that relatively recent past? 

Now, most people know what it’s referring to. I think most people understand that 9/11, for example, was a very clear false flag, and that there have been many others and this is part of the modus operandi of 21st century governance. It relies very strongly on these very nefarious means of behavior. It relies very strongly on deception and means of fear, and terror, and so on.

And this is how we’re being governed, essentially. It’s really shocking. And once people wake up to this, I think there’s going to be mass resistance.

James Grundvig: Yeah, let’s dive into your book a little bit. I have the Table of Contents in front of me. We have the Introduction, ‘The Emergence of Global Totalitarianism’, and ‘Explaining the Resurgence of Nazism’.

Now, before we go into that chapter: Western Ukraine, it appeared, from my research of Martin Bormann, that the Vatican and the Red Cross escorted 50,000 hard Nazis into Western Ukraine after World War II – or at the end of World War II. And they set up shop – and that is who Russia’s fighting today in Ukraine: the Azov Nazis, Zelensky, and the rest of them. Is that kind of accurate? 

David A Hughes: It’s a simplified picture. I’m going to have quite a long piece about Ukrainian connections to Nazism coming out on my Substack, in the coming weeks and months at dhughes.substack.com

What you find is that when you go back many, many decades, there were elements within Ukraine that were fighting alongside and on behalf of some of the worst elements of Nazi Germany during the War of Annihilation in the East, and were co-participating in some of the worst war crimes. 

Now, all of that history has to be swept under the carpet, when you get to the 21st century and attempts to pit the Ukraine against Russia – and it’s involved open promotion of Nazi elements within the Ukraine, of which the Azov battalion is only the most notable.

But this whole kind of flag-waving for Ukraine and so on, I mean – if only people knew! Political opposition has been banned within Ukraine. These Nazi elements have great influence within the military, there.

So there’s a lot of very dark stuff going on in Ukraine, which is relevant to this. I don’t get into it in this particular book. But certainly, once you understand the kind of pro-Nazi preferences, shall we say, of this totalitarian, transnational ruling class, none of this should come as any surprise.

James Grundvig: Very, very, very good. I’m with you on that. So, ‘Echoes of the Third Reich’, your second chapter, you dive in a lot of old history from the Nazis’ propaganda.

So, in the United States, we know that Operation Paperclip imported rocket scientists, but then they also imported a bioterrorist scientist, right? So that entire program came over. 

They imported propaganda, which, to me is what we’ve been fighting for the last dozen years; against Obama, who legalized it through the Defense Act in the United States in 2013; all the censorship, all the gaslighting, but we’re very good, now at identifying all of that and fighting back.

And then, of course, they imported the MKULTRA program. Have you dived into the MKULTRA program of the Nazis, by any chance? 

David A Hughes: Oh, big time. That’s in my previous book, which came out just in April, called ‘COVID-19: Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy’.

And I have a whole chapter there on trauma-based mind control and MKULTRA and how those kinds of techniques were used against populations transnationally in 2020 and 2021. 

James Grundvig: Got it. That’s very good.

So did the euthanasia and eugenics program pre-World War II, post-World War II turn into genetics? They just did the change of names to hide what they were really doing? What are your thoughts? 

David A Hughes: Yeah, I mean, “population control” might be a better term to use than genetics. But again, it’s important to be clear that this isn’t something which is or ever was exclusive to Nazi Germany.

It was promoted heavily by the Rockefellers, for example. They funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, where many of these medical experiments took place. But of course, in the United States, California and sterilization and so on, this is where a lot of these eugenics programs originate – also, in the UK. So again, it’s something which is kind of linked to ruling class agendas. 

Now, after 1945, eugenics quite rightly earned a bad name, because of everything that the Nazis did. But I don’t think the Rockefellers ever gave up on it, in promoting ideas of population control and so on and then later, with the whole kind of ‘Limits to Growth’ and the Club of Rome in 1968 and the Global Depopulation Agenda. 

There’s some famous text that you can access from those years of the late 1960s and early 1970s. And, Lo and Behold! what do we see? As reflected in UN data that I cite in this book about the global population – well, although the total populations continue to rise, the number of children per women being born in every region of the world – apart from Africa has fallen to below the 2.1 replacement rate – since that exact time!

So either that’s one hell of a coincidence or there is, in fact a real agenda at play, there. So yeah, I think these ideas have not gone away. I think that eugenics is still very much with us. I’d even go so far as to say it’s been rebranded today under the badge of  “transhumanism”, but it’s all still there. 

James Grundvig: It is all still there. How does economics play a role? We’re talking about the 2.1. Back in the ’60s in the United States, a father could bring home money for the entire family; family of four or five, family of three, no problem, at all – and now, there’s no way. They can barely afford it. Even wives have to work. Even with both parents doing it, they’re not doing extremely well – nowhere near as good as the ’60s with a single wage-earner. So obviously, economics has played a major role, right? Inflation, the boom-bust cycle, like you said, taxes for sure.

That has been a part of this agenda as well, right? That’s like trying to break the back of the Middle Class. 

David A Hughes: Absolutely. And that goes back to five decades now of Neoliberalism.

The testbed for a Neoliberal economy was Chile. And when they overthrew Allende and put Pinochet in charge of the CIA, back in 1973, one of the things that they did was to institute Neoliberal economics in Chile, backed by dictatorship. 

Now, what we’ve seen since then as this model, this Neoliberal Model has been gradually spread out, all across the West and beyond is that real wages and real living standards, when adjusted for inflation have not risen or have barely risen since the late 1960s.

Meanwhile, a lot of wealth has been generated globally. However, it has overwhelmingly been creamed off by the top 1%, the top .01%, the top .001% and so on. It rises almost exponentially as you get up that curve.

Now I think – and this is what I argue in the previous book on psychological operations – I think that we’ve reached a stage now, where so much wealth and power is held in the hands of so few, that that system has become incredibly lopsided and incredibly unstable. 

And that minority, that tiny minority that hold that power are extremely worried, now for their position, trying to maintain control over a global population of 8 billion people, many of whom have become extremely restive, as a result of a decade and a half of austerity. There were major protests in one in one in five countries in 2019.

That social unrest was becoming quite obvious. And then in 2020, that COVID emergency break was thrown. And all of those protests came screeching to a halt.

And instead, what did we see under COVID? Well, this is what I argue in this book, economically speaking, we saw processes, which resemble what happened in Nazi Germany: So the big businesses were strongly favored, they were allowed to remain open during COVID. And meanwhile, the small and medium-sized enterprises were left to go to the wall, essentially.

And the net result was a global wealth transfer of something like $3.3 trillion from the lower- and middle classes to the Super Rich. So again, this kind of extreme inequality of wealth and punishing the lower and middle classes. That was a hallmark of Nazi Germany, backed by Wall Street. And it’s a hallmark of what took place in 2020! 

James Grundvig: No question about that. So yeah, I don’t trust anything, anymore coming from the United Nations or any other so-called “global organization”, World Economic Forum, etc.

So when I heard “8 billion people”, about a month ago, David, I actually did some research. I used to be an Estimator of Construction so I can handle a napkin paper estimate very simply. 

So, I went into and I looked at India’s largest 20 cities. They have a combined population of 105 million – only. 21st city had 1 million. So then, I took the next 300 largest cities in India, figured a half million each, I thought that would be pretty generous and combined in the top 320 largest cities in India only brings a population of 260 million, give or take. 

I am like, “There’s no way there’s a billion people in India – not at all. Now if that’s a lie, then China doesn’t have a billion people, either.”

Now, I’m questioning the whole “overpopulation” narrative, because that’s what the entire Climate Change hoax is based on, right? It’s based on overpopulation. So I doubt, very much we have 8 billion. I think we have something closer to 5 billion.

I don’t know if you’ve ever even thought about looking at that number, but what are your feelings? 

David A Hughes: Right. So that’s something that I’ve not personally looked into, so I can’t comment on the accuracy or veracity of those claims. However, the people that we’re dealing with do operate through big lies. So in principle, it could be possible. 

Now, in terms of the Global Overpopulation Agenda being very deceptive, in and of itself, we already know that it is. And again, it goes back to this phenomenon of the birth rate dropping below 2.1 children per woman in most parts of the world.

So, even though we’ve seen this prodigious rise in the global population from 1.5 billion, roughly, around 1950 to 8 billion allegedly today, the point is that we’re kind of reaching the top of a very steep curve and it could decline very fast, going the other way, because of not producing enough children. And there are places, like Italy and Japan, for example, that have real population crises, now. They have proportionately a very elderly population and not enough young people.

So this whole idea of “global overpopulation”, it does look like a ruse, to some extent, because we could be facing the opposite problem by the end of this century.

James Grundvig: I am with you on that a hundred percent. ‘Hijacking Conscience’ is one of your sections in Chapter Two. What is that about? 

David A Hughes: So, this goes back to a book written by Claudia Koonz in 2003, called ‘The Nazi Conscience’. So she was a scholar of Nazi Germany. She taught me at Duke and she makes a fantastic argument in that book that, contrary to the clichéd image of ordinary Germans as mere “order followers”, actually many Germans were, if not fully, then, substantially behind what was taking place. 

And this was the result of many, many years of propaganda, of brainwashing, of laws coming into place, of becoming ever-more familiar with cultural discrimination and so on. And so, over the course of the eight years before the Holocaust, these things had started to become normalized – ways of thinking about Jews and other minorities had become normalized and accepted and that laid the framework for the horrors that later came. 

Now, in my section on ‘Hijacking Conscience’, I draw some parallels between that and some of the kind of inversions of morality that took place during the COVID era, whereby those who would kind of stand up for principles of individual liberty and human freedom and so on – they were demonized!

Those who didn’t want to take an experimental substance into their bodies with only a few months safety data, they were heavily stigmatized as “anti-vaxxers” and so on. ‘The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’, the degree of stigmatization was really off the charts. 

And again, in my previous book, ‘COVID-19: Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy’, in Chapter Seven of that book, I go into great detail about the mechanisms of social division that were at play, there.

And again, in a sense, the conscience is hijacked. Everything was back to front. So, people thought that they were very “virtuous” by wearing masks and standing six feet apart and getting injected and so on. Whereas in reality, all of these things were diabolical. They were part of a psychological operation that was intended to harm and debilitate and disorientate. So the whole thing got very, very badly twisted.

And again, you mentioned Climate Change. We see a similar kind of thing with that. It’s allegedly “virtuous” to sing the praises of carbon credits and this kind of thing. People don’t see the totalitarian agendas that are being rolled out undercover of climate change. So it’s very, very similar, again, to the 1930s, in terms of what’s going on here. 

James Grundvig: The same playbook, for sure. There’s no question in my mind. Last week, for my movie, ‘Splintering Babylon’, which the audience knows about, I was in Jekyll Island. So I went to see the Rockefeller Cottage, which was built over Canaanite altar.

The island was owned by the seven bankers of the day, the industrialists, pre-World War II. They owned the entire island. And it used to be a club, turned into a hotel now and stuff like that.

But it was very interesting to see where the Federal Reserve enslavement system was created in 1910 and eventually got rammed through, in 1913 on Christmas Eve in the United States Congress. I just find the whole thing interesting. And then, you got ‘Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler’.

So talk about – because you got a lot of familiar names in there, DuPont General Motors, IBM, Rockefeller Chase National Bank, Sullivan & Cromwell, big law firm out of New York City, Ford, Henry Ford, Ford Company, Harriman and Bush. I mean, it just goes on and on. Talk to the audience about this chapter.

David A Hughes: Yeah. So in very simple terms, the way that history has taught to us is that the Nazis were the “baddie”s and that we, in this case, the United States and Britain, were the “goodies”. And it’s a kind of black and white dichotomy.

But when you actually do your homework on this, you find that it would have been impossible for the Nazis to build up their War Machine and recover economically and actually go to war and wage war and sustain that war, were it not for the backing of very wealthy industrialists and financiers, particularly around Wall Street and to a lesser extent, around the City of London. 

So this is pretty shocking, really. Synthetic fuel, for example, is one obvious instance here that was required for the Luftwaffe to be able to fly its warplanes. That was being supplied by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company! Often kind of contravening international law, to be able to actually ship it transatlantically. 

So, in that chapter, I go into dozens and dozens of these kinds of mechanisms of financing and funding and sending raw materials of all kinds. And this went on all the way through to the end of the war – even after the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1942!

And what’s even more shocking is that at end of the war, there was no justice for any of these people. 

James Grundvig: Right. Are you talking about Prescott Bush, back in the War, in particular as the father of George H.W. Bush? 

David A Hughes: Yeah. So this gets very, very complex. I’d advise readers to read the actual section on this. It was connections with the Harriman family – again – another very wealthy family and they had any number of ties to Nazi Germany – again – through a particular Dutch bank and through various programs, involving, what was it called? It was a kind of a currency exchange program that was encouraging Nazis living abroad to return to Germany, in exchange for good currency exchange. 

I mean, they also had interests in Silesia, which is where Auschwitz was ultimately set up. As John Loftus has argued, that site, the choice of location, it wasn’t originally a death camp. It was originally set up as a labor camp. And it was originally set up in a location that would allow raw materials to be shipped from Russia, and then the slave labor exploited by the Nazis. 

And again, Bush and Harriman had a stake in this. So in a sense, the Bush fortune, and this is – again, what John Loftus argues – was very much kind of based on blood money. 

And obviously, this is very troubling, because this is the grandfather of a future President of the United States – and his son who became President of the United States. So when we understand the history of these families and the moral caliber of who we’re dealing with, it’s extremely troubling, when we think of who our leaders really are.

James Grundvig: I’m with you. So, George HW Bush, Number 41, from my sources, went to China in 1972, when Henry Kissinger did, to open up the trade relations. And while Kissinger was meeting with Mao and all that stuff, guess what happened? So George HW Bush signed 700 factories and plants to contracts to offshore American economics; to offshore American manufacturing. That is something that absolutely happened. Do you have anything to weigh in on that? 

David A Hughes: I wasn’t aware of that. I mean, it fits perfectly into a kind of Neoliberal – 

James Grundvig: It makes sense, right? 

David A Hughes: Well, it does, in that exploitative model. And again, how close must you be to power? Because he went on to become CIA Director and my understanding is that, legally speaking, if you’ve been a CIA Director, you can’t then go on to be Vice President and President – and of course, he did. 

So the rules don’t apply to these people. They can essentially do whatever they want. And I guess that’s before we get on to questions of the allegations that he was present at the JFK Assassination.

James Grundvig: Yeah. I’m with you on all this. This is Globalists, unfortunately – because you brought up in the beginning of this show about China being the testbed for technocracy, right? And then we’ve seen this with the Social Credit Score for the last decade or so, with all American major tech companies, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, all of them, Apple, all involved in helping out that digital enslavement system.

So it’s interesting. I just thought I’d bring it up, because that’s another avenue for you to go research one day in the future. 

‘Post-War Era’. So, there was a lot of failure, right? We had the ‘Bank for International Settlements’, ‘The Role of Vatican’, ‘Failures of Denazification’. You want to explain that one?

David A Hughes: Yes. Well, I mean, again, the whole idea after 1945 was that denazification took place, processes were enacted, which made sure that the Nazi past was properly dealt with and the former Nazis were brought to justice and shouldn’t be allowed to assume influential positions and so on.

Unfortunately, within almost no time, a matter of years and sometimes earlier, many of these senior figures were being exonerated. Many of them were finding their ways straight back into leading positions in German society. 

You mentioned the Bank for International Settlements. I mean, this is an extraordinary entity, which kind of seems to sit atop of all of the central banks. And while the various countries were all at war with one another during 1942, the Bank for International Settlements just carried on business as normal, despite the fact that its directors at the time, its Managing Director was an American. It had senior British figures on the board, but the majority were Nazis!

So how do you square that? And one of the many crimes that the Bank for International Settlements was involved with had to do with Nazi gold. And some of the Nazi directors on the board had a direct hand in looting the gold from the mouths of concentration camp victims, for example. So there were calls, at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 for the Bank for International Settlements to be disbanded – and rightly so. And guess what? It’s still here today. 

So the problem was that the Denazification failed. It was an abject failure. And again, in terms of justice, today, we sometimes hear about calls for “Nuremberg 2.0” for some of the COVID criminals. But to that, I would respond that Nuremberg 1.0 was, in large measure a failure – not least because no American or Brit was charged, let alone brought to justice. 

And again, when you consider the influence that these very powerful Anglo-American financiers had in funding the rise of Hitler and the rise of the Nazi War Machine, this is really inexcusable. So it’s very much a Victor’s Justice. 

James Grundvig: I’m with you completely on that. How about ‘Descendants of Nazis in Positions of Power Today’? 

David A Hughes: Yeah. So again, this is a disturbingly long section. You might like to think that former leading Nazis would not have been able to assume leading political or industrial or other leading positions in society thereafter – but not just in Germany. 

We see multiple instances of this, for example, within the EU, particularly within NATO, the foundation of the Bilderberg Group in the mid 1950s. It goes on and on and all the way through to the present, of course, when you consider somebody like Klaus Schwab, the Director of the World Economic Forum. He is the son of a man called Eugen Schwab, who was a leading industrialist in Nazi Germany. And he was granted special permission by the Nazis to use slave labor!

So we’re dealing with direct descendants from the Nazis – or Chrystia Freeland in Canada. One of her relatives, I forget the exact relation now, was to do with the Ukrainian Nazi connection. But there are many of these kinds of instances.

Ursula von der Leyen, again, has these bloodlines. I mentioned her in the book. So even just in terms of direct connections that you can trace in these very tangible ways, there are many more there than we would like to imagine.

James Grundvig: Yeah, and they’re in positions of power, which is the worst part about it. Not [just] they’re alive, but they’re in positions of power, continuing to carry out the Technocracy Totalitarian Agenda. 

It’s just totally insane that this has happened but we need to be woken up to all of this and see all the criminals dealt with – not in courts of law – because courts of law [are useless] – in real military tribunals – not doing Nuremberg 2.0, because Nuremberg 1.0 was a failure. 

It was kind of a show. It allowed the Globalists to get rid of the ones they didn’t want. They sacrificed them. “We don’t need you.” And it’s all done. Everybody thought it was great. 

And then suddenly, former Nazi officers are involved in the creation of NATO, they’re involved in the creation of the United Nations, they’re involved in the creation of NASA. It’s just one thing after another. And it’s like, “Alright, we didn’t win the War, did we?” 

David A Hughes: Yeah, and of course, with Operation Paperclip as well, and the US State Department and the CIA, actively bringing in many, many Nazis to the US, some of whom were involved in the MKULTRA program. Similar is true of Canada, imported a large number of Nazis. Britain and Australia also took some former Nazis.

And it becomes very troubling when you start looking at some of the modes of operation used by the CIA and other actors of US foreign policy. Let’s take torture, for example, in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s, Death Squads and so on. A lot of this you can trace right back to the Nazis.

And of course, at the time, most Americans weren’t aware of it. It simply wasn’t reported on the media. How would they know? By now, all of this has become common knowledge and the lines of continuity are far easier to trace.

But what I try to do in this book, on the whole, is to open, in Chapters One and Two by saying, “Here are many, many continuities between what has happened since 2020 in the West and what took place in 1930s Nazi Germany. What explains those continuities?”

That’s when I get into a kind of class analysis. That’s when I look at these very powerful actors that are involved but what I also do, over the course of the book is to trace the continuities chronologically and historically, all the way, through, from the 1930s, through every subsequent decade, to the present, so that you can see that this isn’t accidental. 

It may be surprising, because a lot of this, by design, was intended to remain hidden. But when you actually do the research, you can plot the continuities right the way through.

James Grundvig: Very, very good. Deep State. A good friend of mine, many degrees, PhD at Harvard, all that nice stuff – I won’t mention his name – but he didn’t believe that Deep State existed in 2020 or 2021. And I’m like, “Really?” He had the Steele Dossier, Russiagate. 

But you go into the Deep State a little bit differently. You go into the Wall Street angle, you go into the Wall Street-Soviet relations connection, you go into the Cold War transnational class relations. So, the Deep State does exist, does it not? 

David A Hughes: Yeah. And I don’t think that this is an idle metaphor, at all. I think it’s a really existing entity and a very useful analytical category. And you can literally trace the origins of this entity to the post-World War II Era, in particular, the late 1940s in the United States. 

Most of it, I think, centers around the CIA. But again, things have come to light since then, which have been very, very interesting. Take Operation Gladio, for example. A series of false flag terrorist attacks conducted in Italy in the 1970s and 1980s and blamed on Leftists.

This was a way of maintaining a kind of authoritarian structure of rule, essentially, keeping the population in a state of fear, so that it would cede its liberties, in exchange for security. 

Now, this was a NATO operation, and Gladio was just the Italian element. It actually spanned all of Europe and into Turkey and who knows, maybe elsewhere as well.

Now, Gladio only came to light in 1990. But when you realize that these so-called stay-behind armies were first put in place in the late 1940s, exactly around the time that NATO was formed, you can see that this kind of covert military apparatus was there decades ago! And how much of it are we still waiting to unearth and to uncover? 

But many people ask, how could it have been in 2020 that all governments, essentially, and all mainstream media outlets all responded in basically the same way? What explains this unprecedented level of global coordination? And I’m telling you now, it’s not a deadly virus.

James Grundvig: It’s not deadly. I completely agree with you. Virus is only one of the tools they use against us. The vaccines were only Part A of a binary weapon, Part B was the 5G EMF towers in the West, but that is not working at all, like they thought, because it’s been neutralized. So they have to roll-out now a second round of lockdowns, called “Climate Change”, call it “Disease X”, call it “Avian Flu”. 

They want to get two for one. They want to be able to go seize farms because they got some invisible flu going through, killing cattle and chickens and they’re burning farms, blowing them up, whatever they’re doing. And they’re blaming this “Invisible Enemy” all over. It’s the same playbook from four years ago. It’s kind of pathetic, in my opinion. 

David A Hughes: Yes, indeed. And the “Invisible Enemy” goes back decades. The terrorist lurking behind the corner after 9/11, the Fifth Column Communist infiltrators during the Cold War. This has been used for decades to try and create this state of fear and panic in the population. And it’s known to make populations more susceptible to propaganda, more psychologically malleable and thereby, easier to control.

James Grundvig: Very good. Dave, we’ve got four minutes left. Last question, then we can talk about where people can find you. 

So last question is your last chapter, ‘Where Does this All Lead to?’ New World Order, eco-fascism. Go ahead, floor’s yours.

David A Hughes: Right. So, Chapter Seven is probably the grimmest chapter of the book because, as I say, there is a historical trajectory which is charted, over the course of this book. 

Now, we all know where 1930s Nazi Germany led, in terms of the War of Annihilation, war crimes, the Holocaust, medical experimentation, and everything that Nazi Germany is remembered for, in an exceptionally negative way.

The point about the book is that the historical trajectory that we, in the West are now on is not accidental. It is by design. It’s a deliberate attempt to institute totalitarianism, this time, a global form, this time, a novel bio-digital form of totalitarianism that’s known as Technocracy.

But again, it’s by design. It’s in response to a major crisis moment. So 1929, back then with the Wall Street crash and the Great Depression and so on and as I say, in 2019, major social unrest all across the world, major crisis in the global monetary and financial system, major crisis in the Western propaganda system. 

The logics are all very similar. And so, unless we recognize this for what it is, which is a Global Technocratic Coup being enacted across every area of life, and unless we put it down, then we can expect, on a global level to see a return of many of the kinds of the worst horrors of Nazi Germany.

And I lay that out quite graphically in Chapter Seven. So yes, we will be dealing with the return of slavery, for example, the New World Order concept – which many scoff at – the Nazis had the idea of a “New Order” in Europe; the return of eugenics, the return of euthanasia and many other ugly elements.

This is what lies in wait for us, unless we stop this. 

James Grundvig: Yeah, I’m with you 100%. I think people in Europe are tired of war, tired of the people above them and I think massive change is coming. I’m looking at three events happening this year. I have no idea when they’re happening.

One is the Global Financial Meltdown; Black Swan, right? The US petrodollar literally doesn’t exist anymore, as far as trading oil. As of yesterday, the 50-year Kissinger, OPEC, Saudi Arabia deal expired on Sunday the 10th. That is finished.

And Number Two, we got Russia, now in Cuba. We’ve got Russian aiming all of its tactical nukes, got 11 Russian submarines in the Atlantic. 

I say it looks like Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0. We’re going to a nuclear showdown of some kind, no matter what. Will that wake up humanity? I’m not saying full-blown destruction, but will a nuclear showdown, something 100,000 times bigger than 9/11 event, if you all knew where you were in 9/11, you’ll know where you are here. 

And then the last piece is the vaccinated. At some point, we’re reaching critical mass, and all the vaccinated, a lot of them dying from turbo cancer – a British term, by the way, created by British doctors  not by tabloid press. 

In the summer of 2021, you got the myocarditis, you got young people dying at record numbers. All of this is going to converge at some point this summer, fall, I don’t know when, but it’s coming. Any thoughts on that? And then where can people find you? 

David A Hughes:  Yeah, I agree. And I’ve said in previous interviews, that, in terms of the bigger picture, the transnational ruling class now has no choice but to keep pushing for its global technocracy, because the old paradigm of rule is finished. It, itself is trying to achieve the controlled demolition of liberal democracy.

So it has no choice, now but to keep going. It’s kind of tobogganing towards disaster. On the other hand, the people are waking up, and they have no choice but to push back and fight back.

Now, in many ways, including all of the ones that you just mentioned, we are seeing profound crises in all these different areas. And what all of this has to come to is some kind of major moment. And who knows when it will be, probably in the next few years.

But I think we are living right on the verge, now of one of the major kind of historical shifts. And who knows which way it will go – be it in our favor or their favor– I don’t have a crystal ball, I couldn’t say, but something I think huge is now imminent.

In terms of where to find me and my work, the best place is Substack, so dhughes.substack.com. Most of my work is on there, including my previous book, ‘COVID-19: Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy’. That is available as a free download. I was able to publish that under Creative Commons 4.0 license.

So, if you do fancy giving something back in exchange for that considerable amount of work, please consider taking out a paid Substack subscription or buymeacoffee.com/dahughes. And hopefully I’ll have two new websites coming online very soon, davidahughes.net and omniwar.org. 

James Grundvig: Love it both. I’ll bring you back on as a guest in the near future. For the audience, I also publish my books in Skyhorse Publishing, who’s published David’s latest book on ‘Wall Street and the Nazis in the Deep State’.

Pretty fascinating. Thank you very much. I know you’ve got to leave. Have a great day. 

David A Hughes: Thank you so much. I appreciate your time, James.