Tom Fitton with Dan Bongino: Clinton Corruption, Ukraine, & #SpyGate Targeting of Trump! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
NEWS Billionaire investor Tim Draper recommended millennials buy Bitcoin (BTC) during an interview with FOX Business published on Jan. 22. Per the report, Draper believes that Bitcoin is of particular importance to millennials that are looking to set aside enough capital for retirement. He suggested that the traditional banking system is outdated: “You look at Bitcoin …[continue reading]
“In the previous epidemics, which turned out to be duds—West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu, MERS, Zika, Ebola—there were people claiming the virus had been diabolically weaponized, it was spreading unchecked, and THIS WAS THE BIG ONE. If they had been right, we would not be here to discuss epidemics. We would all be …[continue reading]
Dr Marshall explains the reasons why Pope Benedict XVI resigned in 2013 by showing a four stage scandal beginning with Archbishop Vigano blowing the whistle on the Vatican Bank in 2009-2010 and how it escalated into Benedict’s resignation in 2013. It also explains the election of Pope Francis and frames the recent testimony of Vigano …[continue reading]
Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong says, “The central banks are losing power. That’s what my new book “Manipulating the World Economy” is all about. It’s about all the manipulations. Governments have tried to control it, and they are losing it on every possible level. This is like the last ditch effort, the last …[continue reading]
The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is launching a rush program to develop a vaccine against the China coronavirus. The goal? Have a vaccine ready for human testing in an unprecedented 90 days. NIH is partnering with a US vaccine company, Moderna, Inc. The vaccine is a new type called RNA. According to Reuters …[continue reading]
‘Andrew Bartzis – Your Body Pt1 – Your Amazing Technology, Blood, Marrow and Heart Empowerment’. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
he Facts: Multiple studies and examples have shown how sound, frequency and vibration can literally alter physical material matter. Research has also shown that sound, frequencies and vibration can be used as a significant healing method for various ailments. Reflect On: How plausible would it be for these interventions to become a regular part …[continue reading]
This is the original broadcast from William Cooper’s radio show “Hour of The Time”. This is from his Mystery Babylon Series. The topic is “Secret Societies and the Vatican”. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
ack in 1958 the Essene Press in Texas published an intriguing little book entitled UFOs Confidential: The meaning behind the most closely guarded secrets of all time. The authors George Hunt Williamson and John McCoy were closely involved in the 1950s UFO contactee phenomenon. In fact George Hunt Williamson was a pioneering UFO researcher and …[continue reading]