The Shakespearean Agenda – Are Females Going to Be Removed Altogether and Replaced by Men Dressed as Women?

Oct 16, 2024

The bulk of my writing now revolves around understanding the ancient group we’re dealing with and trying to warn people about their longer-term agendas coming down the pipe. It’s very important to understand that the ancient group we’re dealing with are never satisfied with any of their agendas. They never openly declare that they’ve achieved maximum control or domination of the public in any given area. They never sit down in their board rooms and say, “OK that’s far enough, we’ll leave this particular agenda parked right here and never evolve our control policies beyond what we’ve already accomplished“. They never say that. They always keep going. Like the parasites they are, they keep growing and growing. Always taking more and more control over the uninformed masses. Always building their inverted and satanic dystopia, one block at a time.

For example, let’s look at vaccinations. In the 1960’s children between the ages of 0 and 18 years of age were recommended approximately 5 vaccinations. You could take these injections if you wanted to (or you could decline them), the pressure was there (but that pressure was still relatively low) and a parent’s right to make that choice independently was protected by law. (even though the media/state propaganda still convinced many people to vaccine poison their own children without their knowledge)

Once a general acceptance of their vaccine evil was normalized throughout the society, they just kept moving forward and stepped harder on the accelerator. Step by step, they keep pushing the public toward their dark, rotting and inverted end goals. Today, we now see that children between the ages of 0-18 are expected to submit to near 80 different vaccinations in the United States. Every form of illegality, evil, darkness and mind control imaginable swirls around either tricking parents to poison or force poisoning each child born.

This mass poisoning is underway in almost every country in the world. Vaccination went from, “do it if you want, take a brochure, take your time, it’s your choice” to “your child will be force poisoned in the name of the state/medical death cult or we’ll destroy you and throw you into the sacrificial volcano as well”, That last statement may be a slight exaggeration but it’s really not that far off from the truth whatsoever. For more information regarding the truth of vaccinations, you can click here. Let’s move onto our topic of choice today….my belief that this group is now trying to remove the female gender altogether. Let’s connect some dots.

Knowing how this group works, this particular statue in Denmark really got my attention and had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.


This statue is in Denmark and it’s outside what used to be the Woman’s Museum, which is now renamed The Gender Museum. With this change of title alone, it’s easy to the see that the fingerprints of this ancient death cult are all over this venue to begin with. I say this because in order to “remove women altogether“, which I believe is their plan……you have to travel through many different stages, over several generations. That’s also a primary characteristic of this ancient group. Step by step, inch by inch…..they’ll get you there without you putting up too much of a fight. This is called the Fabian approach, named after Roman Emperor and famous war strategist Emperor Fabian. 

This ancient ruling family crime syndicate dedicates fully to various agendas, which usually takes many generations to accomplish. This sort of approach confuses the average person, who only considers their own goals on a day-to-day basis. Most people today can’t even think 5, 10 or 15 months down the road for themselves or their children….let alone strategically planning 5, 10 or 15 generations into the future. The group we’re dealing with works in 50-year, 100-year and 250-year planning blocks etc.

For example, this group had to set up the Federal Reserve in the United States (in 1913), in order to achieve the power of debanking someone in our modern time. A video from Naomi Wolf appears farther down the page. She was debanked, as were thousands of other people warning about this group’s evil, dark and sinister plans for all of humanity. In order to set up the Federal Reserve, this group even had to sink what we believed was the Titanic….which you can investigate by clicking here.

These ruling group family members, who murdered and bribed their way into the creation of the US Federal Reserve, were well aware that they would indeed be dead long before their ancient goals were accomplished……but they did it anyway because that’s how they rank hierarchy in their evil club.

George Bush Sr. (a past employee of this dark group) appears to have been directly involved with the assassination of JFK and also appears to have been involved with 9/11. 9/11 helped change laws today that would mark US citizens as terrorists on US soil and also abroad etc. That’s something US law firmly forbid up until that time. The weaponization of such laws against all US citizens (due to the fabricated COVID psy-op) was only realized over the past 3 years, long after George Bush Sr was already dead and long after those 9/11 legal changes were implemented. Regardless of political party (after the JFK assassination) it’s been a two-party relay race to ambush the American public. This group dedicates to long term goals, which is something the average undisciplined world citizen could never even fathom.  

Circling back with this basic understanding, let’s take another look at this “man breast feeding a child” statue in Denmark. What’s the long-term goal here? What’s the long-term plot? I don’t know for sure but it doesn’t look good for women as a gender. There’s some other pieces of the puzzle floating around, which also need to be brought to light. I think it’s better for me to summarize my thoughts, using the following bullet points…..

– the group we are dealing with honor many ancient symbols, deities and ideas. 

– one deity they honor is the Baphomet, which is a creature of both genders in one body. The Baphomet is associated with the honoring of Satanism (which is a belief system of inversion regarding God’s natural order). The statue in Denmark is both genders in one body and is in fact a Baphomet, a creature having both a male penis and female breasts. 

– in the recently released book by Naomi Wolf titled “The Pfizer Papers“, we see that 3 times as many women were murdered and injured by the COVID shot, compared to men. How exactly do you murder and injure 3 times more women than men, unless the poison is specifically designed to accomplish this goal? Please remember that COVID as a virus (SARS-COV-2) was never proven to exist, so obviously a COVID vaccine, a COVID test or anything else marketed for something that never existed……was fake, false and fabricated purposely by this ancient group.

– I have spoken on mind control and brainwashing at The US Senate, The Romanian Palace of the Parliament, The EU Parliament and most recently at The Japanese Parliament. You can view some of those talks by clicking here. I’ve also given over 500 interviews on the same subject. Mind control has been weaponized specifically against the female, in order that they’re tricked to destroy themselves on many different fronts. You can review some of these anti-female mind control campaigns that many women are trapped in by clicking here. These mind control campaigns are designed to trick women into taking themselves out. Women are also under chemical attack, as you can read about by clicking here.

– this next point is extremely important – there’s a good chance you don’t believe in God or at least you have your doubts in that area. I say that because that’s one of their long-term mind control agendas. I can tell you without a doubt that this group absolutely believes in God, simply because that’s all they’re out to destroy. This group considers the natural order of this world to be God. Reproduction, males and females, children, health, organic food, the sun, happiness, community etc etc…..this group believes that this natural order is God himself. To destroy some or all of the natural order, is to destroy God. The destruction of God and the natural order is their overarching objective. Natural reproduction between the natural male and natural female is God himself to this group……and that’s why they want to destroy any or all of that, including at least one of the genders. 

– In 1969 the full anti-female, anti-family, anti-child, anti-God and anti-reproduction drive of this group was revealed by accident…in a meeting organized by secret society member Dr. Richard Day. He invited 80 of his medical doctor friends to a private meeting, to warn them openly about what his secret society was planning. Dr. Day told each doctor to not record or mention anything about the meeting, or he would be killed. After Dr. Day died a natural death, one of the doctors at the meeting decided it was safe to transcribe what he heard that day. You can listen to the insane plans targeting females, children and families by clicking here.

– women are now being marginalized and removed from sports, like at the Olympics this year where two fully male boxers took gold medals in their respective weight categories, by beating up women on live TV. Males have been crowned victors in female beauty contests. Males have been crowned victors in power lifting competitions. Males have been crowned “females of the year” by several organizations. The United States Secretary of Health (who’s not healthy mentally or physically) is a man dressed as a woman. In Calgary Canada last year, the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the YWCA (The Young Women’s Christian Association) was a man dressed as a woman…… anti-Christian/anti-God/anti-female Baphomet, at a female Christian event. One headline from the YWCA event proudly announced that having a man in drag, as the keynote speaker, was moving feminism forward. Yes, if you don’t support men dressing up as women, to remove women from their place in our society, you’re not a true feminist. Men are even invading female safe spaces like female bathrooms. Men are even invading the psychological space of women, claiming that men can have babies, men can have periods and that men of course can breast feed. Again, please remember that THIS GROUP NEVER STOPS PUSHING THEIR AGENDAS……so where’s this going? What’s the play? It looks like this ancient group have decided that they’re going to keep the men and get rid of the women. 

That should be enough for you to research and investigate for now, although there’s plenty more pieces of the puzzle I could review. My belief is that this Baphomet statue in Denmark is the first of many we will see, in order to build a historical narrative that men used to bear the children and that somehow the men have become sterile and unable to give birth. By the time people would believe such insanity, the female would already have had to be removed completely… a gender, as an idea, as a thought form and as an energy. Females are being removed and erased as we stand here today (both physically and theoretically), so don’t think for a second that this hypothesis is farfetched. Once this is accomplished, the state will take over reproducing children themselves (through a ruling family/secret society/handmaid’s tale breeding program….aka the rape of women kept for secret breeding) or through artificial life creation at state hatcheries

The solution here is very simple. You need to educate and strengthen. Educate and strengthen. It doesn’t matter if you’re a male or a female, child or adult. You need to educate and strengthen. I know this ancient and dark group very well. if there’s one thing I know after 15 years of research, it’s this. Educating and strengthening is the only solution This will not only take this group down, it will also take you (and your family) up. You need to protect yourself and your family with knowledge and strength. If you want to educate and strengthen with me, plus 100 other people who are walking the same path, please click here. Let’s work together as a team and push back as one super powerful force. Click here to learn what you need to do.