A BOOK BY RALPH MORRISON (1995) True or false? Great advances in the treatment of cancer have taken place in the last 50 years. Oncologists (cancer specialists) believe so strongly in the effectiveness of chemotherapy that when they get cancer, they race to take it. Both cases: false. Ralph Morrison worked in the PR …[continue reading]
What is the Intellectual Dark Web, and what does its emergence signify? It’s the name given to a group of alternative media personalities – from Joe Rogan to Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson. New York Times article here: But could it also be a spontaneous emergence of a new – and more highly evolved – …[continue reading]
There is much talk in the media about ‘toxic masculinity’, but almost none about ‘toxic femininity’. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
FUELED BY CENSORSHIP AND INTIMIDATION I believe fossil fuel use is a disaster for humanity And that the climate changes. However, I don’t believe the heavily propagandized science that says C02 causes global warming. The news media push is highly suspicious. The news media’s only reliable skill is lying en masse. They fail and …[continue reading]
This is an excellent, must-see Dutch documentary about the drastic inroads Big Tech is making into our lives, centering on the investigations of Harvard Business School professor, Shoshana Zuboff, author of ‘The Age of Surveillance Capitalism’. Your personal user data is the New Gold that is being stolen, traded, bought and sold. Everything you do …[continue reading]
An explosive leak of tens of thousands of documents from the defunct data firm Cambridge Analytica is set to expose the inner workings of the company that collapsed after the Observer revealed it had misappropriated 87 million Facebook profiles. More than 100,000 documents relating to work in 68 countries that will lay bare the global …[continue reading]
German New Medicine | Disease Is Really A Natural Healing Process Over the past couple of weeks, I have been delving into a radical natural health movement called German New Medicine [GNM]. Whilst I am only just beginning my research into this potentially life-changing field of study, here is the briefest possible layman’s summary of its empirically …[continue reading]
DR. STEPHANIE SENEFF Why Glyphostate is so toxic Disclaimer: If you have a medical problem, go to a medical doctor. This information is for informational purposes only. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
CALIFORNIA: 12-YEAR-OLDS TO GETHPV VACCINE WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT California girls as young as 12 can soon receive the human papillomavirus , or HPV, vaccine without the consent of their parents. Last Sunday Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill into law, which takes effect Jan. 1, 2012. “It’s always a close question as to what we …[continue reading]
SPREAD THE WORD Google, Amazon, Facebook have all lined up overnight to block all information about the dangers of vaccinations. It was clearly planned out in advance and then choreographed to coincide with a recent Congressional hearing. Google has changed search results, Amazon has removed books and videos from its store, and Facebook has erased …[continue reading]