The wheat of today is not the wheat of our mothers or grandmothers. Modern wheat is the product of genetic manipulations that have transformed its properties. Modern wheat is now a 2-foot tall, high-yield semi-dwarf strain, different in both appearance and multiple biochemical features from traditional wheat. Introduction of this new strain of wheat was …[continue reading]
Dean and Jeff discuss current events and take a their monthly whack at the global oligarchy. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Up to 55% rise in stillbirths in 2023 By Dr. William Makis Global Research, April 28, 2024 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this …[continue reading]
Download PDF Story at-a-glance Young people who received multiple COVID jabs were significantly more likely to die than those who skipped the shots, according to data from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics An analysis by The Exposé revealed that, in February 2023, those who received four COVID-19 shots had a 318% higher mortality rate …[continue reading]
Passed with 95.62% of the vote! Dr. Joseph Sansone Apr 28, 2024 The Arizona Republican Party is now the second state Republican Party to pass the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution and declare COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons. Shout out to Patriot, Dan Schultz of who submitted the ‘Ban the …[continue reading]
Here’s some petrol (gasoline) for the bonfire when we send the child traffickers back to Hell: a former British Police Officer, Gary Waterman, has uncovered yet more evidence and another part of the Great Fraud linking Companies House, the British Corporation Registry, and technically unregistered shell corporations engaged in child trafficking: So what do …[continue reading]
Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.” Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much …[continue reading]
I have not been running enough of the work of Sabrina Wallace aka Psinergy, who has been instrumental in unraveling the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) component of the Death Shot. Sabrina has now determined that the nanotechnology in the COVID jabs “Reproduces itself, grabs up the components of your body to do it, then, …[continue reading]
by Greg Reese The Japanese are normally not inclined to protest. But thousands of them are now marching together in protest of the deadly experimental shots and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty. They are being ignored by their government and media, and they deserve our recognition and support. They are launching a class action lawsuit for the …[continue reading]
Written By: GreenMedInfo Research Group Could the key to fighting breast cancer be hiding in your fruit bowl? A surprising new study suggests that limonene, a natural compound in the peel of citrus fruits, may pack a powerful punch against this devastating disease In a remarkable discovery, researchers have found that a compound in the …[continue reading]