Burgeoning Asian Bioweapons

Burgeoning Asian Bioweapons February 4, 2020 / 1 Comment Most of us know of the atrocities conducted at Auschwitz by Josef Mengele during World War II.  However, very few people are aware of the equally horrendous human experimentation conducted simultaneously by Japan. A clandestine program conducted by the Japanese during World War II was responsible …[continue reading]

Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture

Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture  – «I have never seen a comparable case» «A murderous system is being created before our very eyes» A made-up rape allegation and fabricated evidence in Sweden, pressure from the UK not to drop the case, a biased judge, detention in a maximum security prison, psychological torture – …[continue reading]

The State of New York Supreme Court has awarded more than $13.8 million to a Trust whose beneficiaries are Bitcoin fraud victims.

Press release from Dr. Jonathan Levy The State of New York Supreme Court has awarded more than $13.8 million to a Trust whose beneficiaries are Bitcoin fraud victims.  The Defendant is The Bitcoin Voluntary Associations, which according to the Plaintiff Crypto Currency Resolution Trust’s legal counsel, Dr. Jonathan Levy, is the same as the crypto …[continue reading]

The Brussels Business – Who Runs the EU ? – HD (sub – serb/cro)

THE BRUSSELS BUSINESS is a docu-thriller that dives into the grey zone underneath European democracy. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to the political elites. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Ilien.io update

ILIEN UPDATE;                                                 Web:  https://ilien.io/ This update is to give you an opportunity to be part of the Ilien bonuses that will be distributed shortly. These bonuses will be distributed with everyone who has a Ilien wallet balance of at least one [1] Ilien. Our objective is to provide an alternative to the existing debt …[continue reading]