Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died overnight in an apparent suicide, law enforcement sources told the Post Saturday. A gurney carrying Epstein was wheeled into New York Downtown Hospital around 7:30 a.m. A call for a reported cardiac arrest came in at 6:38 a.m., Fire Department sources said. Two weeks ago, Epstein, 66, was placed on …[continue reading]
by Gary Z McGee The Four Agreements “You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward.” ~ Miguel Ruiz In his book The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz …[continue reading]
What is a Person? the dirty tricks and doublespeak that deceives you into falling into a trap that leads you into the underworld of the assumed dead… All persons are men but not all men are persons! …. A person is the incorporated debtor of a charge… Here are some of the dirty tricks used …[continue reading]
Investment bank’s most senior bosses in London among top bankers facing criminal charges The most senior Goldman Sachs banker in London is among 17 former and current bosses at the investment bank facing criminal charges in Malaysia in connection with the multibillion-dollar 1MDB scandal. Richard Gnodde, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs’ international operations, has …[continue reading]
Is the Federal Reserve losing control of the gold price? By Paul Craig Roberts August 08, 2019 “Information Clearing House” – After years of being kept in the doldrums by orchestrated short selling described on this website by Roberts and Kranzler, gold has lately moved up sharply reaching $1,510 this morning. The gold price has …[continue reading]
Nadler Says ‘Formal Impeachment Proceedings’ Are Already Underway “That’s exactly the process we’re in right now,” the House Judiciary chairman said. By Ed Mazza August 09, 2019 “Information Clearing House” – Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said on Thursday night that his committee’s investigation represented “formal impeachment proceedings” against President Donald Trump. The House Judiciary chairman …[continue reading]
CUTTING TO THE CHASE: TURN OFF YOUR CABLE BOX WHEN YOU ARE NOT USING IT! HE’S A BIT LONG WINDED, BUT HE WILL SAVE YOU BIG MONEY OVER TIME No one likes to waste money. This electrical engineer discovered he wasted over $5,000 on his electrical bill over the years – by making one simple …[continue reading] Certificate of Title Form – 1999 Conveyancing01/05/1999 Dear Colleague, The Conveyancing Committee in conjunction with the Legal Advisers of the undermentioned Financial Institutions is pleased to inform you that agreement has been reached on revised standard forms of Solicitor’s Undertaking, Certificate of Title and Approved Guildelines (“the agreed documents”) for future use in residential …[continue reading]
YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS Banks like to foreclose on people they’ve helped rip off. What if people started foreclosing on the banks? They can and do. Here’s two examples of how it’s done. Another story here… What is a RESPA letter? Simple letter covered under RESPA can solve mortgage woes. … The qualified written …[continue reading]
State media widely reported on a viral photo showing US foreign service agent Julie Eadeh – identified as the political unit chief of the US Consulate General – meeting with leading anti-Beijing activists at a Hong Kong hotel on Tuesday amid continuing unrest in the semi-autonomous city. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):