New research into low-level electromagnetic fields is showing that cell towers may seriously disrupt how human DNA expresses itself. The two cloned mice below have identical DNA, yet one is showing serious genetic deformities due to inhibited methylation. Methylation is a chemical action that determines the quality of our gene expression. Poor gene expression …[continue reading]
THEY DON’T WORK AND THEY’RE DANGEROUS – BUT TAKE THEM ANYWAY Corporate criminality, Health and Medical, Vaccines CANCER CAUSING VIRUS CONTAMINANT They don’t work and their dangerous – but take them anyway. This was the SCIENTIFIC conclusion in the 1970s. It was even reported by the mainstream media. Then the reporting was shut down. What happened …[continue reading]
W.H.O. SCIENTISTS ADMIT THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING BOTTOM LINE: ADJUVANTS ARE DANGEROUS There’s a good chance you won’t get this email because of the subject line. If you did get it, here’s a chance to hear what scientists recently said about their REAL safety at The W.H.O. Global Vaccine Safety Summit on Dec. …[continue reading]
It’s been 2 weeks since we first wrote about the novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) originating in China. Since then, the official numbers have skyrocketed from 630 infections and 17 deaths to over 24,000 infections and roughly 500 deaths. NaturalNews reports that China is actually keeping two sets of numbers, and that the actual numbers are much …[continue reading]
“The brutal reality is that a predator doesn’t have to be in the same room, building, or even country to abuse a child. And that’s what they’re doing — subjecting children to psychological and sexual abuse.”—“I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned,” Medium What …[continue reading]
On the seventh anniversary of the forced resignation from his office of Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) discloses new information on the deposing of this criminal, and the role of the present, equally criminal “pope” and the Spanish government in the event. See …[continue reading]
It’s kind of insane to be living through this time where the admissions of what used to be considered “crazy conspiracy theories” are just rolling out in the headlines like it’s nothing. When we were talking about this a decade ago, tin foil hat jokes were not only made but expected. Now, mainstream “authoritative” publications …[continue reading]
Journalist Abby Martin sues state of Georgia over law requiring pledge of allegiance to Israel EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Disturbing footage from China suggests the scale of coronavirus pandemic in China is far worse than what we’re being told. Real-time satellite data show massive concentrated plumes of sulphur dioxide (SO2) smoldering in the cities of Wuhan and Chonqing, which is corroborated in reports from the Epoch Times of workers at the crematoria, who tell …[continue reading]