6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the body – life and death ceaselessly intertwined – the miracle of the human …[continue reading]


HOW GOOGLE HAS SOLD YOU OUT SUPPORT ALTERNATIVE HEALTH PUBLISHERS Two years ago, Big Pharma starting funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to Google. This year, Google has gone on a “search and destroy” mission to remove alternative health information from its search results and from its subsidiary YouTube. Do you think it’s a coincidence? …[continue reading]

A top police chief has claimed that banks are forging signatures on an industrial scale

A top police chief has claimed that banks are forging signatures on an industrial scale, as he accuses the government of sitting on ‘overwhelming evidence’. Anthony Stansfeld, police and crime commissioner for Thames Valley, has slammed the Serious Fraud Office, the Financial Conduct Authority and the National Crime Agency for not taking appropriate action. EMBED …[continue reading]

MEGA important detail that you are not being told by corrupt elected.

MEGA important detail that you are not being told by corrupt elected..It’s gone way over most people’s heads and the usual Dail Mafia elected are not willing to talk about it – or expose it at all. Very obvious why!!!.This time we are talking about: “WHY was it legally clarified into law though Irish Water …[continue reading]

Central Banks Propose Total Takeover with Digital Currency w/ Harley Schlanger

Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to discuss the central banker meeting that took place in Wyoming this past week. He shares the 3 proposals they formulated to reset the global economy and lay their path for complete central bank control of a global digital currency. You can follow Harley Schlanger by signing up for his …[continue reading]