United Nations Rules In Favour Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

A UN panel has ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was under a three-and-a-half years “arbitrary detention” while holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy. HIS LAWYERS ARE ASKING FOR THE WARRANT TO BE DROPPED AND HIS PASSPORT RETURNED Julian Assange sought sanctuary in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden on sexual accusations which …[continue reading]

Jerry Brown Reluctantly Admits Trump Was Right About California Wildfires

California Gov. Jerry Brown has reluctantly admitted that President Trump was correct in asserting that poor forest management led to the recent wildfires.    In an astonishing about-face, Gov. Brown is now urging state lawmakers to ease restrictions on logging that were enacted under pressure from liberal environmental groups. Wnd.com reports: Brown is proposing one of …[continue reading]

“Clear Evidence” Cell Phones Cause Cancer, US Gov’t Study Concludes

A landmark U.S. government study has concluded that there is “clear evidence” that cell phones cause cancer.   According to the scientific peer reviewed study, radiation emitted from cell phones dramatically increases the risk of a person getting brain cancer. Theguardian.com reports: NTP scientists had exposed thousands of rats and mice (whose biological similarities to humans make …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

New Report: Global Warming Is A Rockefeller Scam

The Rockefeller family, an unfathomably wealthy banking and oil dynasty, has been hijacking governments, media organizations, universities, non-profits, and other power centers to expand its control over the economy and the energy sector in particular, according to a recently released investigation by a watchdog group.   The Rockefeller dynasty has largely created, bankrolled, and weaponized what is known as …[continue reading]

Scientists Discover Mineral That Could Make Internet 1,000 Times Faster

Scientists have discovered a rare mineral in Russia that could hold the key to boosting internet speeds by 1000%.    The mineral, perovskite, was first discovered in Russia in the 1830’s. Scientists say that it has a number of extraordinary properties, many of which they are now learning about. Forbes.com reports: Perovskite (CaTiO3) is a calcium …[continue reading]

Google Engineer Says He’s Building ‘Robot God’ To ‘Rule Over Humans’

A former Google engineer who registered the first ever church of Artificial Intelligence (AI) says he is raising a ‘robot God’ that will eventually ‘rule over humanity.’   Anthony Levandowski says the AI God will head a religion named ‘Way Of The Future’ (WOTF), and he has already filed papers with the IRS to make it …[continue reading]

Apple Deny Deliberately Slowing Down Millions Of Old iPhones

Millions of iPhone users have accused Apple of deliberately slowing down older devices in order to increase the sales of newer, more expensive iPhones.   According to furious users on Reddit, the iPhone’s performance with iOS 11 dramatically increases when the battery is replaced with a new one. Technology journalists have speculated that Apple could be ‘remotely slowing …[continue reading]