Historians on the Crown payroll would have us believe that there is absolutely no connection between the Egyptian pharaohs and their Sumerian Anunnaki predecessors. They would also have us believe that the decline of Egypt and the rise of the Holy Roman Empire were completely coincidental. As you’ve just read, this is simply not true.
Cleopatra consummated the furtherance of royal bloodline control over the planet through her eugenics-driven affair with Julius Caesar just as the bloodline was being forced by Egyptian revolutionaries to relocate to a new zip code.
But you won’t hear this from any “Egyptologist”, whose funding depends on the glorification of these supposedly omnipotent “gods”. One has to ask why such a field of study even exists. By now you probably know the answer. It’s the same reason we are inculcated with Italophile and Anglophile views. The peasants must revere both past and present power centers of the royal Anunnaki bloodline.
The truth is that over last 8,500 years, the Babylonian empire never actually died. Neither did the Roman or British Empires. They are the same bloodline empire that has simply changed its base of operations, partly due to more strategic geography, partly to keep researchers of geopolitical power at bay, and partly because the local
populations over which they rule get tired of the wetiko ways of these cosmic carpetbaggers and tend to rise up against them.
The Holy Roman Empire is officially said to have lasted from 962 AD to 1806 AD. But the reality is that it began just as the pharaohs were being run out of Egypt during the time of Jesus’ birth. It was Jesus’ refusal to pledge allegiance to the ever-expanding Roman empire of Caesar and his criticism of the corrupt Jewish stooges of the Romans in Jerusalem, like Pontius Pilate, that ultimately cost him his life. Jesus was fighting the Crown and he was killed by the Crown. It’s that simple.
The Roman Empire did not take on the prefix “Holy” until it had thoroughly taken over the Roman Catholic church. The emperors were pagans, just like their Anunnaki ancestors. But they needed a religion to hide behind and Jesus’ popularity made the Catholic religion the best choice. They had also learned that they could use religion as a political battering ram, passing edicts easily by convincing the serfs that they were God’s representatives on this earth and were carrying forward policies that God sanctioned, no matter how brutal.
Jesus had hand-picked his disciple, Peter, as the rock on which his new Christian church would be built. Initially, Peter set out for Turkey where he founded his first church at Antioch, now Antakya. At the time, it was part of Constantinople in the Eastern Roman Empire. Some of his flock looked east and became Eastern Orthodox Christians. Others looked west and became Roman Catholics.
In 325 AD, the royal bloodline Roman Emperor Constantine I called the First Council of Nicaea. It was here that the bloodline began the corruption of Jesus’ church. They called for Jesus’ brutal death to be celebrated as Easter. Prior to this, Easter had been a time of mourning. To the bloodline, this was simply another blood sacrifice.
Jesus was declared by the council to be the only son of God and elevated to messiah status, something that Jesus himself had warned his disciples against doing. Most Christians at this time understood that Jesus was no more divine than any of the rest of us should strive to be, because that’s what he taught them. These Christian sects, including Jesus’ own Essenes, along with the Gnostics and the Cathars, from which the Catholic Church took its name, were deemed heretics by the First Council of Nicaea.
The council also enshrined canon law, which allowed the Catholic hierarchy to issue papal bulls and dictates without the consent of the church rank and file. This was essentially the first legal system in the modern world. But of course, there was no due process and no recourse for the damned.
Once the fix was in and Christian beliefs were corrupted, one by one a succession of Roman emperors and their stooges in various parts of the Roman Empire began to publicly convert from paganism to Catholicism. Privately, they loathed Jesus as a wild-eyed revolutionary and remained as pagan as any pure-blood Anunnaki invader.
With canon law in place, the Roman Empire could now use religion as a justification for the bloody colonial expansion the royal bloodline was about to undertake. By concealing their true intentions behind a veneer of righteousness, they hoped to fool the indigenous hunters and gatherers that they were about to rape, pillage, and exterminate all around the world. They had learned their lesson in Egypt and going forward, they would have to show at least a modicum of humanity to subdue their potential subjects.
Legend has it that Babylonian bloodline King, Nebuchadnezzar II, destroyed King Solomon’s Temple in Mount Moriah, Israel, in 576 BC. However, many scholars now question whether the temple ever existed in the first place. Whatever the case may be, in 1119, a group calling itself the Order of Solomon’s Temple moved its headquarters to the site of the fabled temple.
They claimed allegiance to the recently consecrated Holy Roman Empire, but more specifically, to the Pope. Their official purpose was to protect Christian pilgrims from Europe traveling to the Middle East to pay homage to the new “holy land”. But their actual allegiance was to the Nephilim royal bloodline, which was now well-ensconced in Europe. Their real mission was to steal the assets of ordinary people and deliver the booty to the Crown.