Vatican Translator: Alien God Genetically Cloned Humans, Mauro Biglino (1of2)


This is my original mind blowing interview with Vatican translator Mauro Biglino. I have done two interviews since this original one, but both of those build from this. This interview was originally done in 2018, but it is timeless.

Here is the original description:

Vatican Translator and Italian scholar of religious studies, Mauro Biglino, joins the program to share his knowledge on what the 17 books that he translated really said. He shares that the original Hebrew bible and old testament is not a religious document, rather a history text on the origins of homo sapiens. He claims the original text explains that human beings were genetically modified and created by an advanced race using their genetics and that of other primates already on Earth. This is a mind bending conversation that looks into the ancient texts from a very different paradigm than most have seen. Of course, this interpretation, no matter what ultimately is found to be the truth, does not negate the reality or possibility that God or an ultimate creator exists. It also does not mean a one world religion is needed or imminent.

Vatican Translator: Alien God Genetically Cloned Humans, Mauro Biglino (2of2)