Rick Steves’ Travel Guide | Join Rick as he explores the most surprising and fascinating land he’s ever visited: Iran. In a one-hour, ground-breaking travel special on public television, you’ll discover the splendid monuments of Iran’s rich and glorious past, learn more about the 20th-century story of this perplexing nation, and experience Iranian life today …[continue reading]
Full movie SD, warts and all. We all are full of faults and dreams. Focus on our dreams and stand up to the end. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Enlil is not Yahweh; Anu is Let’s be done with the lie once and for all! The topic of ancient extraterrestrial visitors and their relationship with the ancient mythologies was made popular for the first time in the decade of the 70’s when the Russian researcher and author Zecharia Sitchin published his first book …[continue reading]
Almost every time acts of terrorist violence have occurred in Northern Ireland (and regardless of whether it was the IRA or the Protestant paramilitaries who were responsible), the victims have habitually accepted the official reports of what happened. In the case of the Omagh bombing (August 15, 1998), when families did not blithely or blindly …[continue reading]
Here is a pre recorded interview with Ken Scott. He is a co-founder of the Panterra Private Contract Association, as well as the initiator of the Gemstone University and Media Alliance concept.Ken explains what a private society is and how we can learn to release many of the bonds that tie us to a psychopathic …[continue reading]
Get your free copy of “Fatal Risk” from Audible, in addition to a free 30-day trial! → https://amzn.to/2PU6vFV (note: As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases). ⭑ Subscribe to Business Casual → http://gobc.tv/sub ⭑ Enjoyed the vid? Hit the like button! Follow us on: ► Twitter → http://gobc.tv/twtr ► Instagram → https://gobc.tv/ig ► …[continue reading]
GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney) Watch the full event free at https://goldsilver.com/wtf “The plain truth is… we are in the middle of QE4 right now” – Grant Williams during WTF: What the Fed. The Federal Reserve looks to be pumping a healthy patient of full of drugs… Something is not adding up. And Mike Maloney agrees… …[continue reading]
MORE PEOPLE ARE DYING FROM FENTANYL THAN ANY DRUG IN HISTORY MAKE SURE THAT YOUNG PEOPLE SEE THIS! The roots of the Fentanyl disaster. Joe Rogan interviews Ben Westhoff author of “Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic “ Fentanyl and other contaminated drugs are everywhere. There’s …[continue reading]
Alexandra Bruceforbiddenknowledgetv.net/ EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
How Russia and China will cause The Dollar Collapse on January 14, 2020. Secret Interview EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):