An Unavoidable Realization By Anna Von Reitz What if people have been taught to call themselves “Christian” just as they have been taught to call themselves “US Citizens” —- to their own detriment? What if the whole concept of “Christ” versus Jesus is just another substitution fraud? How else to explain how …[continue reading]
We’re living in a dystopian science fiction novel, in which the mass media and the Internet are in lockstep with the Neoliberal establishment, in an effort to create a one-party government. Big Tech, with their bias towards Internationalism and coercive control is the biggest threat to free, open and democratic nations that the West has …[continue reading]
CHILDREN FROM OTHER COUNTRIES AS YOUNG AS 12 YEARS OLD” What else are they burying about the Epstein story? Meet Alan Dershowitz and what people used to know in 2015 and have forgotten in 2019. “Children from other countries as young as 12 years old” The focus as been on Florida teenagers – and …[continue reading]
Before he became famous for claiming that the elite were a bunch of shapeshifting reptilians, David Icke had made a name for himself by talking about our “microchipped future”, where we would all be forced to submit to implantation with a subdermal RFIDtransponder to track our whereabouts 24/7 and which would replace credit cards and money, as the chips …[continue reading]
An intense vaccine discussion between two powerhouse investigative reporters—Regina Meredith and Jon Rappoport discuss whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, corruption at the CDC, vaccine conspiracy, and how we can get Congress to finally take notice. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):…/jon-rappoport-pharmaceutical-fraud
Noam Chomsky is one of the superstars of the intellectual world; a prolific author and self-proclaimed anarchist, who, at the age of 86 still doesn’t seem to be slowing down. He still rails against a whole host of perceived injustices, with the West generally in his line of fire. Isabelle Kumar of Euronews interviewed him …[continue reading]
Taking a stand in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz are whistleblowers Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. The sculptures represent three contemporary heroes who have lost their freedom for the truth. The life-size bronze statues were unveiled on Friday in front of members of the German Green Party as well as activists. All three figures are …[continue reading]
“I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest,” says Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician and addiction specialist who has been practicing medicine for 30 years. “I’ve had a team compiling data for a …[continue reading]
Will this put you off your 5G phone? #jussayinNah…..ive just had a thought, what if we are all wrong and HE’S RIGHT? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Will this put you off your 5G phone? #jussayinNah…..ive just had a thought, what if we are all wrong and HE'S RIGHT?Shakes head, puts down drink and concludes he's a …[continue reading]
Watch this EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Why do NASA lie us? Watch thisWhy do NASA lie us? Watch thisPosted by Knowledge on Monday, November 26, 2018