Deep State Have Finally Met their Match – Ed Butowsky

This is a chilling story about the lynchpin that, in a just world, would dismantle the pathetic “Russian Collusion” fraud and the DNC’s psychological civil war being waged on the public. It’s scary that hardly anyone is covering this but given how corrupt they are and their willingness to destroy lives and kill innocent people, …[continue reading]

The Nephilim Bloodline Goes Back at Least 6,500 Years to Ancient Sumeria

The feudalist bloodlines which control the wealth, politics, “sciences”, military and mis-education on this planet go back at least 6,500 years to ancient Sumeria and Babylon. Their “royal” blood, is the Sangreal or Holy Grail and is indeed different from that of humans. They are hybrids of the Nephilim or fallen angels from the Book …[continue reading]

U.S. senator Blumenthal raises concerns on 5G wireless technology’s potential health risks

U.S. Senator Blumenthal criticizes the FCC & FDA for inadequate answers on outstanding public health questions. Wireless carriers concede they are not aware of any independent scientific studies on safety of 5G technologies. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Posted in 5G

Martin Armstrong – USA Prettiest Ugly Sister in Global Economy

Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong says America’s economy is like being “the prettiest ugly sister in the family” of nations. So, if the U.S. economy is so good, why the rush to cut interest rates? Armstrong explains, “It’s really the world economy which is in serious trouble. You really have to look closely …[continue reading]


Steve Pieczenik was born in Havana, Cuba of Eastern European Jewish parents fleeing the Holocaust, he was raised in France and in the United States, where he received degrees in Psychiatry and International Relations from Harvard, Cornell and MIT. He served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James …[continue reading]