The Great Wall of China or the Great Silk Road of Rome?

Graham Hancock has said that we are a “species with amnesia” and Clif High has said that once this war is over, it will take us over a century to dig ourselves out of all of the lies that we’ve been told by the Khazarian Mafia – but once complete, we will develop free energy, we will properly relate to our environment and we will finally know who we are.

The work of publisher, Jason Breshears started years ago but it is an example of what our imminent future may be like, as we piece together the puzzle of our history.

Max Igan joins Jason at his home in Texas to talk about our fake history and specifically, the fake history of the Great Wall of China.


Jason leafs through an old copy of ‘The Illustrated World History’, saying that the narrative had already been set over a century ago about the construction, in just ten years of a 40-foot-high, 5,000-mile-long wall with 25,000 watchtowers by a Chinese emperor – who also happened to have burned and destroyed virtually all of the historical records of his own rule.

Jason says the Establishment has hidden what the Great Wall really was but the clues about its true function can be easily found.

Max joins in, saying we’ve been told that the Great Wall of China was built to defend against incursions from Mongol herders but he says there are no records of it ever being the scene of any such battles or why they would have needed such a vast structure of such robust construction to defend against nomadic pastoralists.

Jason says that the Great Wall is supposed to be in China but on very old maps, a Great Wall of identical construction can also be seen in the Caucasus region of Eurasia, prompting him to ask whether the Great Wall was even Chinese? Max says this question becomes all the more pressing, when we realize that the wall’s construction is Greco-Roman in style, with thousands of Roman arches throughout.

Jason says the crux of the issue is revealed when we look at where the wall ends at the Shanhai Pass, which Max describes as a wharf or a dock.

Jason says that defensive architecture in the ancient world would not have put battlements on both sides, saying, “If you’re building a super construction to repel an invasion, you would never, as a military engineer give your enemy a defensible position, if he takes your construction…But this is exactly what we see.”

The crenellations on both sides of an elevated road betray the lie that this structure was a wall built to keep out the Mongol barbarians. “This was not a wall to repel invasion, because a wall to keep out invaders would not be hollow. Did you know that there are chambers and tunnels underneath these roads?” to which Max adds, “It’s like a castle that’s 5,000 miles long.”

If the Great Wall were indeed the Silk Road, it would explain why it was constructed the way that it was, as an elevated road that facilitates safe travel.

Jason also says that the width of the Great Wall is 13- to 16-feet, which was not a standard width for ancient Chinese roads – but it was the standard width of Roman roads.

He says, “Rome had standardized many things, such as bridge-building, aqueducts, canal works, building foundations and roads are all standardized throughout the entire Roman provincial territories and Roman Empire and what we find here, is that the Great Wall of China is the exact width of a Roman road.”

Furthermore, they point out that the distance between the 25,000 watchtowers is uniform, at 5,430 feet, which they say is no coincidence. “It is not a Chinese unit of measurement – but it is a Roman unit. It’s called 5,000 pedes…5,000 pedes is a [Roman] mile,” which is 5,430 British feet, the unit Americans use.

There are areas of the Great Wall, where we see a much more ancient original construction, using giant megalithic blocks, which betray the lie that the Great Wall was constructed in only 10 years.

But neither the CCP nor the Establishment (aka the Khazarian Mafia, who created the CCP) don’t want to talk about Chinese megalithic construction, the same way they don’t want to talk about the Chinese pyramids.

Jason says this megalithic construction was “standard for the 18th to 15th century BC…Those are granite blocks. The rest of the wall are kiln-fired clay brick.”

And then he explains why he believes that it was not the ancient Chinese who designed the brick additions to the original megalithic construction, even if Chinese labor did build it. The Romans often built on top of older constructions, such as at Baalbeck and at Petra, which, itself was on the Silk Road.

This is a very interesting, though-provoking discussion with many more fascinating factoids and by the end, it is obvious that the Great Wall was actually a Great Road.

As Max says, “Once you really start looking at what the real function of this structure is, and how it’s a 5,000-mile-long castle – it’s a trade route, it’s accommodations, it’s storehouses, it’s exits, it’s a main highway going straight across…it’s virtually the largest highway ever built, going right across China and across into Europe. It’s absolutely incredible…

“It’s actually mind-boggling, what it was and what we’ve been told it was and like I said, once you see it, you can’t unsee it, it’s so obvious that that’s what it is and that’s what it was used for and culminating in that dock at the end, there is incredible.”