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5g awareness 4.32K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Anti 5G Candidate John Kitson is initially blocked from appearing on stage with the other candidates at a hustings organised by South Devon Green Party. To support my work go to EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Sarah Westall 108K subscribers SUBSCRIBE See Part 2: Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive notifications of new shows and to see other important information likely not covered by the main stream media: Sign up at Anna von Reitz rejoins the program to discuss how the United …[continue reading]
John McGuinness SUBSCRIBE Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach meets with Ulster Bank Ulster Bank’s reaction to the Mortgage Tracker issue is pathetic EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Several European banks have been drawn into money-laundering allegations centered on dirty Russian money. Much of the information about their possible involvement was made available to media outfits by The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, or OCCRP. Investigations into the scandal are under way in the Baltic nations, the U.S., the U.K. and the Nordic countries. Below is a …[continue reading]
TradingCoachUK SUBSCRIBE MELTDOWN – The Men Who Crashed The World – 2019 The first of a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse. In the first episode of Meltdown, we hear about four men who brought down the global economy: a billionaire mortgage-seller who fooled …[continue reading]
GOOD NEWS How do you change things from bad to good? It’s not easy, but it’s doable. It takes craftiness. It takes the intelligent use of leverage. It takes a lot of work. Here’s a man who has figured out how to make life miserable for the criminal producers of genetically modified organisms. It …[continue reading]
“A NATIONAL EPIDEMIC” The food industry knows that its products are making people sick. In 1999, the CEOs of Kraft, Nabisco, Coca Cola and General Mills, met in Minneapolis to review the facts. First, they got rid of employees who called the problem to their their attention. Then they went after the scientists to …[continue reading]
SGTreport 573K subscribers SUBSCRIBE Get The World Famous Patriot Sun Cooker! Click Here: Use Promo Code SGT20 for 20% OFF The wonderful and enlightened Tiffany Fitzhenry joins me for a PREMIERE as we discuss the GREAT AWAKENING. “We’re not born to be ruled” says Tiffany, and this great awakening is just a …[continue reading]
GARY WEBB BEFORE THEY BLEW HIM UP THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM This 1996 interview with Gary Webb took place after his “Dark Alliance” newspaper series made waves across the country for piecing together the puzzle of the US crack epidemic. The pipeline of CIA backed drug smuggling into the country and money smuggling out …[continue reading]