The medical community has long professed the numerous risk factors associated with an unhealthy diet. The foods we eat can play a primary role in determining our vulnerability towards many potentially life-threatening conditions including obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. But current nutritional research studies are examining the links between diet and chronic …[continue reading]
Brand new renewable technology harnesses electricity from the cold, dark night Two years ago, one freezing December night on a California rooftop, a tiny light shone weakly with a little help from the freezing night air. It wasn’t a very bright glow. But it was enough to demonstrate the possibility of generating renewable power after the …[continue reading]
Back to Brexit, or rather, back to Lord Blackheath and some statements he made in the House of Lords concerning Brexit, a pan-European military, and some very revealing words from fromer German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Source – – “…Can’t we just generate new funds for the benefit of the people and direct the profits back into the community? – Of course we can. If so, we could genuinely attempt to finally overcome poverty, homelessness and other socioeconomic disadvantage…First of course is Iceland, who not only jailed 26 bankers for …[continue reading]
FROM THE CORBETT REPORT There are a lot of very strange financial transactions that took place the day before and the day of 9/11. You probably have heard about the United and American Airlines put options trade. That was just the tip of the tip of the iceberg. German banking investigators said: “What we …[continue reading]
Dr. Dave Janda rejoins the program to discuss 911 and how the Mockingbird media has enabled the deep state to maintain control of the narrative even though it is so obvious to most that 911 was a lie. We also discuss the tactics used to continue the coverup of other major events such as JFK …[continue reading]
The term ”Druid” comes from the Indo-European word ”deru”, which means ”the truth” or ”true” EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Female Druids’, The Forgotten Priestesses of the Celts – By Natalia Klimczak
On The GoldFish Report No. 388, Louisa welcomes the Red Dragon Ambassador and Benjamin Fulford of the White Dragon Society to discuss the Global Financial Reset that is now being discussed on the world stage by the G7 leaders in addition to the IMF, President Putin, and the Rothschild’s Economist Magazine. The discussion surrounds the …[continue reading]
Female Druids, the Forgotten Priestesses of the Celts Read Later Print In medieval Irish legends they were called Banduri or Bandorai. Their existence was confirmed by ancient Greek and Roman writers. But who were the legendary female Druids? The Druids were the ancient religious leaders, scientists and researchers of the Celtic society. For centuries, there …[continue reading]
All over the world police states are becoming the superior form of government. Even people from countries conditioned to identify themselves as free are fast becoming informed that they’re living under one expanding, dictatorial, central government. By now it’s occurred to almost everyone that there’s something terribly wrong with the way the world is being …[continue reading]