TELL THE TRUTH, LOSE YOUR JOB SHADES OF THE THIRD REICH One of the rarest of all things: An MD willing to admit that he was useful idiot for Big Pharma scammers and injured countless patients needlessly. The penalty for telling the truth: Losing his job after twenty years of service at the Cleveland Clinic. …[continue reading]
AS USUAL, IT’S A SHELL GAME KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL As usual, it’s a shell game. Keep your eye on the ball. Dr. John Bergman is a master of cutting through the hot air. Just keep this thought in mind at all times: If if appears in the mainstream news media, especially …[continue reading]
The US government and its many agencies and educational and health institutions, have for many decades conducted intensive research into biological warfare, in many cases strongly focused on race-specific pathogens. In a report to the US Congress, the Department of Defense revealed that its program of creating artificial biological agents included modifying non-fatal viruses to …[continue reading]
Del Bigtree’s ICAN vs. CDC In this show, ICAN’s Biggest Legal Win to Date; Is There a Cure for Coronavirus?; Alzeimher’s & Diabetes Skyrocketing; Dr. Neuenschwander Weighs In. Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement. His career as an Emmy winning producer of the CBS talk show The …[continue reading]
Evolved to forgive: people are more forgiving than you’d think Scientists report that humans might be quick to judge, but we may have also evolved to be quick to forgive. A recent study found that when assessing the moral character of others, people cling to good impressions but readily adjust their opinions about those who …[continue reading]
Mini GPS Tracker Car Long Standby Magnetic Tracking Device For Car/Person Location Tracker GPS Locator System Recording Function Features: Mini size, easy to carry and use.Strong magnetic, convenient to use.Suitable for car, children, elderly people, valuables bag, etc. Specifications: Type: Magnetic GPS Locator Material: Plastic Quantity: 1pc Color: Black Talk Time: 150 -180 minutes Standby …[continue reading]
Digital LCD PH Meter Tester Accuracy 0.1 for Water Wine Urine etc Automatic Calibration Feature : 1. TDS pen have Lock & auto shut off function. 2. PH pen have function, not need any kind of screwdrivers to calibrate the pH pen tester 3. Digital tester and PH tester both have the function …[continue reading]
Coronavirus Warning
James Corbett has been one of the voices giving a balanced assessment of what has been going on with the recent outbreak. Additionally, his decade-plus experience in alternative media gives him a deeper perspective of how the narrative is shaped during viral outbreaks and what makes this one similar or different than past events. James …[continue reading]
By Pat Robinson Most people have issues with bacterial or viral infections from time to time. Unnecessary antibiotics ARE dangerous! Antibiotics damage the integrity of the microbial balance in the gut. The healthy gut microflora is 70-80% of the immune system. Impaired immune systems are less effective at healing the body. Plant products have historically …[continue reading]