Can we convince the court shedding is real and a CRIME? We think the situation is DIRE and needs URGENT ACTION! Join us.
There is so much information to discuss about my research, yet I wanted to have a concise informational video that people could share with their loved ones who do not believe that shedding is real. – Dr. Ana Mihalcea

If you want to make a difference & don’t know what to do please consider supporting our legal efforts to make a real difference. IOJ is very small, non profit and actually REALLY, REALLY needs your help to pull this off & pay the legal bills. It takes a village to solve global tyranny and preserve freedom. We need your help to sue for these issues! Someone has to do it. Let get it done and over with!
This episode on shedding (info below so you can watch and share) is VERY timely as we JUST filed a new complaint today against the former Health Minister of Costa Rica for this very same issue of shedding toxins (a crime), among other horrors such as violating Nuremberg Code and the law which mandates 8-10 years in jail for serious undue experimentation with no informed consent.
Yes, we filed the long awaited crimes against humanity complaint in a real court that can handle it, and the Attorney General helped write it.
We allege he is guilty of Nuremberg Code violations & serious undue experimentation by LYING in 7 cases ours that the so called vaccines are: a) vaccines b) not experimental c) fully approved… and more. Psycho Mengele former Health Minister LIED to the top Constitutional Chamber JUST so thousands of parents and health workers would not be able to ask the court for protection from the mandates – which he falsely insisted were not experiments and fully approved – and is going down.
Even the Attorney General agrees the former Health Minister lied to the top court in 7 of our cases. They all lie and lie and lie more. And they outrageously lie in ways that affects the future genome and our health and environment with crazy advanced emerging tech!
Shedding… Lets get into it.
Could it also be scientifically defined as “creates a common danger to persons, through the emission, propagation, or impact of covid-19 “vaccine” toxic or dangerous substances or chemicals, agents or toxins of a biological nature”?
Is it the same thing? Is this how we are actually supposed to view the horror of what is happening?
If so, then we need to wake up and act quick because it may be best handled under criminal law in our humble opinion. A belief we hold so dear that we are willing to sue as a criminal matter to try to get it solved faster. We found out how to move it much quicker and get into court again right away by taking the criminal route.
This issue is also part of the main Administrative Contentious case which is nearing completion to draft and will be filed as well soon to cover all bases. We actually need to file quite a few procedures to cover all bases and exhaust all remedies.
Soon we will post the entire indictment we just filed (with the docs proving shedding, etc Dr. Ana is talking about that Karen Kingston painstakingly helped her with) and the 3 year saga story we endured to get this far – there are 10 counts.
For now, lets REALLY think & REALLY look at the 10th count and see if Dr. Ana is crazy or onto something HUGE that has a real solution by invoking criminal prohibition:

Tenth: DEFENDANT HERE (help us name them all – FORMER HEALTH MINISTER DANIEL SALAS, WHO DG TEDROS, etc), creates a common danger to persons, through the emission, propagation, or impact of covid-19 “vaccine” toxic or dangerous substances or chemicals, agents or toxins of a biological nature.
In the opinion of the complainant the above facts could constitute the crime of attempt with chemical materials or radioactive, which is contemplated in article 253 Bis. of the Penal Code.
If you want to make a difference & don’t know what to do please consider supporting our legal efforts to make a real difference. IOJ is very small, non profit and actually REALLY, REALLY needs your help to pull this off & pay the legal bills. It takes a village to solve global tyranny and preserve freedom. We need your help to sue for these issues! Someone has to do it. Let get it done and over with!
Dr. Ana Mihalcea is on the cutting edge delving into emerging tech and that is where the technology is at.
Can she convince the court(s) that will be faced with this escalating horror and global threat to take it seriously and issue a moratorium?
Can we get it off the global market? We have BIG, BIG, BIG plans and will be making major announcements on precisely how we can and will do just that. The fate of humanity lies in the hands of the ethics ambassadors. We wont let them get away with it! Shedding toxic covid “vaccine” horror is real. People are feeling the effects.
What will we tell the future generations? Hi, sorry we let you down. NO we are going to say we worked hard and stopped the common danger to persons and future generations, through the emission, propagation, or impact of DNA ALTERING covid-19 “vaccine” toxic or dangerous substances or chemicals, agents or toxins of a biological nature.
Dear friends, THAT is the legacy we intend to leave. Purity. Boundaries.
Save the Genome – heritage of humanity! Stop the causes of the toxic shedding. Enough already. Time to pay attention to the message Dr. Ana is sharing below!

You can also view it on Clouthub
Clouthub Truth, Science and Spirit
In this episode, I wanted to discuss the reality of shedding. I review the FDA and Pfizer documents regarding this topic – that I had prepared for the court case of Costa Rica. Karen Kingston graciously helped me on the Pharmaceutical Industry documentation of clinical trials on shedding. Then I go through my evidence of what I have seen in peoples blood. There is so much information to discuss about my research, yet I wanted to have a concise informational video that people could share with their loved ones who do not believe that shedding is real.
Please share – Here is Pfizer’s own documentation:

If you want to make a difference & don’t know what to do please consider supporting our legal efforts to make a real difference. IOJ is very small, non profit and actually REALLY, REALLY needs your help to pull this off & pay the legal bills. It takes a village to solve global tyranny and preserve freedom. We need your help to sue for these issues! Someone has to do it. Let get it done and over with!