This full length documentary is available for free streaming from now until July 25, 2019. Identifying and combating the greatest risk to your health. Get it while you can.   According to the documentary, “The Big Secret,” unethical profiteering on the public’s health can be traced back to John D. Rockefeller, (1839–1937) a wealthy U.S. …[continue reading]

Hubris Before the Fall

By Finian Cunningham July 20, 2019 “Information Clearing House” – Hubris is usually a forewarning of impending calamity. Extreme arrogance blinds the hubristic person to the limits of their power. So, blindly, they push on with reckless excess, leading to potentially disastrous results. The US and Britain are exemplars of this kind of mad hubris …[continue reading]

The vindictive campaign against Chelsea Manning, America’s political prisoner

The vindictive campaign against Chelsea Manning, America’s political prisoner By Niles Niemuth July 20, 2019 “Information Clearing House” – Whistleblower and political prisoner Chelsea Manning has now been confined to a federal detention center in Alexandria, Virginia for more than four months and is being subjected to punitive fines which could ruin her financially. Manning …[continue reading]

Elon Musk unveils plan to build mind-reading implants: ‘The monkey is out of the bag

Elon Musk’s secretive “brain-machine interface” startup, Neuralink, stepped out of the shadows on Tuesday evening, revealing its progress in creating a wireless implantable device that can – theoretically – read your mind. At an event at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, Musk touted the startup’s achievements since he founded it in 2017 …[continue reading]


After a 2005 US Senate report named him as having profited from illegal Iraqi oil sales, British MP George Galloway came back with a searing critique of US corruption and interventionist foreign policy EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): IRAQ WAR 'A PACK OF LIES'After a 2005 US Senate report named him as having profited from illegal …[continue reading]