Expanding on an observation from his last talk, Andreas asks why we talk so much about the cartels in drugs and oil, but rarely about one of the largest cartels in the world: banking. He analyses recent (unacknowledged) history with the 2008 financial crisis, the corrupt revolving door with regulators, how kleptocracy is destroying democracy, …[continue reading]
Thanks to the Federal Reserve, the idea that you can go into a store and anonymously purchase something with cash might soon be obsolete. Why? Because they’re developing something called Fedcoin, which would be based on blockchain technology. If you’re unfamiliar with blockchain technology, you’re not alone. Here’s how a piece on Motley Fool describes it: …[continue reading]
TheGreatestTruthNeverTold SUBSCRIBE Silver Shield MiniMintage https://www.goldenstatemint.com/Silve… 2020 Silver Shield Group Annual Membership For Exclusive Access for Silver Shield MicroMintage http://www.1shoppingcart.com/SecureCa… INSTAGRAM @TheGreatestTruthNeverTold Silver Shield Merchandise https://teespring.com/stores/silver-s… Silver Shield Guide https://www.silvershieldguide.com Golden State Mint Affiliate Program! https://www.goldenstatemint.com/Affil… FREE 46 HOUR Sons of Liberty Academy http://sonsoflibertyacademy.com TWITTER @SilverShield76 REDDIT u/SilverShield Help us caption & translate …[continue reading]
When we looked more closely at the background of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights, we never imagined the troubling discoveries we would make. After a 6 month investigation, we are releasing an important report outlining the extent of the relationship between NGOs and ECHR judges, and the resulting problems and conflicts of interest. We have …[continue reading]
When a BAR member has seen through the lies! July 9, 2019 ~ Alibertatum Maximus Resignation of a BAR member in her Words. I´m announcing my resignation from whatever ties I have as a BAR attorney, effective July 4, 2019. This is being sent to Maureen O´Connor, who carries the title of Chief Justice of …[continue reading]
I somehow missed this arresting video released last year that’s gotten 3.7 million views. It features Ian Furgeson, who works for a cell phone company in Georgia and is currently being trained on the 5G technology that he will soon be installing. He says, “You’re not going to know what I did to you for …[continue reading]
I deal with the subject of Syncretism, bringing together all the fields of knowledge and wisdom and showing the interrelatedness of all things. Syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all the big topics like; Theology, Astrotheology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the …[continue reading]
THE TRUTH Circuit Court Summary Title Equity Actions – Possession The 2 Lacunas….and maybe another… Circuit court summary title equity actions – THE TRUTH …. Is it not true… R3(1)
Wow, this Dutch YouTube account, Artikel 7 is pumping out amazing videos, skillfully editing together disparate pieces of footage with music and graphics, while driving a powerful point about the deliberate corruption of science to push forward the misanthropic, nihilistic, apocalyptic and genocidal cult that is climate activism. As Dr. Tim Ball, a retired professor from the …[continue reading]