China confirmed reports that it was pulling out of U.S. agriculture as a weapon in the ongoing trade war. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
a very deadly trick used by the elite fraudsters to confuse and deceive the masses into forming false presumptions in relation to words uttered by so called government leaders, the judiciary and the media. These terms are also know as “Doublespeak” when words such as “Include” can have a massive effect on a sentence if …[continue reading]
(C’wlth.) ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT 1901 –References to persons(1) In any Act, expressions used to denote persons generally (such as “person”, “party”, “someone”,“anyone”, “no-one”, “one”, “another” and “whoever”), include a body politic or corporate as well as anindividual.(2) Express references in an Act to companies, corporations or bodies corporate do not imply thatexpressions in that Act, …[continue reading]
Geoengineering – even in modest amounts – works just like a drug, will kill the planet slowly What do geoengineering and taking drugs have in common? The parallels aren’t immediately obvious, but once you take a look at the potential ramifications of the process, it’s pretty easy to see how it will slowly but surely …[continue reading]
Memorandum of Law on the Name Many people are involved in diligent research concerning the use of all capital letters for proper names, e.g., JOHN PAUL JONES as a substitute for John Paul Jones in all court documents, driver’s licenses, bank accounts, birth certificates, etc.. Is the use of all capital letters to designate a name some special English grammar …[continue reading]
This short video says it all. The authority of bogus sciences like psychiatry, economics and so forth are key flaws in our culture. We leave key survival endeavours in the hands of “experts” who present a body of opinion and try to pretend it is scientific. As Dr Suzuki points out, Economics as we know …[continue reading]
The Honourable Ann Bressington exposes the hidden agenda of the Club of Rome, UN Agenda 21, population control and world government. She gives a frank assessment of what has happened up until now and suggests some solutions for averting our enslavement. This video was recorded as an introduction for Lord Monckton’s trip to South Australia February 2013. His presentation is called “Carbon tax, climate …[continue reading]
No video I’ve ever seen has made as slum-dunk of an open-and-shut case as this one, that humans from Earth have never set foot on the Moon. I never wanted to doubt that “we” went to the Moon. It was etched into my identity as an American since I was a toddler. I’ve seen other videos, which …[continue reading]
I used to post a lot of humor pieces before wokeness killed comedyand CollegeHumor became crashingly unfunny. There’s nothing funny about everything being great and everyone being treated with respect. Things are only funny because they are messed-up. In order to be funny, one must at least toy with being offensive, which in today’s climate is a recipe for …[continue reading]
DARK JOURNALIST & SPECIAL GUEST ELANA FREELAND:SPACE FENCE LOCKDOWN PART 1: 5G DNA TRANSHUMANIST MENACE:WEAPONIZED PLANETARY CONTROL GRID! Space Fence5G TechnologySynthetic BiologyNanotech DNA ManipulationIonization of the Atmosphere Dark Journalist welcomes back Geo-engineering author Elana Freeland for an incredible tour through the murky world of the weaponization of the environment using 5G, Nanotech, DNA Surveillance, Synthetic …[continue reading]