By Harley Schlanger This article was co-authored with Paul Gallagher While most eyes watching events unfold at the UN Climate Action Summit were focused on the abused and rage-filled teen, Greta Thunberg, the truth about who is writing her script came out later that day, on September 23, when Bank of England Governor Mark Carney …[continue reading]
Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience — and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it. How does this happen? According to neuroscientist Anil Seth, we’re all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our …[continue reading]
Opioid drug crisis: could the whole US Congress be impeached? (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) First, a little background. Then I’ll get to the Congress. And Obama. Severe addiction, mental dislocation, death. Millions of people are facing the devastating effects of the pharma drugs called opioids, on the streets of …[continue reading]
Australia is undergoing an apartment construction crisis. Walls are cracking, facades are crumbling, and consumer confidence is even shakier. These structural deficiencies are the result of poor workmanship and a government that has been far too slow to act. In Cracking Up, the ABC News Four Corners series investigates this dilemma that has placed countless …[continue reading]
Familiarity with the Illuminati and Deep state is assumed. Francis covers a LOT of territory in this 3-1/2 hour video – you may want to do this in segments, in a group, and/or with your notepad handy. A LOT of dots are connected and as you will discover the connections are intricate, deep, and surprising. …[continue reading]
I believe we at Forex Investors Alliance share a very common trait with the rest of our viewers. We do not accept lies and deception, we do not tolerate manipulation of thoughts and actions. This documentary is a must see if you want to know the TRUTH about the real history of the USA. Although …[continue reading]
For only “pennies a day,” any greenhouse owner can produce CO2 to help increase plant yields in their greenhouses. That’s the message on CO2 generators sold by greenhouse supply companies across the United States and Canada. “1,500 ppm [of carbon dioxide] can be achieved… these generators automatically provide the carbon dioxide needed to meet maximum …[continue reading]
When all is said and done the courts come back to the main premise, “Did you pay?”. That is so injudicious on so many levels. The deeper we get into securitization and contract law we soon realize (after dissection) there is one very basic question being ignored – “Is the Promissory Note even enforceable?” Sheila Bair’s …[continue reading]
ACTION STEPS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS TEXT Brasscheck focuses in institutional corruption. There’s little that can be done, outside law enforcement, about specific demented individuals or small groups. However, with the revelations of widespread – and institutionally protected – child abuse and torture of children by the Catholic Church, Penn State, and most recently …[continue reading]
As a sex educator, Emily Nagoski is often asked: How do couples sustain a strong sexual connection over the long term? In this funny, insightful talk, she shares her answer — drawing on (somewhat surprising) research to reveal why some couples stop having sex while others keep up a connection for a lifetime. This …[continue reading]