Technocracy, the “information-liquidation model,” military operations cloaked as public health, geopolitical vs. class warfare, WWIII as social engineering, and resistance in the Omniwar David A. Hughes and The Mel K Show Jun 15, 2024 Many thanks to Mel K for a stimulating discussion. We got into: the history of technocracy; the Great Reset as …[continue reading]
Recent High Court ruling reveals what dogs in the street know The business model of vulture funds is coming under major scrutiny after a revealing court ruling indicated that credit servicing firms – who act on behalf of such funds – may not be the legal owners of debt (allegedly) sold to them. The Irish …[continue reading]
Prepare to expand your understanding of human potential with Mary Rodwell as she delves into the fascinating realm of DNA alteration through frequency modulation, leading to the emergence of new abilities. In this thought-provoking discussion, Mary explores the profound implications of how frequencies interact with human DNA, catalyzing shifts in consciousness and unlocking latent abilities. …[continue reading]
Western medicine is the world’s only medical tradition that does not harness an invisible healing force or energy. In the East, there is prana (yoga) and qi (acupuncture, tai chi), but in the West, “energy” means a chemical like ATP. That’s because we view the body as a complex machine rather than a flowing organic …[continue reading]
Dr. Shamini Jain is a clinical psychologist, researcher, public speaker, and the founder of the nonprofit Consciousness and Healing Initiative. With Sounds True, she’s released the new book Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon has a conversation with Shamini about the interconnections …[continue reading]
Many are now waking up to the fact the world is not what it seems and although for years many of us have been called all sorts of names for attempting to unveil the power behind the throne. In this episode, I have taken a break from my usual remedy subject and taken a journey …[continue reading]
This update episode lets you know what is going on behind the scenes of lawful opposition to existing systems. It also servers as a reminder to my American friends as to your position and basic questions you should ask when being told to file your taxes. As for the UK, well ULEZ and car emissions …[continue reading]
Every so-called State in the Union has laws on their books forbidding the unauthorized practice of their Law. This fact alone might lead one to conclude that being a licensed member of the legal professional is not only required, but that one not so duly appointed had better not even think about offering legal writings …[continue reading]
Paul Cudenec Jun 10, 2024 This article was written as a contribution to the 2024 Chisinau Forum: ‘Unrestricted warfare: a holistic approach to the Great Reset’. Over the last few years, I have been doing a bit of research into the connections and parallels between the Great Reset and war. Although my focus has …[continue reading]