PAC: €86m spent on avoiding environmental targets shows Govt making ‘charade’ of climate change promise

The Government has been accused of making a “charade” of its climate change promises after it emerged it has spent more than €86m to date in buying itself out of international environmental targets. The Dáil’s public accounts committee outlined the situation after the National Treasury Management Agency confirmed the figures and said another €66.5m may …[continue reading]

Experts: Alzheimer’s Disease Might Be ‘Foodborne’

Mounting research shows there’s a compelling link between a particular kind of protein and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. What’s so intriguing about that is this protein, called TDP-43, behaves like toxic and infectious proteins known as prions, which are responsible for the brain destruction that occurs in Mad Cow and …[continue reading]

Complete History of BAYER — One of the Biggest Depopulationist Companies in the World

Bayer AG is a chemical and pharmaceutical giant founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.  Today it has its headquarters in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It trademarked acetylsalicylic acid as aspirin in 1899. It also trademarked heroin a year earlier, then marketed it world-wide for decades as …[continue reading]


FROM THE EMPIRE FILES On this day in 1898, the Philippines declared Independence from Spain – which was followed by a US invasion and occupation. Mark Twain opposed it. It was America’s first Vietnam.   A report from the Empire Files. The U.S. Occupation (1898-1946) The first Philippine Republic was short-lived. Spain had lost a …[continue reading]

Dr. Pall is only one of many professionals issuing the same warning, yet the rollout is moving forward without delay. Here, Dr. Martin Blank from Columbia University’s Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, summarizes his assessment. “We have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control. Before Edison’s light bulb there was very little electromagnetic radiation in our environment. The levels today are very many times higher than natural background levels, and are growing rapidly because of all the new devices that emit this radiation. Putting it bluntly they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely.” ~ Dr. Marin Blank Here, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, an internal medicine physician & professor, comments on 5G while speaking to the U.S. Senate. “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-review literature. These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes. In humans, we have clear evidence of cancer now: there is no question We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure, neuropsychiatric effects…5G is an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful; we know it from the science. In academics, this is called human subjects research.” ~Dr. Sharon Goldberg

In case you missed it, recent lab tests conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab found that seasonal flu vaccines, which are pushed on virtually everyone these days, including young babies, pregnant women and the elderly, contain outrageously high levels of neurotoxic mercury. Vials of batch flu vaccine produced by British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) were found …[continue reading]


The international rollout of fifth generation wireless technology (5G) is well underway despite increasingly vocal opposition from scientists and medical professionals, who are desperately trying to warn us of the well-documented dangers of 5G. The government and industries involved in the 5G rollout are have zero concern for public safety, because the technology promises to be …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

Anti-GMO activist found dead in hotel pool, hours before planned delivery of 200,000 petition signatures to the EPA

n activist who opposed genetically engineered mosquitoes has been found dead in the swimming pool of a Washington D.C. hotel, just hours before she was due to submit a petition with over 200,000 signatures to the EPA. Derrick Broze of Activist Post has investigated the story and spoken to a close friend of the victim, …[continue reading]

A family destroyed: Six-month-old dies after clinic injects baby with 13 vaccines at once without mother’s informed consent

Alisa Neathery, a young dusky beauty, fragile in her composure, walked to the front of the starkly lit meeting room, holding two things: A photograph of her smiling baby boy Bently, and a moon crescent shaped silver object. I wondered what it was. She began to speak, and tell her shocking story. When her son …[continue reading]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains Dangers of The HPV Vaccine & How It Could Give You Cancer

IN BRIEF The Facts: Robert F. Kennedy Jr recently appeared in Connecticut after an effort to Mandate multiple vaccines has been initiated. In his appearance, he claimed that the HPV vaccine may and does cause cancer, among other things. Reflect On: With so much science, and evidence of corruption and fraud when it comes to …[continue reading]