Queen’s “Golden Shares” in defense companies gives her counselors worldwide control over war, intelligence, healthcare and propaganda, including their minions in the rogue C.I.A. et al
Christopher Steele took orders from the Queen’s Privy Council propaganda chief Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, founder and chairman of Cambridge Analytica and parent SCL Group that told The Guardian in 2005 its mission was psyop “mindbending for political purposes”
Servants of this Crown power include the Senior Executive Service (SES), Serco, Lockheed Martin, British Aerospace (BAE), Crown Agents, Rio Tinto, Urenco, Uranium One, OPIC, USAID, USTDA, MCC, State Department, HHS, DOE, DoE, NSA, C.I.A., FBI, DOJ, DoD, TheCityofLondonUK, Gates Foundation, GSC, Wall Street and Silicon Valley
Meet the Queen’s Privy Council Warlord Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie

His full biographical timeline is key to understanding his role as Privy Council Warlord
Born in Hove, Sussex (1936) to Alfred Edwin Pattie and an unidentified mother with surname Carr; attended public boarding school (ca 1946); St. Catherine’s College, law MA and bar admission (1964); advertising executive (14 yrs, 1959-1973); two unsuccessful political campaigns (1966, 1970); Member of Parliament (13 yrs, 1974-1987); Cabinet Minister for Defense Procurement, Industry, Information and Trade (8 yrs, 1979-1987); Church of England Synod (5 yrs, 1970-1975); privitized British Telecom (1984); Privy Council and Knighthood (1987); Fairey Group (6 yrs, 1987-1993); Conservative Party vice-chair (7 yrs, 1990-1997). Cambridge Instrument Co.; Leica B.V., CDP UK Holdings (10 yrs, 1990-2000); Marconi Electronics chairman (9 yrs, 1990-1999); Intellectual Property Institute (5 yrs, 1990-1999); Deler Et Audax Club (1996-current); GEC (2 yrs, 1997-1999, became BAE Systems); International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) Silver Star Award (2000); EURIM Digital Policy Alliance (2001); Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited #1, later Boldnote Limited founder and chairman (9 yrs, 2004-2013); Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited #2 founder and chairman (13 yrs, 2005-2018); St. Catherine’s honorary fellow (2007); Terrington Management (9 yrs, 2006-2015); Christopher Steele, Carter Page, George Popadopolous, Stefan Halper, Sir Richard Dearlove tie Sir Geoffrey, SCL Group, Cambridge Analytica to Trump “dirty dossier” fabrication (2018).
Timing note: Sir Geoffrey was invited to Washington, D.C. to receive the Silver Star Award on Jun. 20, 2000 in an event very evidently organized by one of Bill Clinton’s warlords, law professor James P. Chandler. Just months earlier Chandler had agreed to become the intellectual property lawyer for innovator Leader Technologies. On Jun. 08, 2000, just twelve days before Sir Geoffrey’s award, Chandler and his assistant Kelley Clements participated in a critical and specially-secured Leader product design meeting in Columbus, Ohio that was captured in this photo. Warlords Chandler and Sir Geoffrey were evidently comparing notes and plans for exploiting Leader’s important social networking invention. Indeed, Sir Geoffrey’s SCL Group boasts the ability to win any election using the social media technology he helped steal for the Crown. The next year:
Sep. 11, 2001 9/11
Oct. 26, 2001 The Patriot Act
Oct. 31, 2001 William Binney resigned NSA, saying they had “gone rogue”
Nov. 29, 2001 IBM Eclipse Foundation formed by IBM inside and outside counsels David J. Kappos and James P. Chandler, who stole Leader Technologies’ social networking invention to use as a global rogue spy, profit-making, self-funding, propaganda, mind control and 5G killer WiFi eugenics “population control” scheme
Oh but wait, this is just coincidence.
May 25, 2018—Spy-gate, as it is now called, is starting to point to London UK instead of Moscow, Russia as the source of the globalist effort to prevent Donald Trump’s election and his Make America Great Again platform.
Americans for Innovation researchers have discovered strong evidence that this is true.
America’s warlord takes his orders from the Crown
First, British spy Christopher Steele, who promoted the “dirty dossier,” certainly took orders from superiors in London. His bosses were Sir Richard Dearlove, head of MI6, and his Privy Council boss for intelligence, propaganda and defense, Sir Geoffrey Pattie. Some call Pattie “The Queen’s Warlord.”
Second, the Department of Justice has jealously guarded the identity of their FBI provocateur inside the Trump campaign, which is now believed to be Stefan Halper. Halper lured Carter Page and George Papadopoulos to try and infiltrate the Trump campaign. At the same time, Halper was receiving over $1 million in consulting fees from the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment run by longtime SES member Andrew W. Marshall.
Some call Marshall “America’s Warlord” because he is the person who decides who lives and dies in war. Marshall also started the Highlands Group illegally tying government contracts to corporate acquiescence to his perpetual war stratetgies.
Third, anti-Trump hysteria triggered a breathless MSM to accuse Brad Parscale, incoming Trump 2020 campaign manager, with impropriety in purchasing 270,000 Facebook accounts from a third party for the campaign from the British firm Cambridge Analytica. Never mind that all political campaigns buy such lists, and Senator Ted Cruz had also bought lists from this firm.

Cambridge Analytica is owned by SCL Group Limited. The previous name was Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited. The founder and chairman is Sir Geoffrey Pattie, who also owns Terrington Management LLP whose clients include Lockheed Martin and British Aerospace (BAE).
Sir Geoffrey is also associated with Dr. Paul G. Kaminski, a founding trustee of the C.I.A.’s In-Q-Tel private venture capital company under Bill Clinton.
Stefan Halper is an SCL partner and professor. He lectures with Sir Richard Dearlove in Sir Geoffrey’s Cambridge Intelligence Seminars.

Therefore, the Halper effort to recruit and direct the infiltration of the Trump campaign through the impressionable spy neophytes Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, and dissemination of the “dirty dossier” in a treasonous effort to unseat a duly elected American president, was overseen by Sir Geoffrey Pattie and his friends in the rogue C.I.A. on both sides of the Atlantic. On the British side, Sir Richard Dearlove, and the American side by Dearlove’s C.I.A. counterpart John P. Brennan.
Why? Sir Geoffrey and Sir Richard have spent decades building their warlord alliances, which if untangled, will collapse. They had enough dirt on Bill and Hillary Clinton to be able to manage them. But, Trump was an outsider who refuses to play their globalism games.
- They formed Serco when Sir Geoffrey was Secretary of State for Industry to implement their space warfare dreams. Trump is for peace and will dismantle Serco.
- They made Lockheed Martin and BAE (British Aerospace) inseparable and not able to be profitable without continues war. Trump wants out of war.
- They rely on NATO’s war machine (e.g., Kosovo). Trump questions the need for NATO.
- Their nuclear strategy needs big threats to be profitable. Trumps wants to stop relying on nuclear war as an economic incentive for conflict.
- They built the EU banking lock on the world. Trump inspired Brexit and wants to eliminate the Fed.
The Crown, Serco and Spygate
We have discovered conclusively that Serco and its SES minions are inseparably tied to Spygate. All roads lead back to Queen Elizabeth’s warlord Privy Counselor–Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie.
In summary, Sir Geoffrey is the common thread in Spygate. He is directly associated with:
- Privy Council. He is the Queen’s Privy Counselor for intelligence, propaganda and defense
- Serco Incorporation. Serco incorporated in 1986 when Sir Geoffrey was Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
- Golden Shares. Sir Geoffrey held ALL of the Queen’s Golden Shares between 1984-1987, in all industries
- Christopher Steele. Therefore, Sirs Geoffrey and Richard ordered Christopher Steele–on behalf of Queen Elizabeth–to facilitate the dirty dossier against President Trump to try and stop his presidency
- SCL Group. Cambridge Analytica, SCL Group, Strategic Communication Laboratories Limited, Terrington Management LLP were all his companies used for MKUltra C.I.A. propaganda
- Stefan Halper. Stefan Halper works for Sir Geoffrey and took orders from him
- Page and Papadopoulos. Stefan Halper recruited the impressionable youngsters Carter Page and George Papadopoulos
- Sir Richard Dearlove, Sir Geoffrey Pattie and John O. Brennan. Sir Richard Dearlove, MI6 chief and C.I.A. John Brennan’s intelligence partner and probable Privy Council recruit, takes orders from Sir Geoffrey
- Lockheed Martin. Sir Geoffrey arranged for Lockheed Martin and Serco to team with British Nuclear Fuels Plc and monopolize nuclear weaponry
- British Aerospace. Sir Geoffrey arranged for British Aerospace to acquire 41% of its revenue for the U.S. Department of Defense and billions of dollars in subcontracts to Lockheed Martin
- Senior Executive Service (SES). Sir Geoffrey arranged through the Senior Executive Services (SES) for Serco to acquire no bid contracts in critical U.S. infrastructure for air traffic control and parking to patent processing and Obamacare
- Crown Agents. Sir Geoffrey and the Privy Council direct through the SES some 10,000 Crown Agents working the U.S. These agents are the Privy Council’s eyes on the ground in the uppity US commonwealth colony
- The Coming 24,000 5G Satellite WiFi Terror. The cast of characters above are totally committed to implementing a global spy satellite grid for “population control” via The IBM Internet of Things. Remember IBM? They are the computing company that has been committed to supporting eugenics since Adolf Hitler. Sir Geoffrey helped make The Internet of Things a reality since his days running Marconi, General Electric, British Aerospace and his setting up Serco.
Here’s the evidence to back up the previous discussion.
1. Sir Geoffrey Pattie and the Privy Counsel – Spy Mastermind for the Queen
Below is a detailed biographical timeline compiled and confirmed from various sources including Sir Geoffrey’s websites, the British Parliament and Burkes Peerage. Sir Geoffrey was appointed to the Privy Counsel in Feb. We believe this is now the most authoritative and accurate biographical timeline for Sir Geoffrey now available.
The timeline contains at least NO entries that Sir Geoffrey has never published about himself, namely (a) family details, (b) unsuccessful Parliamentary candidacies (1966, 1970), (c) Cambridge Instruments Company Plc (1990), (d) CDP UK Holdings Ltd. (1990), (e) Leica B.V. (1990-1993, ca), (f) Celer Et Audax Club General Committee (1996), (g) International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) (2000), (h) EURIM Digital Policy Alliance (2001, est.), and (i) defense equipment version of Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited (Version 1, 2004).
Biological timeline of Geoffrey E. Pattie
Sir Geoffrey’s pivotal role in British telecommunications and propaganda
Even a cursory review of Sir Geoffrey’s biographical timelines tells you he is a man groomed to be Britain’s warlord.
Sir Geoffrey is a lawyer who spent 33 years in the advertising business as the managing director of Collett Dickenson Pearce UK Advertising Limited in London. Collett was “Britain’s most glamorous and influential advertising agency, generally regarded as one of the finest advertising agencies in the world during the 1970s.” Wikipedia.
After his advertising career (learning how to manipulate public opinion), he was a member of parliament for 23 years, then held various roles as a Undersecretary then Minister of State for Defence Procurement (1979-1987). In 1984 he was tasked with the privatization of British Telecom, the state telecommunications monopoly.
Sir Pattie: The Queen’s counselor for Defence, Intelligence and Propaganda.
In 1987 he became a Privy Counselor to the Queen, which is a lifetime appointment. The same year he was knighted, thus essentially becoming the Queen’s counselor for Defence, Intelligence and Propaganda.
From 1990-1999, Sir Geoffrey became the chairman of Marconi Electronics which merged with GEC (General Electric Company). In 1999, the merged companies were renamed BAE Systems Plc (British Aerospace).
Trading on his Privy Council inside knowledge
Bringing Sir Geoffrey’s resume to the SCL / Cambridge Analytica scandal, it is evident that in forming SCL and Terrington, Sir Geoffrey began buying, selling and trading on his relationships to line his pockets and position the Crown.
That brings us to the Crown’s Golden Share in the globalist companies Sir Geoffrey was directing as effectively the Minister of Defence, Intelligence and Propaganda, including Serco, Lockheed Martin, British Aerospace (BAE), Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) UK, Crown Agents, Rio Tinto, Urenco, OPIC, USAID, MCC, U.S. State Department, U.S. HHS, U.S. DOE, U.S. DoE, U.S. NSA, U.S. C.I.A., U.S. FBI, U.S. DOJ, U.S. DoD.
With this backdrop, it finally starts to make sense why the U.S. is a member of the Five Eyes intelligence operation involving four British Commonwealth countries and the U.S. It appears that America is actually part of the British Commonwealth, and Sir Geoffrey, as Counsellor for Defence, Intelligence and Propaganda controls the U.S. on the Queen’s Privy Council.
2. Serco Incorporation
Serco incorporated in 1986 when Sir Geoffrey was Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. Serco feverish acquisition of government and commercial contracts thanks to Sir Geoffrey was breathtaking and very evidently the result of Sir Geoffrey’s activities just prior to being appointed to the Privy Council and being made a knight.
3. The Queen’s Golden Shares
When the crown holds a single “golden share” nothing can happen in this company without the Crown’s prior approval. During Sir Geoffrey’s time as Secretary of Industry and Labor (1984-1987), he personally held ALL of the Queen’s Golden Shares in all This gave him the ultimate insider position that he has clearly exploited for himself and his friends all around the planet.
For example, he does not disclose that he was a director of Cambridge Instrument Company Plc, which sold to Leica B.V, then to Danaher Corp. These spin offs specialize in geospatial engineering and pathology. None of this business activity is disclose by Sir Geoffrey, even though geospatial and pathology are key ingredients in Serco’s The Internet of Things deployment of the deadly 5G satellite technology through its subsidiary in Italy.
BAE Systems PLC – The Crown’s Golden Share
BAE Systems is controlled by the British Crown through a “golden share.” This share gives the crown governance control of the company. As a defense and intelligence company, Sir Geoffrey controls BAE.

BAE Systems PLC – Is largely dependent on the U.S. for revenue
Lockheed Martin nurtures BAE for subcontracts in the U.S.
BAE’s largest customer is the United States. The U.S. generates 42% of BAE’s revenue, as compared to 21% from the UK.

4. Christopher Steele was paid by and works for Sir Geoffrey Pattie—Cambridge Analytical/SCL
Spies take orders from superiors. Steele’ superiors in the UK were most immediately Sir Richard Dearlove, head of MI6, and his boss on the Privy Council, Sir Geoffrey Pattie. The story gets muddled when one tries to chase all the threads of Steele’s activity involving Comey, Brennan, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, Fusion GPS, Hillary, DNC, Wasserman-Schultz, Podesta, etc. It’s a long list of co-conspiratros. However, spying approvals are such that Steele would not have acted without orders from Sir Geoffrey, to be monitored by Sir Richard.
This was evidently an issue of national security for the Queen, and only she would have allowed Steele to float the fabricated dirty dossier. They did not want Donald Trump to be President.
If the Queen did not make the decision to assist on infiltrating the Trump campaign and discrediting him with nasty sex-laced propaganda, she needs to tell us.
5. SCL Group—C.I.A. MKUltra-type Propaganda.
Cambridge Analytica, SCL Group, Strategic Communication Laboratories Limited, Terrington Management LLP were all his companies evidently used for MKUltra C.I.A. propaganda.
Sir Geoffrey spent the first 33 years of his career as managing director of the most successful advertising firm in Britain–Collett Dickenson Pearce UK Advertising Ltd. His first advertising contract coming out of law school was with Ford Motor Company. Really? What normal college student gets so lucky? Clearly, Sir Geoffrey was groomed from the womb.
His biographies never talk about his parents, wife or children, which is odd. Normally, when our researchers see that, there is a devil in those details. However, we were able to determine from birth records in Hove, Sussex, England that his mother’s surname is “Carr.” His father, Alfred Edwin Pattie, was an undistinguished dental surgeon whose parentage is not list anywhere we could find.
So, how was a just graduated law student able to get an advertising contract with Ford?
After 10 years in politics, ending as Secretary for Industry and Trade (holder of the Queens’ Golden Shares), Pattie privatized British Telecom, then chaired Marconi, General Electric, then merged to become British Aerospace (BAE).
Then, Sir Geoffrey founded Strategic Communications Laboratories—twice.
On Oct. 27, 2004, ten months earlier, his directors John Michael Bottomley, Alexander James Ashburner Nix and Alexander W. Oakes. formed a company named Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited Co. No. 5270852. Their mission was: “provision of defence systems and equipment.” (Defense is spelled Defence in Britain.)
Nine months later, on Jul. 20, 2005, Sir Pattie founded and chaired another company named Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited Co. No. 5514098 along with fellow directors Bottomley, Nix and Oakes. Here are their Nov. 07, 2005 Articles of Association. They stated: “The company’s principal activities involve the training, consultancy and supply of operations facilities in the field of strategic communications” also known as data mining.
In short, Sir Geoffrey’s Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited (renamed SCL Group Limited on Aug. 19, 2015) is, behind:
Door #1 –military systems and equipment
Door #2 – data mining (i.e., election rigging through bribery, extortion, propaganda, sex scandals, mass deception, counter-propaganda and behavior change programs)
The company registrar allowed Door #2 to use Door #1’s name on Jul. 20, 2005. Such confusion is normally not allowed. Except, apparently, for members of the Queen’s Privy Council. It certainly creates confusion.
SCL: “Non-invasive tools”
SCL’s website now says it is a “data mining” company. They boast an almost dystopian ability to control human thinking. They say that have “conducted behavioral change programs in over 60 countries” with a focus on “defense & social change.” They say their “messaging strategies can be precisely constructed to maximize behavior change.” They say they have “significant insight into human behavioral issues” and “non-invasive tools” whatever that means.
Human are described like Pavolov’s dogs and trained rats
Frankly, Sir Geoffrey’s SCL Group talks about human beings as if they are Pavlov’s dogs or trained rats able to be manipulated and controlled with SCL’s data analytics and “behavior tools.”
Here are certified company records to verify these findings.
Door #1: Strategic Communication Laboratories Limited (Oct. 27, 2004)—Defense Equipment

Door #2: Strategic Communication Laboratories Limited (Jul. 20, 2005)—Mass Deception (aka Data Mining)
Strategic Communication Laboratories Limited, Co. No. 5514098. (Jul. 20, 2005). Certificate of Incorporation. Companies House.
Sir Geoffrey appointed himself director within several months after incorporating his Door #2 “data mining” propaganda machine.

Sir Geoffrey then formed Terrington Management LLP a month later to manage clients for his SCL military sales and propaganda companies
On Dec. 28, 2005, just a month after appointing himself director and chairman of Strategic Communication Laboratories Limited (Door #2), Sir Geoffrey formed Terrington Management LLP. Terrington very publicly boasted that its clients included BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin.

6. Stefan Halper
—plays on all sides of the ball for “Five Eyes” commonwealth intelligence—for the Queen’s Privy Council, for Sir Geoffrey, for Sir Richard, for SCL, for Cambridge Analytica & for the FBI and DOJ, for anti-Trumpers everywhere, whether its treasonous or not.
Stefan Halper is clearly a double agent for the U.S. and UK.
On the U.S. side, Halper is a longtime member of the SES. At the time of the discovery of his association with Sir Geoffrey’s Cambridge Analytica, Halper was under at least four contracts totaling $1,058,161 (Details: PDF | CSV) from 2012-2017 paid by the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment—Andrew W. Marshall.
Halper’s U.S. handler Andrew Marshall has been an SES warlord inside the Department of Defense since at least 1980 (see Plum Books listings). He has decided for decades who lives and who dies in war. Marshall is also the convener of the Highlands Group started under Clinton in 1995 to organize their military-industrial plans with selected private corporation like IBM, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, NPR, CBS, ABC, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, BAE, Cisco, Oracle, Goldman Sach, JPMorgan, Xerox, Wall Street, C.I.A. In-Q-Tel and Silicon Valley venture capital.
Halper consults regularly to Trump hater Sir Andrew Wood, former British ambassador to Russia, who evidently helped him fake up the dirty dossier.
On the UK side, Halper lured the relative youngsters Carter Page and George Papadopoulos to London under the pretext of attending his Cambridge Intelligence Seminar that he sponsored with Sir Richard Dearlove. Sir Richard is C.I.A. director John Brennan’s British counterpart at MI6. Both Page and Papadopoulos were suckered in with standard spy recruitment allures of money, business, political contacts, stock tips, sexual favors and specifically dirt on Hillary Clinton—which they wanted to get back to the Trump campaign as the elicitation.
The story gets tedious from here, but Halper was driving the bus on behalf of Sir Geoffrey. The Queen’s Privy Council’s goal was to derail Donald Trump’s candidacy and protect Hillary and Bill from having their Russian Uranium One collusion with the Crown, AWE Management, Lockheed Martin, SES, OPIC, MMC and URENCO exposed.
7. Page and Papadopoulos
As discussed above, Stefan Halper recruited the impressionable youngsters Carter Page and George Papadopoulos by making them promise of insider knowledge, and luring them into taking word back to the Trump campaign that they had dirt on Hillary. In Carter Page’s case, the campaign allowed him to write one report. Then, when he began saying he was an advisor to the campaign as a result, they had to get a restraining order against him. In George Papadopoulos’ case, he tried mightily to organize Russian-related meetings with various senior Trump campaign staff to create the impression of prior associations, without much success.
8. Sir Richard Dearlove, Sir Geoffrey Pattie and John O. Brennan

Sir Richard Dearlove is head of British MI6. John O. Brennan was director of the C.I.A. The C.I.A. and MI6 are co-venturers in “Five Eyes” which is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and US. The relationship goes deeper. On Jun. 20, 2000, Sir Geoffrey joined the rarified ranks of ISSA award winners that included Dr. Paul Kaminski who had just nine months earlier helped start In-Q-Tel for the C.I.A.
9. Lockheed Martin
Sir Geoffrey arranged for Lockheed Martin and Serco to team with British Nuclear Fuels Plc and monopolize nuclear weaponry via AWE Management Limited, which holds a Golden Share. AWE Management own annual report says that the consider Lockheed Martin to be the parent company. This juxtaposition of controls and influences among Serco (essentially founded by Sir Geoffrey while Secretary of Industry and Labor), AWE where the Queen’s holds a Golden Share in AWE, and Lockheed that AWE says is its parent, renders the Queen’s Golden Share as inextricably linked to Lockheed Martin.
In addition, Sir Geoffrey’s Terrington Management LLP sales materials boasts of his advisory role to Lockeed Martin and British Aerospace (BAE) which gets 41% of its revenues from the U.S. Department of Defense.
Clearly, these incestuous insider dealings are off the charts unacceptable and illegal.
10. British Aerospace
Sir Geoffrey arranged for British Aerospace to acquire 41% of its revenue for the U.S. Department of Defense and billions of dollars in subcontracts to Lockheed Martin. Sir Geoffrey also made arrangement as a Privy Counselor to have BAE reissue its shares so that the Crown held a Golden Share outright. In effect, the public was fooled because initially BAE had two super directors controlled by the Crown, then after a few years, the Golden Shares –which had not been issue earlier—were just slipped in and issued later. The resolution memorializing this decision is unavailable at Companies House, not surprisingly.
11. Senior Executive Service (SES)
Sir Geoffrey arranged through the Senior Executive Services (SES) for Serco to acquire no bid contracts in critical U.S. infrastructure for air traffic control and parking to patent processing and Obamacare
12. Crown Agents
Sir Geoffrey and the Privy Council direct through the SES some 10,000 Crown Agents working the U.S. These agents are the Privy Council’s eyes on the ground in the uppity US commonwealth colony
13. The Coming Global Spy Satellite Network
The cast of characters above are totally committed to implementing a global spy satellite grid for “population control” via The IBM Internet of Things. Remember IBM? They are the computing company that has been committed to supporting eugenics since Adolf Hitler. Sir Geoffrey helped make The Internet of Things a reality since his days running Marconi, General Electric, British Aerospace and his setting up Serco.
Who works for whom? Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie is the British warlord equivalent of Andrew W. Marshall in the U.S.
SES careerist Andrew W. Marshall has spent his entire career buried in the bowels of the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment.
In stark contrast, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, has played on the world stage as a Knight, Privy Counselor, advertising executive, lawyer, Member of Parliament, Minister of State, privatized British Telecom, Church of England Synod member, chaired Marconi and General Electric UK (British Aerospace), teamed Serco and Lockheed with Atomic Weapons Establishment, Conservative Party vice chair, chaired the Intellectual Property Institute chair.
After all that, Pattie founded Strategic Communications Laboratories—twice.
Christopher Steele ultimately works for Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the Queen’s privy counselor in charge of defense and propaganda.
We realized that intelligence historians will say they have known about Britain’s meddling in U.S. affairs for decades. But, the general public has not known this until perhaps the discovery of the involvement of British spy Christopher Steele in fabricating the juvenile “Pee Pee Gate dossier” to try and frame Donald Trump for alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election.
This is what spies do, they lie. The real question is who in London approved Steele’s involvement? Generally, spy organizations are hierarchical and quite bureaucratic. Agents must seek approval before taking action. While it appears that Steele was on loan to the FBI, C.I.A., NSA, Department of State and FusionGPS, his orders came from London (where Comey had worked as general counsel to HSBC bank before becoming FBI director, COMEY ALSO WORKED FOR LOCKHEED).
14. Cambridge Analytica, Strategic Communications Laboratories, and Stefan Halper
This British connection suddenly got more focused when Brad Parscale was appointed head Trump 2020. MSM jumped on opposition research and breathlessly identified 270,000 Facebook accounts that Parscale had purchased during the campaign from a third party. This data was purchased from a data mining and research firm named Cambridge Analytica. Senator Ted Cruz’s campaign had also purchased data from the firm.
The fact is that Facebook openly sells their user demographic data to political campaigns. Never mind Facebook’s immoral user license agreement that allows them to sell data your data, not to mention their illegal use of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention.
Cambridge Analytica is owned by SCL Group Limited. The previous name was Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited. The founder and chairman is Sir Geoffrey Pattie, founded Terrington Management LLP whose clients famously included Lockheed Martin and British Aerospace (BAE) whom he had overseen as the British defense, intelligence, procurement and propaganda minister during which he established the Queen’s Golden Share company AWE Management Plc (Atomic Weapons Establishment).
AWE was a Queen’s Golden Share company managed by Lockheed Martin (!) with three equal shareholders: Serco Group Plc, Lockheed and British Nuclear Fuels Plc, another Golden Share company. Sir Geoffrey orchestrated this insider arrangement for Lockheed and Serco because he was the Secretary of State holding ALL Golden Share companies for the Crown (relevant period 1979-1989).
Awareness of a heinous Deep State shadow government is finally starting to reach the consciousness of average Americans. However, this rat hole has now been found to tunnel all the way back to Buckingham Palace. That’s right, to Queen Elizabeth, and more specifically to her courtiers in The Crown’s Privy Council.
In American terms, privy counselors are something like the President’s cabinet with one big difference: they are appointed for life, just like federal judges in the U.S. It is probably more than coincidental that this British aristocrat-for-life mentality is copied in The American Inns of Court, but we digress.
We were shocked at these discoveries because it implies that what we were taught about American history was propaganda to fool the masses
The information we are about to reveal about the British Crown, and its almost ubiquitous control of American life, is known only to a courageous few who have largely been marginalized as “conspiracy theorists.” We hope this article will help lift the veil off of this historical propaganda blackout. What we have discovered is a group of global elitists who have a truly dystopian, irreligious, immoral vision on humanity’s future. Their activity appears to have reached a tipping point.
Immediate and determined action is needed to stop them.
Once they get their 24,000 5G satellite system in place (SpaceX. OneWeb, IBM Internet of Things), they will literally be able to turn off our brains at the flip of a switch, wherever we are on the planet.
What?! The Brits are controlling America? No way!
Yes, way. We’re going to prove it.
The central role of British spy Christopher Steele in disseminating the Trump “dirty dossier” begged the question: Who approved his involvement in MI6, the British C.I.A.? It is now known that Steele was coordinating his work with a whole host of anti-Trump intelligence players in America, including James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Rod Rosentein, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and many others at the FBI, C.I.A., NSA, John MCain, DNC, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
Spies are not cowboys as they are often portrayed. They take orders and do what they are told. Steele’s boss was Sir Richard Dearlove. Dearlove, in turn, takes orders from the Queen’s longtime Counselor warlord Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie.
The spy business has tight approval processes before agents are allowed to act.
Deep State control priorities: digital networks, media
The Deep State controls the mainstream media, and therefore “the narrative.” Narratives are the stories they want you to believe, whether they are true or not. Effective propaganda is the art of getting the public to believe the lie as true.” Pearl Harbor. Kennedy Assassination. Planned Parenthood. Gulf of Tonkin. Iraq. 9/11. Kosovo. Rwanda. Oklahoma City Bombing. 2008 Bank “Crisis.” Libya. Zuckerberg. Fast and Furious. Las Vegas. Patriot Act. FISA. Net Neutrality. American Invents Act. U.S. Digital Service. San Bernadino. The list is long.
Most people think they cannot be fooled by mass propaganda, but think again. The Deep State has literally spent tens of billions of dollars in research to deploy mass mind control. If you doubt, study the Senate Church Committee Hearings (1976) where the C.I.A. MKUltra mind control programs were exposed. For example, the LSD drug epidemic in the 1960’s was a MKUltra experiment gone bad.
The C.I.A. mind control programs are freely shared with British intelligence via Five Eyes (U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand). Notice that all but the U.S. are British Commonwealth countries.
President John F. Kennedy so loathed the evils of the C.I.A. that he said he wanted “to splinter the C.I.A. in thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” The New York Times. He was assassinated months later. The first C.I.A. director Allen Dulles is suspected to have helped organize the murder to protect his C.I.A. secret society from being broken up. Dulles and his Warren Commission later pushed Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone sniper to the public. This propaganda likely hid the C.I.A.’s involvement.
Christopher Steele ultimately works for Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the Queen’s privy counselor in charge of defense and propaganda
In order not to get bogged down in the many moving parts of this story, suffice it to say that the Obama White and Hillary 2016 decided that their biggest threats to getting elected were the hack of the DNC, her private email server, and John Podesta’s email hack that would reveal: (1) an undisclosed and highly illegal $6 billion George Soros campaign contribution, (2) The Clinton Foundation billions of dollars in pay-to-play bribery, and (3) the Russian Uranium One give away of 20% of American uranium reserves, among other things.
Obama and Hillary hired longtime political hack Stefan Halper to organize their disinformation campaign. Halper is believed by The New York Times and The Daily Caller to be the name that the Department of Justice has redacted from the recent disclosure to the House Oversight Committee.
The Deep State appears to have been sloppy in trying to discredit Brad Parscale.
They shined a light on Cambridge Analytica.
Cambridge Analytica is a subsidiary front for SCL Group Limited (UK) where Stefan Halper is an advisor.
SCL is the new name for Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited founded on Oct. 27, 2004 by The Right Honorable Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, member of the Queen’s Council (to provide “defence systems and equipment”), then re-founded on Jul. 20, 2005 (to provide “provides data, analytics and strategy to governments and military organizations worldwide”).
Stefan Halper is a longtime member of the SES and consults to multiple Trump haters including Andrew Wood, former British ambassador to Russia, and Sir Richard Dearlove, Steele’s boss as head of British MI6—the British equivalent to the C.I.A.
Halper was under at least four contracts totaling $1,058,161 (Details: PDF | CSV) from 2012-2017 paid by the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment—Andrew W. Marshall. In short, Marshall has been the SES warlord inside the Department of Defense since at least 1980 (see Plum Books listings) who decides who lives and dies in war. Marshall is also the convener of the Highlands Group started under Clinton in 1995 to organize their military-industrial plans with selected private corporation like IBM, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, NPR, CBS, ABC, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, BAE, Cisco, Oracle, Goldman Sach, JPMorgan, Xerox, Wall Street and Silicon Valley venture capital.
As is typical for spies working to recruit targets, Halper lured the relative youngsters Carter Page and George Papadopoulos to London under the pretext of attending his Cambridge Intelligence Seminar that he sponsored with Sir Richard Dearlove–the British equivalent of Obama C.I.A. Directors John Brennan and Mike Morrell. Both Page and Papadopoulos were flattered and suckered with promises of money, business, political contacts, and dirt on Hillary Clinton.
The story gets tedious from here, but Halper was driving the bus. Their goals was to derail Donald Trump’s candidacy and hide Hillary, Podesta and DNC sins from the public with a typical Alinsky attack: accuse your opponent of what you are doing.
Cambridge Intelligence Seminar and Cambridge Analytica are the offspring of SCL Group Limited founded by its chairman Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie.
Who works for whom? Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie is the British warlord equivalent of Andrew W. Marshall in the U.S.
SES careerist Andrew W. Marshall has spent his entire career buried in the bowels of the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment.
In stark contrast, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, has played on the world stage as a Knight, Privy Counselor, advertising executive, lawyer, Member of Parliament, Minister of State, privatized British Telecom, Church of England Synod member, chaired Marconi and General Electric UK (British Aerospace), teamed Serco and Lockheed with Atomic Weapons Establishment, Conservative Party vice chair, chaired the Intellectual Property Institute chair.
Queen Elizabeth must come clean about “Spygate” and the ongoing British attempts inside her Privy Council to prevent Donald Trump from being President. It is now evident that Christopher Steele, Sir Richard Dearlove (MI5), John O. Brennan (C.I.A.), James R. Clapper (NSA, DNI) and Stefan Halper (MI6, C.I.A., NSA, DNI) take their globalist orders from Sir Geoffrey Pattie—the Queen’s Privy Counselor for intelligence, propaganda and defense. The buck stops with Queen Elizabeth and her eugenics-loving consort Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburg (“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”).
See As Obama Fiddles, British Plan Wars and Genocide (EIR Int’l, 2010). See also Prince Philip in his own words on the need to ‘cull’ the world population.
Sir Geoffrey Hides Relationships to the German Leica Companies
Sir Geoffrey has an undisclosed “Supervisory Director” relationship with “Leica B.V.” (1990-1993 ca). Why he wrote Leica B.V., a Dutch subsidiary of the Leicia conglomerate, when he was a director of Leica Plc in the UK (also undisclosed) is suspicious. Supervisory directors in Dutch public companies oversee policy. Either Leica Plc or Leica B.V. appear to have purchased Cambridge Instrument Company PLC where Sir Geoffrey had yet another undisclosed directorship. Evidently, Sir Geoffrey did not want the world to know about his German Leica relationships, especially with the Windsor’s German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha lineage.
Leica was founded in 1914 in Wetzlar, Germany by Ernst Leitz as a camera manufacturer. The Third Reich relied heavily on Leica for the Nazi war machine, including cataloguing genocide and aerial bombardments of Britain. The company has branched into geospatial engineering (cameras on sattelites) and pathology equipment (testing why and how people die).
In July 2005, Leica, Leica Micrososystems, and various divisions of Sir Geoffrey’s former GEC Marconi companies, sold to U.S. conglomerate Danaher Corporation that has significant Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital relationships. (Remember, Bain Capital owns the QRS-11, 14 uninterruptible autopilot device that can crash planes and vehicles.) Danaher focuses Leica on toxicology and forensic science (pathology), among other things. Leica Geosystems specializes in mapping and surveillance cameras in space (spy equipment).
Given Serco Group Plc’s pathology company in the UK—VIAPATH Group LLP, the emphasis on pathology by the Crown is concerning. Serco Group Plc was founded in 1986 while Sir Geoffrey was Secretary of State for Industry.
In short, Sir Geoffrey’s Leica companies are helping fulfill Prince Philip’s depopulation dream via the new 5G milliwave killer satellites being launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, OneWeb (Amazon, Qualcomm) and IBM. Prince Philip’s “deadly virus” will be digital, electromagnetic and delivered via 5G killer WiFi.
Now connect the dots yourself. What is the real plan of these global madmen and women?
British Lies and British Spies