It’s understood this morning’s operation is connected to a wider investigation of a Munster-based crime gang. 2 hours ago 76,301 Views 103 Comments Share192 Tweet Email2 Image: Brian Lawless THREE GARDAÍ HAVE been arrested following raids on a number of premises in Munster this morning. A garda superintendent, inspector and ranking member are now being questioned on suspicion of …[continue reading]
Watch “AV10 – GcMAF, Big Pharma & The Persecution of David Noakes & Lyn Thyer” on YouTube EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Demands new powers be transferred to international authority that ‘manages’ interests of nations. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Pope Francis Calls For Global Governance to Fight Climate Change
Your jurisdiction determines your “standing”, or your lack of “standing”. jurisdiction. 1. Power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders.2. Territory within which a court or government agency may properly exercise its power. See, e.g. Ruhrgas AG v. Marathon Oil Co. et al., 526 U.S. 574 (1999). A man or woman who “acts” in “joinder” …[continue reading]
To Share or NOT to share To Share or not to share
Why Is The Bilderberg 2019 Location Still a Secret? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Detergent Dangers EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
IF YOU CAN’T DO YOUR WHOLE HOME, YOU CAN DO YOUR BEDROOM EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): How to protect your house from 5G
Professional 4 in 1 LCD PH Meter Soil Tester Digital Temperature Sunlight Moisture PH Meter Gauge Introduction:This soil moisture, pH, temperature and light tester offers 4 important measurements: pH Value, Temperature, Moisture, and Environment Sunlight Intensity. The sensitive 200mm probe and light sensor window provides 5 units of accurate & precise measured results, pH, moisture, …[continue reading]
How clean is your water ? Test your water with a TDS digital Meter Measures total dissolved solids (TDS) Pocket sized for portable use in a large number of applications Including: Drinking of bottle water, Food processing, Medical products, Boiled water, Households and offices, Ionized water and water quality testing etc. Specifications: 1.TDS Measuring range: …[continue reading]