Until several days ago, I was a journalist at Newsweek. I decided to hand my resignation in because, in essence, I was given a simple choice. On one hand, I could continue to be employed by the company, stay in their chic London offices and earn a steady salary—only if I adhered to what could …[continue reading]
I always look forward to hearing what Daniel Estulin has to say. He is a 24-year veteran of Russian military counterintelligence and he is a Doctor of Conceptual Intelligence, trained to “create models that define the future of humanity…at least one or two generations in advance…” He joins Daniel Brigman on the Power Hour podcast …[continue reading]
Filmmaker and war correspondent Scott Kesterson of the Bards of War podcast is joined by Nate Cain, FBI whistleblower, who leaked incriminating documents about Hillary Clinton’s dealings with Uranium One and the Clinton Foundation. In 2016, Cain was hired as a cybersecurity contractor by the FBI to provide vulnerability assessments for the FBI’s field offices. …[continue reading]
THE MOST IMPORTANT PRESS FREEDOM CASE OF OUR LIFETIME Julian Assange is being subjected to extended psychological torture in the UK. Details the mass media is not telling you about the most important press freedom case of our lifetime. Where does the case stand now? He’s being held indefinitely on no charges as the …[continue reading]
I am rushing to get this done and out on a very busy day because I want it to go viral and I want all of you to know this VERY IMPORTANT conclusion of our research — there is a cause of every disease and illness, and perhaps even death. The superficial …[continue reading]
The trial, expected to last between three and four weeks in total after it commenced on Tuesday, has the IRS attempting to convince a judge in San Francisco that Facebook owes billions of dollars of unpaid tax. According to a document filed by Facebook in January, the witness list can include a number of major …[continue reading]
Part 1 On debts, charity, high school currency, student years, motor racing, hunting and motivation EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://tass.com/top-officials/1043741
Dicamba herbicide drifted onto the farm from other farms planting GM dicamba-tolerant crops A jury on Saturday awarded $265 million in punitive damages against Bayer and BASF to a southeastern Missouri peach farmer who argued that weedkiller dicamba that had drifted onto his orchards from other farms had severely damaged his trees. The punitive damages …[continue reading]
Folk Medicine D. C.JARVIS, M.D. Folk medicine reaches far back in time.It has evolved out of a blend of nature’s preventive and curative principles, common-sense and climatic conditions. This unique book, which has literally” swept America”, is based on the folk medicine of a great region that is very close to nature. EMBED A VIDEO …[continue reading]
Authored by Alasdair Macleod via GoldMoney.com, Even before the coronavirus sprang upon an unprepared China the credit cycle was tipping the world into recession. The coronavirus makes an existing situation immeasurably worse, shutting down China and disrupting global supply chains to the point where large swathes of global production simply cease. The crisis is likely …[continue reading]