The Hippies Were Right: It’s All about Vibrations, Man!

Why are some things conscious and others apparently not? Is a rat conscious? A bat? A cockroach? A bacterium? An electron? These questions are all aspects of the ancient “mind-body problem,” which has resisted a generally satisfying conclusion for thousands of years.            The mind-body problem enjoyed a major rebranding over the last two decades and …[continue reading]

Uncovering Consciousness; Tools for Healing, Motivation & Your Potential

We often underestimate ourselves because of personal or external influences in life and whether we believe it or not, we have all the resources to be and do anything we wish. In this episode, I continue the journey and SHOW you how you can remove those limiting, thoughts, feelings beliefs and behaviors in order to …[continue reading]

Inexpensive treatments recover dying hospital patients

Hospital patients dying of organ failure from serious infections are walking out of the jaws of death time after time thanks to courageous individuals who refused to accept the status quo failing treatments. Instead, thinking outside the box to what will become a revolution in disease care management. More about that after a few statistics …[continue reading]

United Nations Rules In Favour Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

A UN panel has ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was under a three-and-a-half years “arbitrary detention” while holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy. HIS LAWYERS ARE ASKING FOR THE WARRANT TO BE DROPPED AND HIS PASSPORT RETURNED Julian Assange sought sanctuary in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden on sexual accusations which …[continue reading]

Jerry Brown Reluctantly Admits Trump Was Right About California Wildfires

California Gov. Jerry Brown has reluctantly admitted that President Trump was correct in asserting that poor forest management led to the recent wildfires.    In an astonishing about-face, Gov. Brown is now urging state lawmakers to ease restrictions on logging that were enacted under pressure from liberal environmental groups. reports: Brown is proposing one of …[continue reading]