Trump and the Illusion of Choice

‘Betsy and Thomas’ from the American Intelligence Media review the ^debate^ between two British Pilgrims Society puppets. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

BAR Attorney Submits Powerful Letter of Resignation to Ohio Supreme Court

Former attorney Katherine Hine submits powerful letter of resignation in Ohio, citing it is a private, for-profit corporate system that condones pedophilia, denies recovery of compensation for those whose lives are shattered by the well-connected who help trade in on the churning of controversy via CRIS (Court Registry Investment System) among a multiple of frauds …[continue reading]

Breaking: Published science proves that the Covid-19 “vaccine” increases mortality

Surviving COVID-19 has been falsely attributed to the Covid-19 injections A 2024 study by Adhikari et al. titled “Brief research report: impact of vaccination on antibody responses and mortality from severe COVID-19” examined the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on antibody responses and mortality rates among people hospitalized with severe COVID-19. The study investigated whether vaccination …[continue reading]

Breaking News: Glowing C19 Shots and Fluorescent Nanotechnology – Conversation With Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee – Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 26

In this episode, Melissa McAtee and I correlate her findings of fluorescence in the C19 shots during the manufacturing process and my research of the glowing filaments, mesogens that create a glow the faces of the C19 injected and now are seen via shedding in the C19 uninjected. Melissa shares never released Pfizer internal documents. …[continue reading]


This is an excellent and riveting interview with Frances Leader by South African podcaster, Jerm Warfare, in which she expounds on her extraordinary work investigating the Black Nobility and how we are currently living in the Roman Empire 2.0. She calls it the “Roman Empire Mark II”, but I don’t think this communicates what she means …[continue reading]