Before he became famous for claiming that the elite were a bunch of shapeshifting reptilians, David Icke had made a name for himself by talking about our “microchipped future”, where we would all be forced to submit to implantation with a subdermal RFID transponder to track our whereabouts 24/7 and which would replace credit cards …[continue reading]
Every day brings a deeper appreciation of why this period is being called the Great Awakening. The Trump coup d’état is providing unexpected perspectives on significant events of the past three decades. From 9/11 to the 2016 failed coup in Turkey, many of the players are the same and we understand their motives better. That’s …[continue reading]
It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be worthy of serious attention. Agenda 21, the United Nations’ 1992 plan for Sustainable Development is an example. Rosa Koire has been doing an excellent job of raising awareness about Agenda 21 for many years. She describes …[continue reading]
The Mueller Report released yesterday states that no American, let alone Trump colluded with the Russians in the 2016 Presidential Election. It claims that the DNC and Podesta emails were hacked remotely by dedicated units within Russia’s GRU military intelligence. This is inconsistent with the findings of NSA veteran Bill Binney, who conducted several tests …[continue reading]
Steve Pieczenik was born in Havana, Cuba of Eastern European Jewish parents fleeing the Holocaust, he was raised in France and in the United States, where he received degrees in Psychiatry and International Relations from Harvard, Cornell and MIT. He served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James …[continue reading]
The Camp Fire in Paradise, California began on November 8th of last year, destroying over 153,000 acres before finally being put out over a month later on December 14th. Over 13,000 homes and hundreds of businesses were destroyed, with more than half of this damage described as occurring within the first four hours. The anomalies …[continue reading]
YouTuber Mr. Reagan explains that with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aka AOC, the people of New York did not elect a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx. They actually elected an Indian guy from Texas, Saikat Chakrabarti, a white guy from Tennessee, Corbin Trent. In 2016, AOC was working as a bartender in New York City. She’d …[continue reading]
Serapium Forest is the most prosperous of Egypt’s 36 tracts of land that make up an ambitious program to combat desertification by creating sustainably managed commercial forests fed entirely by wastewater. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Scientists Use Recycled Sewage Water to Grow 500-Acre Forest in the Middle of Egyptian Desert
Which is worse: the NSA or the FDA? A message to Wikileaks, Cryptome, Public Intelligence, and other sites that expose secrets Does 2.25 million deaths in America, per decade, at the hands of the medical system, rate as a significant leak? (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.) As my readers …[continue reading]
Russians have a huge long-term advantage over the US in the battle for Ukraine, because they they understand the background, the players, the language, and so many other nuanced things where Americans are mostly at sea. Throw in their intelligence assets, with which Ukraine is riddled, and it is hard to see how the US …[continue reading]