Ginger improves symptoms of ulcerative colitis, enhances quality of life

Ginger improves symptoms of ulcerative colitis, enhances quality of life Bowel and digestive problems like ulcerative colitis can be among the most discomforting and disruptive affronts to a person’s lifestyle and overall well-being. What if adding a healthy dose of ginger to your diet could prevent indigestion, inflamed insides and even protect you from colon …[continue reading]

The Enforceability & Unenforceablility of Charges Over Land

BLUNDELL LECTURES – 34TH ANNUAL SERIES THE ENFORCEABILITY AND UNENFORCEABILITY OF CHARGES OVER LAND HAVE I GOT A CHARGE? Introduction 1. The overriding theme of this year’s Blundell Lectures is dictated by the economy. Do I have to pay? Can I get out of paying? Can I sue the guarantor? These are the questions which …[continue reading]

Why Cannabis is the Future of Medicine

The future of medicine rests on the fundamental right we all have to use things that spring from the Earth naturally as healing agents. Why should cannabis, used for at least 10000 years by humankind to alleviate suffering, be excluded from this inexorable mandate? The politics of cannabis are exceedingly complex, and yet the truth …[continue reading]

G. Edward Griffin: China’s Global Takeover & The Fall Of The US Empire

Josh Sigurdson talks with G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island about the imminent issue of China’s global takeover. For many decades, alliances and policies have lead to China’s vast growth. Today, they utilize technocracy in order to maintain their subjects digitally. With a collapsing US empire and dollar, the likelihood of China …[continue reading]


A DOCUMENTARY FROM 2002 There are now six PR (public relations) people for every single reporter. Given that most reporters are hacks who write about nothing, the ratio of professional liars to real reporters is probably more like 100 to 1 – and it’s the PR people and the news media business offices who creates …[continue reading]


SGT FRIDAY has been thrown off of Twitter numerous times. As a result of not being able to tweet, he began posting videos on YouTube with his often amusing and well-developed thoughts about our current psychological civil war. FACEBOOKTWITTERREDDITPINTERESTEMAILGOOGLE+LINKEDINSTUMBLEUPON   Join Our Members List For Exclusive Reports     SGT FRIDAY has been thrown off …[continue reading]

The Top 3 Reasons Why The Shadow System Keeps Perpetuating Itself

The System, The Matrix, The Establishment – whatever name you call it by – seems to keep perpetuating itself no matter what. Puppet politicians come and go, but the System they serve remains fully in place, long after many of these misleaders and control freaks have used up their 5 minutes of fame by bossing people around. In …[continue reading]