So You Want To Join The Class Actions To End UK Mortgage Fraud? So you want to join the class actions to end mortgage fraud and claim compensation for your losses from the Land Registry? You do? Well, this post is the one you’ve been waiting for. On the 6th of August 2019, the class …[continue reading]
The Environmental Protection Agency’s humble beginnings during a time when there was No Protection from the illegal dumping of waste, pollution of the air and water, and chemical plants producing pesticides that harm Earth’s ecosystem – including all human beings. The overriding theme of Silent Spring is the powerful—and often negative—effect humans have on the …[continue reading]
Hong Kongers have been waving American flags and singing the American national anthem to signify their stand against control from the Communist Mainland. One wonders what the protesters would make of the most visible members of the US’ Democrat Party all but shouting “Down with America!” for the past several months. Another symbol that they’ve …[continue reading]
This is an important mashup, featuring the work of some of our favorite YouTubers, like James Corbett and Level9News plus new information we’ve not seen anywhere else about the Technocratic Globalist wet dream of implementing a network-centric global Artificial Intelligence system for human command and control that will first be introduced as a way to …[continue reading]
EPSTEIN: AN OPERATIVE, NOT A MASTERMIND During the 1980s, Epstein claimed he was working for the CIA. Others who knew him then, said he was working for the Mossad too. He was also in major fundraising mode and was apparently involved in money running for the Iran Contra scam. Remember this was the same time …[continue reading]
Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? Pushback is Growing… 12 hours ago Debra Greene PhD 119 views 8 min read ADD COMMENTWATCH LATERCINEMA MODESUBSCRIBE As we approach the 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability online summit, Dr. Debra Greene uncovers a crazy development in Hawaii, in her 4-min video above, or on YouTube here. Sign the petition to help …[continue reading]
This will certainly be controversial. It’s impossible to discusss such big topics in 3 minute or 30 hour videos. So I stuck to 4 minutes. But the hope is to spark conversation (and Googling). And if this video achieves that, then I’m happy. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Why Democracy Doesn't Work.This will certainly be controversial. …[continue reading]
Celebrities, activists, environmentalist organizations, the UN, government entities and sadly, even the Vatican support the theory that humans cause climate change. However, in this exclusive interview, “global warming” expert and author Marc Morano gives you hard-hitting arguments and facts that dispel the artificial fear propagated by “climate emergency” alarmists. Marc Morano talks about: #Climate #change …[continue reading]
What Are Mushrooms? When Jonathan asked Dr. Nuzum, “What are mushrooms?”, he explained that they are fungi and have their own category in biology because they are not animals or plants. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Mushroom Supplements Boost Your Immune System!
Less than a month after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, U.S. troops—with support from British, Canadian, French, German and Australian forces—invaded Afghanistan to fight Al Qaeda and the Taliban. More than 17 years later, the Global War on Terrorism initiated by President George W. Bush is truly global, with Americans actively …[continue reading]