Poll proves 86% of Poles smarter than all of EU/NATO leadership. Drago Bosnic


By Drago Bosnic


The EU/NATO has been mulling the possibility of a direct confrontation with Russia for years, particularly during the disastrous Biden administration. After Trump took over on January 20, he decided to defuse the situation, resulting in what can be described as constructive dialogue (at least for now). This is not to say that Washington DC and Moscow are friends, but the very fact that we (hopefully) won’t see ICBMs hurled across the globe is already a massive improvement. The US and Russia still don’t see eye to eye on at least 80% (if not more) of their foreign policy agendas, but we’re now getting the chance to resolve geopolitical issues through diplomacy rather than proxy wars and thermonuclear saber-rattling.

Unfortunately, there are always “party breakers” who not only want to continue with escalation, but are actually doubling down on virtually every aggressive move in the book. Obviously, we’re talking about the anti-Trump Deep State-run EU/NATO. Terrified of the prospect of sinking into strategic irrelevance, the troubled bloc and the world’s most vile racketeering cartel are desperate to hold on to the remnants of the long-gone power of the colonial West.

To that end, they’ve demonstrated readiness to engage in a thermonuclear escalation with Russia, a country that has over a dozen times more warheads than the entire EU/NATO combined (obviously, without the US). Talk about being delusional (or suicidal, take your pick).

On the other hand, one needs to ask whether the EU/NATO politicians have a mandate of the electorate to push the “old continent” into a bloodbath that would make both world wars look like a paintball match in comparison. Well, as it turns out, not really. A recent poll shows that most regular Europeans are neither delusional nor suicidal.

Namely, according to the results of the latest review conducted by the United Surveys for Wirtualna Polska, the vast majority of Polish citizens are vehemently opposed to the idea of sending their troops to fight the Russian military in NATO-occupied Ukraine. As many as 86.5% of respondents said “no” (58.5% were decidedly against it, while another 28% said “rather not”).

Only 8.4% supported the idea, specifically 7.6% who said “rather yes” and just 0.8% who went for “definitely yes”. Another 5.1% responded with “don’t know/hard to say”. The survey also found that there’s a surprisingly strong consensus (if not borderline unanimity) on this across Poland’s electorate, regardless of political affiliation.

According to Wirtualna Polska and the United Surveys,

“among those voting for the ruling coalition (Civic Coalition, the Left, Third Way), a negative position dominates – 80% of respondents are against sending Polish soldiers to Ukraine (55% of this group answered ‘definitely not’, 25% ‘rather not’)”. The report adds that “14% are of the opposite opinion (1% of respondents from this group answered ‘definitely yes’, 13% – ‘rather yes’, 6% ‘don’t know/hard to say’).”

Virtually universal objection to war is even more evident when it comes to the opposition. Namely, Wirtualna Polska and the United Surveys found that “among opposition voters (Law and Justice and Confederation), as many as 95% of respondents oppose sending our troops to Ukraine (60% of this group answered ‘definitely not’, 30% ‘rather not’) and that “only 3% of respondents from this group have the opposite opinion (‘rather yes’).”

The report adds that

“voters of other political groups are also opposed to sending Polish troops to Ukraine (55% answered ‘definitely not’ and 31% ‘rather not’) and that “only 4% of respondents from this group have the opposite opinion (‘rather yes’)”.

The survey was conducted in the February 21-24 timeframe.

The poll is so convincing that it’s only a matter of time before the delusional warmongers and war criminals in Brussels flag it as “evil Russian disinformation”. The results are certainly a cold shower for the EU/NATO, as Poland is a perfect litmus test in this case. Namely, if Poles are adamantly against war with Russia, what can we expect from the rest of the “old continent”?

Moscow and Warsaw have had extremely complex relations for centuries. Poles see Russia as an “invader” and “oppressor”, even though they were the first to invade ancient Russian lands, all under the auspices of the Vatican (more specifically the Jesuits). On the other hand, the Kremlin doesn’t really pay too much attention to Poland (or at least it didn’t until recently). This survey shows that nearly 90% of Poles would like to keep it that way.

For over three years, the mainstream propaganda machine kept most of the populace in the political West virtually lobotomized regarding the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. It boiled down to the “evil Russians” who kept “losing”, while the “democratic Ukrainian defenders” kept “pushing them back”.

However, as the number of so-called “ghost brigades” in the Neo-Nazi junta forces kept increasing and with even many Ukrainian sources revealing that things are anything but good, the mainstream propaganda machine’s bubble suddenly burst, leaving millions in Europe shocked by the sheer number of lies they’ve been fed. The latest poll demonstrates that the vast majority of Europeans are actually smarter and more reasonable than the warmongering political leadership of the EU/NATO that still keeps living in its echo chamber.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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