How New Cell Phone Towers Destroy Human Gene Expression

New research into low-level electromagnetic fields is showing that cell towers may seriously disrupt how human DNA expresses itself. The two cloned mice below have identical DNA, yet one is showing serious genetic deformities due to inhibited methylation.   Methylation is a chemical action that determines the quality of our gene expression. Poor gene expression …[continue reading]

No legal basis for mandatory Public Services Card to access State services other than welfare, landmark probe finds

A LANDMARK INVESTIGATION has found that there is no lawful basis for a person to be required to get a Public Services Card (PSC) for anything other than social welfare payments and benefits.  The results of the long-awaited probe into the legality of the controversial PSC by the Data Protection Commissioner were sent to the Department …[continue reading]

Exclusive: President ousted by US-led coup tells all

How did a CIA-backed military coup in 2009 turn Honduras into a violent, repressive dictatorship and lay the groundwork for the civil strife seen there today? RT America’s Michele Greenstein explains. Then former President Manuel Zelaya joins Rick Sanchez to explain how he was ousted and his progressive government dismantled for the sake of US-based …[continue reading]