By B.N. Frank Activist Post has already reported about states filing lawsuits against the proposed Sprint / T-Mobile merger (see 1, 2, 3). According to the Wireless Estimator, T-Mobile is postponing new builds and 5G upgrades at least for now. A construction manager who wants to remain anonymous blames the 15 state attorneys general for …[continue reading]
J S Parthiban is a bank manager in a busy Indian city. In talking with some of the thousands of vendors and beggars on the streets surrounding his work, he learned everything they earned would go towards paying off loans, which kept them in a perpetual cycle of poverty and disempowerment. He knew he had …[continue reading]
This is the short version of the eye opening documentary “Cowspiracy – The Sustainability Secret”. This is an unofficial version and I don’t in anyway claim this to be an official version of the documentary. This is a must watch documentary to know about the impacts our day to day activities causes on the planet. …[continue reading]
In this post we are looking at a treasure trove of info of what looks to be the beginnings of BIG PHARMA… as well as state-sponsored mass murder by traveling “doctors” and special biochemical “medicine” chests. Are we looking at a deliberate intent by UK imperialists to use deadly chemicals on unsuspecting populations … since …[continue reading]
Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. Mushrooms would appear to be unlikely candidates to heal our bodies, souls, and planet Earth. Who knew they have an ancient global communication system that detoxifies the planet and creates …[continue reading]
AFI Michael McKibben and AIM Douglas Gabriel report on the roots of fake news which are found in a huge global British spy network that spews propaganda to promote never-ending war, big pharma eugenics, regime changes, and even…the overthrow attempt of Donald J. Trump. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
WHAT’S GOING ON You may think that mandatory vaccinations only applies to children and their families. Wrong. You’re next. Mandatory vaccinations as a condition for employment, for access to medical care, with every hospitalization, in order to be eligible for social security. That’s what’s coming next. One sinister step at a time. Everything you need …[continue reading]
Last week was full of portentous events. Only somebody who has not been awake for the last few years will fail to realize how these at first sight unconnected events are part of the same matrix. There was the ever louder talk in mainstream media about an approaching global recession, inverted yield curves and the …[continue reading]
The Supreme Court isn’t actually “supreme” in the way that most people today think it is. And both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison insisted that it wasn’t. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): The “Judicial Supremacy” Myth: Jefferson and Madison Set Things Straight World history is the story of how all the people in the world have been placed into individual indentured trusts that bond their future labour to underwrite the perpetual monetized debt system. Without proper status, we have no standing or the capacity to affect change for ourselves, our families, our communities, our society …[continue reading]