The 1 Field Film with Tsipi Raz | The You-est YOU™️ Podcast

Tsipi Raz, researcher, screenwriter, editor, director, and producer of the film “The 1 Field”. Tsipi, a graduate of the Film School, is a veteran editor and scriptwriter of films and series shown on television and in festivals worldwide. For 30 years, she edited about 50 documentaries for IBA (Israel Broadcasting Authority). You can find the film at Tsipi recently produced and created an incredible film, The 1 Field, that interviews luminaries such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart, Lee Carroll, and many others. I’ve interviewed all of them on this show, and I highly recommend any and all of their interviews as well. She spent ten years working on this film with the intention to show how we are all connected and part of a greater unified field. You will be swept away by the beautiful experiments and results shown in the film, making a case for a greater unity consciousness amongst humanity.