More important than Trump’s public flogging of the coke head Zelenskyy, after he threatened our country is the reaction by the EU and UK. Their coddling of this neo-fascist and hostility towards Russia offer an opening for the US to withdraw from NATO and unshackle our people from the City of London Annunaki Crown Bloodline.
For more than a decade there have been signs that the “special relationship” between the US and UK may be hitting the skids. Several articles have appeared in the British press sounding the alarm. Here is one from The Telegraph in January 2015:
The hit on Russian political opposition leader Boris Nemtsov bore all the hallmarks of an MI6 hit designed to deepen the rift between the US and Russia. Ditto the Sripal poisoning. Britain sent advisors to Ukraine, while also stating it would cut military spending, putting even more of the burden for their defense on the US.
The British did Brexit and joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – a $50 billion China-based effort which the US has refused to take part in. The Obama Administration expressed outrage at the UK for trying to ‘constantly accommodate’ China:
Long ago America was conceived as the “New World” component of a New World Order planned by the Rothschilds and their City of London Khazar/Babylonian/Freemason progeny.
America was to be the lynchpin in the creation of a system where the ruling European fondi could now hide behind a façade of democracy, while maintaining and consolidating control over all the planet’s resources and people.
The revolution of 1776 made us free from the British parliament, but not from the Crown, which stills controlled our financial apparatus through the Bank of the United States (BUS) – precursor to the Federal Reserve. Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton pushed the BUS through over the objections of Thomas Jefferson and many other founding fathers.
In the beginning the Levant and East India Companies treated America much like the British Empire treated the rest of the world, bringing in African slaves to more easily pilfer her resources. All of this was managed by largely British Southern plantation owners who were both Freemasons and Ku Klux Klan. Their spiritual guru was 33rd Degree Freemason and Klan founder Albert Pike.
Angered by the populist Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the Rothschilds backed the secessionists and tried to seize the southern resource base for the Crown. America remained intact thanks to Russian Czar Nicholas, who send a navy flotilla to the US Atlantic coast as a message to the Brits.
In the early 20th Century the Rothschilds launched the Roundtable as a global plan for hegemony. Its ugly stepchild was the London-based Royal Institute for International Affairs, which immediately spawned sister organizations in numerous countries. Its US branch is known as the Council on Foreign Relations.
Roundtable oligarchs were dispatched around the world in an attempt to monopolize resources. Cecil Rhodes set up shop in South Africa. Paul Warburg went to Eastern Europe. The Kuhn Loebs funded the Rockefellers in their US takeover. Plans were made to control the Middle East oil patch through the creation of both Saudi Arabia and Israel as British puppets. Behind it all were the Rothschilds.
The Babylonian banksters next dragged America into two world wars under false pretexts, all the while profiting from the arms, oil, drugs and rebuilding contracts that war entails. It was after the second war that the oligarchs engineered the Bretton Woods deal which created the World Bank and its IMF enforcer. Bretton Woods would be the vehicle through which the new US/UK “special relationship” could be covertly realized.
The British Empire never died. It simply became known as the Commonwealth, all the while hiding behind its new Hessianized mercenary force known as the United States of America. To accomplish their goal of creating Anglophiles in the New World, London’s Tavistock Institute set about making Americans love the British. Thus the steady increase in British accents crowding TV news and “programming” in this country.
In Iraq, the US sacrificed blood and treasure so that BP and Royal Dutch/Shell could be awarded the first oil contracts. In Afghanistan, more US lives were wasted and more debt accumulated so the poppy trade could be revived and the Rothschilds’ HSBC bank could ring up record profits laundering the heroin proceeds.
Both of these wars occurred because President George W/ Bush – blood cousin of the Windsor family – lied and covered up 911, while his brother Marvin was running Securacom – a Crown Corporation subsidiary which held the security contract on the World Trade Center when it was attacked. It was Securacom who would have allowed the “elevator maintenance” people into the buildings in the weeks before 911 where they set the charges which eventually brought those buildings down.
There are people in this Trump Administration who know these things. During his first term this was not the case. Crown agents like Bolton, Pompeo and Barr rushed in to steer Trump away from a populist worldview. This time around Kennedy, Gabbard, Patel, Bhattacharya and others will do just the opposite.
This is our chance to dump our Crown controllers and the European fondi we’ve been protecting. Let us instead make peace with Russia, China, Iran, the Palestinians and progressive forces within the global South.