Lyn Thyer has been EXTRADITED to FRANCE EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
What are Berkshares? Dubbed a “great economic experiment” by The New York Times, BerkShares are a local currency for the Berkshire region of Massachusetts. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Fluoride may diminish kidney and liver function in adolescents, study suggests Fluoride exposure may lead to a reduction in kidney and liver function among adolescents, according to a study published by Mount Sinai researchers in Environment International in August. The study examined the relationship between fluoride levels in drinking water and blood with kidney and …[continue reading]
Among the 40 interview subjects are CEOs and top-level executives from a range of industries: oil, pharmaceutical, computer, tire, manufacturing, public relations, branding, advertising and undercover marketing; in addition, a Nobel-prize winning economist, the first management guru, a corporate spy, and a range of academics, critics, historians and thinkers are also interviewed. EMBED A VIDEO …[continue reading]
Under the leadership of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a $500 billion “mega-city” is being constructed in the northwestern corner of Saudi Arabia. This city has been named “Neom”, and when it is fully completed it will be approximately “the size of Massachusetts”. The Wall Street Journal was able to recently examine 2,300 pages …[continue reading]
Couple Replant Two Millions Trees to Restore a Destroyed Forest, Animals Return Print Friendly or Save as PDF August 6th, 2019 By Amelia Harris Staff Writer for Wake Up World Mother Nature definitely has a way of evening the score…taking back what’s hers. And we love that about her! Every single thing on …[continue reading]
Jeffrey Epstein dead; what happens now? (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Hanged himself in his New York cell. Was on suicide watch, after earlier suicide attempt or assault. Where were the guards? Who can possibly believe this story on its face? Suicide Watch means the prisoner has no materials in …[continue reading]
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died overnight in an apparent suicide, law enforcement sources told the Post Saturday. A gurney carrying Epstein was wheeled into New York Downtown Hospital around 7:30 a.m. A call for a reported cardiac arrest came in at 6:38 a.m., Fire Department sources said. Two weeks ago, Epstein, 66, was placed on …[continue reading]
by Gary Z McGee The Four Agreements “You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward.” ~ Miguel Ruiz In his book The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz …[continue reading]
What is a Person? the dirty tricks and doublespeak that deceives you into falling into a trap that leads you into the underworld of the assumed dead… All persons are men but not all men are persons! …. A person is the incorporated debtor of a charge… Here are some of the dirty tricks used …[continue reading]