Glyphosate, Irelands best kept secret

Holy Glyphosate Michael O’Callaghan & GM-free Ireland. Testing is now available via The Detox Project. Need to test local water ASAP. Live Green (EPA) Shame on you. you should be protecting us. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Holy Glyphosate Michael O'Callaghan & GM-free Ireland. Testing is now available via The Detox Project. Need to test local water ASAP. Live Green (EPA) …[continue reading]

The beauty of being a misfit

To those who feel like they don’t belong: there is beauty in being a misfit. Author Lidia Yuknavitch shares her own wayward journey in an intimate recollection of patchwork stories about loss, shame and the slow process of self-acceptance. “Even at the moment of your failure, you are beautiful,” she says. “You don’t know it …[continue reading]

Commercial Common Law lien Notice.

NOTICE OF LIEN A Common Law Commercial Lien has been LAWFULLY established between myself, :Peter Mcgee and the corporation/person/individual who accepts liability for the Name “JEREMY MASDING ”  at address c/o Permanent tsb 56-59 St Stephens Green Dublin 2, herein referred to as “the Tortfeaser”. Thus I am LAWFULLY able to seize goods and assets  …[continue reading]

Commercial lien notice

NOTICE OF LIEN A Common Law Commercial Lien has been LAWFULLY established between ourselves, Michael and Caroline Elliott and the corporation/person/individual who accepts liability for the Name “Peter Finn agent for Bank of Ireland (the governor and company of the bank of Ireland)at address 4 Mespil Rd Dublin 4. herein referred to as “the Tortfeaser”. …[continue reading]

Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Lid Off OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD

In confirmation to the Indigo Skyfold pilot’s testimony that is the main subject of this article, another US Air Force personnel has thrown herself into the battle against chemtrail and global geo-engineering operations. Her direct first-hand account is not something a sane society can ignore… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Lid Off …[continue reading]