The use of sound and music to generate “healing” has a long history stretching back to the virtual beginnings of man. Indigenous shamans and healers using instruments such as the human voice, drums, flutes and percussive instruments have been documented to alter brain states (i.e. the neural activity within the brain itself). These studies have …[continue reading]
verything, from our music tastes and shopping habits to our faces and fingerprints, is up for grabs in the business of big data. But who exactly owns this data? How will it be used? And what impact will this ever-increasing digital footprint have on our lives? These are questions that privacy campaigner, Pippa King, began …[continue reading]
Scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C and is cured by eating fruit or taking a vitamin C supplement. We all know how important vitamin C is but apparently it’s only active as a cofactor in eight enzymes in the body. In comparison, magnesium is 100 times more powerful being responsible for the activity of …[continue reading]
DIGITAL BOOK BURNING ON A SCALE NOT EVEN THE NAZIS ACHIEVED ALTERNATIVE HEALTH LEADERS ERASED FROM THE INTERNET We were among the first to warn of this back in March when “small” players in the health space were targeted. Actually, we’ve been warning about it since 2008 when Brasscheck was among the first to be …[continue reading]
More than a decade since the global economic meltdown of 2008 devastated lives across the world, no one who caused the crisis has been held responsible. “The 2008 financial crisis displayed what the world now identifies as financial contagion,” says Philip J Baker, the former managing partner of a US-based hedge fund that collapsed during …[continue reading]
Resistance to 5G is rapidly increasing, especially in Europe where many are unwilling to roll over for a 5G rollout. Fifth generation wireless threatens to massively increase electromagnetic radiation, affecting people and the planet. On March 31, Brussels (Belgium) became the first major city to stop a 5G pilot project because of health concerns. Refusing …[continue reading]
RECENT UPDATES & PROGRESS Philadelphia Inquirer | 18 June 2019 | PA, USA5G Halted in Pennsylvania – at least for now – by Bob Fernandez YouTube | 13 June 20195G Installer speaks out about 5G harm – 7 min video Watershed Sentinel | 13 June 20195G Resistance: Concern grows over European rollout – by Joyce Nelson Americans For Responsible …[continue reading]
The question isn’t “Is 5G dangerous?” The real question is “Just how dangerous is it, and what can we do about it?” In this guest post Lois Cadwallader shares how 5G will impact our bodies, our brains, and our planet. Not to mention the privacy issues. Learn how to protect yourself, mind, body, soul and …[continue reading]
This exclusive interview with proprietary analyst Rob Kirby, hits these breaking topics: – Gold & Silver had their best day in 7 years: will it last, or will they be collared again? – The reasons why Bitcoin is being allowed to run. – Geopolitical tensions and what you’re not being told about Iran’s startling history …[continue reading]