Earth Grids and Ley Lines | The Invisible Super-Science of the Megalith Builders | Megalithomania

Is there a geometrical energy system that surrounds our planet? A super grid involving polyhedral forms, ley lines, earth energy currents, cymatics and archaeoastronomical alignments? We now know that the world was surveyed by an ancient elite of astronomers, navigators, surveyors and shamen who explored and mapped the earth in antiquity. Did they map a …[continue reading]

Company Is Using Plastic Bottles To Make Roads That Last 10x Longer Than Asphalt

Since its creation in 1907, plastic has been all around us. Nowadays, plastic is critical to modern life, as it is used for most things we use daily.   It made possible the development of most of the lifesaving advances of modern time. Being inexpensive, plastics raised the standard of living and made material abundance …[continue reading]

Whistleblower of China’s Coronavirus Outbreak Memorialized on the Ethereum Blockchain

China’s Coronavirus Whistleblower Is Now Memorialized on Ethereum Feb 7, 2020 at 05:14 UTCUpdated Feb 7, 2020 at 07:48 UTC   Screenshot of the smart contract monument created in memorial of Dr. Li Wenliang     Wolfie Zhao   China’s Coronavirus Whistleblower Is Now Memorialized on Ethereum       Someone has just created a …[continue reading]

Ukraine: Burisma Whistleblower Blows Lid off From Inside, Stacks of Legit Documents w/ John Dougan

Activist & whistleblower, John Dougan, rejoins the program to share his latest whistleblower pursuit. This time he is working with an accounting executive inside Burisma Holdings who has all the documents to prove the illegal activities by powerful players all over the world. This information implicates many democrat politicians who are hell bent at keeping …[continue reading]

Mayor Cheat and His Associations with Disaster Capitalism

As I write this, the full accounting of the Democrat votes in Iowa Caucus is still incomplete, more than 48 hours after the vote, in a situation that is unprecedented in a primary election but highly emblematic of the criminality and disarray of the DNC. After midnight, I was seeing Twitter posts with official Iowa …[continue reading]


THE HISTORY REVEALED A FASCINATING INTERVIEW WITH MICHAEL HUDSON How “Banker Logic” is destroying the world. War, rising prices, corrupted medicine, and poverty are all its byproducts. Amazingly, throughout history, advanced civilizations were aware of the dangers of “Banker Logic” and had means for controlling its undermining effect on society.   Rome was one of …[continue reading]

Researchers Use ‘Flash’ to Turn Plastic Trash and Food Waste into Valuable Material

That banana peel from your lunch, turned into graphene, could help facilitate a massive reduction of the environmental impact of concrete and other building materials. While you’re at it, toss in those plastic empties. A new process introduced by the Rice University lab of chemist James Tour can turn bulk quantities of just about any …[continue reading]