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A recent scientific article published in Reviews on Environmental Health reviews seven small-scale studies on microwave syndrome associated with the rollout of 5G.
Despite many scientists raising concerns about the potential negative impacts of fifth generation (5G) technology on health, governments and industry have ignored calls for a moratorium on 5G deployment.
Prior to the accelerated rollout of 5G technology in 2020 (under cover of the Covid lockdowns) very little research had been conducted on the biological effects of exposure to 5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation and no long-term health studies were available. A few animal studies, however, revealed negative effects on the liver, kidneys, brain, muscles, bones and plasma after exposure to 5G frequencies around 3.5 GHz.
Mobile phone carrier waves operate within the microwave frequency range. Since the 1960s, we have known that microwave radiation is harmful to health, with symptoms of ‘microwave syndrome’ including difficulties sleeping, headaches, fatigue, irritability, concentration problems, loss of short-term memory, emotional distress, depression, anxiety, unusual touch-based sensations including burning skin, cardiovascular symptoms, shortness of breath, and muscle- and joint pain.

In Sweden, since the rollout of 5G, seven small case studies were conducted that tracked the health impacts of high RF radiation on 16 people living or working close to 5G base stations or towers (within 3 to 538 metres). These individuals, who ranged in age from four to 83 years, started experiencing symptoms characteristic of microwave syndrome shortly after the activation of 5G. In most cases, their symptoms waned or disappeared after they moved away from the source. In the studies, each person rated, on a scale of zero to ten, their experience of 41 different health issues associated with microwave syndrome.