Feeling burned out? You may be spending too much time ruminating about your job, says psychologist Guy Winch. Learn how to stop worrying about tomorrow’s tasks or stewing over office tensions with three simple techniques aimed at helping you truly relax and recharge after work. This talk was presented at a TED Salon event …[continue reading]
Big Tech isn’t ultimately in the business of making money. They’re in the business of social engineering. Their behaviorist algorithm changes and de-platformings have the effect of training content creators into learned helplessness around the big issues, with the goal of shutting everybody up. Don’t let them. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Newsbud’s Kurt Nimmo created this video report, which I’ve transcribed below about how the shadowy Tavistock Institute in London has been instrumental in causing the US to enter World War I, the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, the “free trade” agreements that intentionally decimated the Middle Class, Fake News and MKULTRA. He says, Tavistock’s …[continue reading]
Valorie Kondos Field knows a lot about winning. As the longtime coach of the UCLA women’s gymnastics team, she won championship after championship and has been widely acclaimed for her leadership. In this inspiring, brutally honest and, at times, gut-wrenching talk, she shares the secret to her success. Hint: it has nothing to do with …[continue reading]
Nelson Trust v Bank of Scotland | Just-Us System Declared Void There now follows a transcript of the judgment of HHJ Behrens, which is subject to Crown Copyright and published under a Fair Use and Fair Dealing Notice, for the purposes of educating the public and providing commentary about the Justice System. The judgment was …[continue reading]
“POLITICIANS ARE JUST PLAYING OUT THEIR SCRIPTS” Government needs oversight – serious oversight – but it doesn’t need abolition. But that’s what the Koch brothers would like to do – because it will add to the $100 billion their daddy gave them. Their companies are among the top polluters in the country and they want …[continue reading]
By B.N. Frank Tens of millions of utility “Smart” Meters have been installed in the U.S. and worldwide so they have probably already been installed on your home and throughout your community even if you aren’t aware of it. They have been associated with so many problems including fires and explosions (see 1, 2, 3, …[continue reading]
MARK STEELE has become a famous anti-5G campaigner and activist. He is a British weapons expert and Chief Technology Officer, who stirred up quite a controversy in his hometown of Gateshead in Northern England. He became known in the media for the court case in Gateshead, sometimes referred to as “The Gateshead 5G lamppost scandal”. …[continue reading]
The Great British Mortgage Swindle is a powerful documentary by The Michaels of Bernicia and Deira, which exposes decades of institutionalised mortgage fraud in the UK. Not only is the film one of the highest rated British documentaries on Amazon, but it has catalyzed a genuine grass roots movement to put an end to the …[continue reading]
For the first time ever, we brought together two of the world’s finest minds on the subject of health and the environment: Stephanie Seneff Ph.D of MIT and Sherry Rogers MD, a physician with 50 years of clinical experience. In the 21st century, staying healthy is a lot more than avoiding junk good, eating your …[continue reading]