THE CORPORATE NEWS MEDIA ASLEEP AGAIN “STATE-OF-THE-ART CONSTRUCTION” Remember that pipeline that we and so many other people thought was such a bad idea? It’s already leaking in at least three places – that we know of. And the news media that said there’s be no problem? They’re nowhere to be seen. 15,000 people …[continue reading]
CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT JULIAN FREEDOM OF SPEECH UNDER ATTACH “The British legal system is on trial…” A review of the case by Icelandic politician Ögmundur Jónasson. “This is a political case, not a legal one.” EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Media’s Deafening Silence On Latest WikiLeaks Drops Is Its Own Scandal EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Police Harass Mark Steele For Exposing 5G Crime EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Wikileaks still holding powerful to account as founder Julian Assange “slowly dies” in prison Assange is kept in being kept in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, often sedated, in Britain’s notorious Belmarsh Prison. Julian Assange is dying inside Belmarsh Prison in London. Those are his own words, relayed through English journalist Vaughan Smith, who …[continue reading]
Using the Australian Criminal Code: Assault and the Precautionary Principle: Important Helpful Legal Guidance from Barrister Raymond Broomhall EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The big picture is that we haven’t needed fossil fuels since about a hundred years ago…the Maxwell Quaternion Equations, that were chopped off and changed…resulted in us having an energy sector that requires us to burn something or heat something up to create steam to get us electricity or to run our cars… It was …[continue reading]
Feeling burned out? You may be spending too much time ruminating about your job, says psychologist Guy Winch. Learn how to stop worrying about tomorrow’s tasks or stewing over office tensions with three simple techniques aimed at helping you truly relax and recharge after work. This talk was presented at a TED Salon event …[continue reading]
Big Tech isn’t ultimately in the business of making money. They’re in the business of social engineering. Their behaviorist algorithm changes and de-platformings have the effect of training content creators into learned helplessness around the big issues, with the goal of shutting everybody up. Don’t let them. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):