Support TGBMS Class Actions


The Great British Mortgage Swindle  is a powerful documentary by The Michaels of Bernicia and Deira, which exposes decades of institutionalised mortgage fraud in the UK.

Not only is the film one of the highest rated British documentaries on Amazon, but it has catalyzed a genuine grass roots movement to put an end to the rampant corruption that has resulted in more than 3 million people being unlawfully evicted from their homes.

The Michaels and an experienced team of Bankster-Busters have begun class action proceedings against every UK mortgage company, seeking High Court declarations that 11.2 million registered mortgages are illegal on the grounds laid out in the film and summarized in the video @

In the event that the TGBMS Class Actions are successful, the Land Registry will cancel the entries of every one of Britain’s void mortgages in the charges register and pay compensation to every mortgagor who suffered losses as a result of the fraudulent registrations.


“The ilien team  are happy to support  TGBMS Class Actions efforts in bringing the truth of the banking frauds to light”  August 2019.


To assist in covering the costs of such a worthy and courageous endeavour, you can offer your support to the TGBMS Class Actions by one of the following methods: 

1.  Investing in  Ilien crypto coin  (ILN). Click here to invest;       “TGBMS”


2.  Or  support directly by clicking the Donate link.

Please note all funds using the links above will be transferred to the TGBMS Class Actions account


When you invest in ilien coin using the TGBMS  links above, you automatically qualify for regular ilien coin bonuses;

Brief overview of ilien bonus structure for tranche 4 to tranche 9:

  1. Bonus type 1:             10% of each tranche will be divided equally between any wallet holding 1 ilien or more;
  2. Bonus type 2:            10% of each tranche will be divided equally between any wallet holding 50 ilien or more;
  3. Bonus type 3:             5% of each tranche divided on a pro rata basis to top 500 wallet coin holders;
  4. Good Cause Fund :      15% of each tranche is made available for good cause project funding;

    Max number of tranches bonuses p.a:  12;                                                                                                                                                              For further information see ;

To download your ilien (veruscoin) wallet use,

if you require assistance setting up your ilien coin wallet, see the faqs @


Learn more about the TGBMS cause at