The highest-ranked official of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Charles Bolden, was put on sick leave for 6 months, after he publicly declared that an extraterrestrial invasion would take place before 2025. A veteran of four space flights aboard the shuttles Columbia, Discovery and Atlantis, M. Bolden has logged over 680 hours in space, and is …[continue reading]
There are 183 countries listed below. View year 2017 listing. GDP: Gross Domestic Product (in USD millions) Mil. Exp.: Military Expenditures (in USD millions) PPP: Power Purchase Parity (in USD) $: U.S. Dollar (USD) EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Whitley Strieber takes a new look at the history and future of alien contact. He reports on some of the most ultra-high strangeness cases in his archives and describes many of the miraculous events, both light and dark, that surround this astonishing and misunderstood phenomenon. Instances of healing, moments of extreme fear and great joy …[continue reading]
The Multidimensional Game, The purpose for my books and workshops is to provide accurate information so you can navigate the labyrinth of nonphysical realities that you will encounter during all explorations of consciousness. Have fun with the journey! Become an Explorer! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Thomas Cowan, M.D., has studied and written about many subjects in medicine including the heart, autoimmune disease, nutrition, anthroposophical medicine and herbal medicine. He is the author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart and Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, and Cancer and the New Biology of Water all published by Chelsea Green; …[continue reading]
Please note; this is a two part series. Part 2 can be found here: In this edition of the Insider Insight Show, Dr. Dave discusses with investigative journalist Corey Lynn Clinton money laundering and societal exploitation. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
THE ASSAD REGIME DID NOT ATTACK ITS OWN PEOPLE WITH GAS THE TESTS WERE MADE – AND THEN BURIED. The Assad regime DID NOT attack its own people with gas. The reporting was a total fraud. Tests were made – and then buried. The tests showed that there was noevidence of a gas attack. …[continue reading]
By Harley Schlanger 16 December 2019 Lest you, dear reader, think this headline is either wild hyperbole, or just plain crazy, read what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a CNN town meeting on December 5, several hours after she announced the House of Representatives would draft articles of impeachment against President Trump. She was …[continue reading]
David and Mary Ellen Wolf were several payments behind on their home mortgage and knew that foreclosure loomed. They were puzzled, though, when a foreclosure notice came early in 2011 from Wells Fargo because they hadn’t done business with that bank. They asked their West University neighbor, lawyer W. Craft Hughes, for help. After poring …[continue reading]
Since one of the greatest financial crises in human history – you can count on one hand how many British bankers have gone to prison for fraud. At the hands of corrupt bankers many hard-working people have lost their businesses, their homes… At the hands of corrupt bankers many hard-working people have lost their …[continue reading]