FROM 2009: Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab, but you won’t hear that in the controlled corporate media. Nor will you hear about Bilderberg plans to use the pandemic hysteria to flex the muscles of their nascent global government. But you will hear all about it …[continue reading]
A DOCUMENTARY BY JON WHELAN There are 1,400 chemicals that manufacturers are banned by law In Europe from putting into personal care products because they’re toxic. US regulators are “A-OK” with 1,390 of them. We’ve covered this important topic before so we were glad to discover there’s a whole documentary about it. You can …[continue reading]
ILIEN BONUS DISTRIBUTION – UPDATE – @ 4.22pm 13th march 2020 An Ilien Blockchain snapshot was completed @ 1.30 pm today, for the bonus evaluation of wallets; All wallets with 0.9 ILN or more – receive a 12.5 ILN bonus , and all wallets with 50 ILN or more – received an additional 75 ILN …[continue reading]
What we have been witnessing is the greatest transfer of wealth of the [Elite], Think Soros and others, watch the market, tick tock. The [CB] is now completely exposed. Trump and the patriots are now moving very quickly on transitioning the economy, the new economic system is almost complete. Right on schedule Trump points the …[continue reading]
Last weekend, we held our Get Well Health Expo at Olympia. Thousands came to meet the many dozens of pioneering doctors and therapists of all varieties that we had carefully selected to offer alternative solutions proven to work. Of nearly 50 brilliant talks and demonstrations, two delivered by Dr. Damien Downing, a pioneer in ecological …[continue reading]
The strangest thing about brains is that they’re copycats, which often mirror each other when one person is sending something to another. During a long partnership with the late psychologist William Braud, Marilyn Schlitz, one time president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), conducted rigorous research into what became known in the psychic community …[continue reading]
Today the Bank of England published a discussion paper: “Central Bank Digital Currency: opportunities, challenges and design”. It also plans to run a webinar in early April. The paper starts by outlining one of the drivers behind a consumer-focused Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – the declining use of cash. In 2006, 63% of payments …[continue reading]
I’ve refrained from posting much about the coronavirus, due to the general sense that it’s not what it’s purported to be, especially after three years of unrelenting, ham-fisted gaslighting by the Globalist Mainstream Media and how their their credibility is non-existent. Nobody knows what to believe. The Covid-19 has been declared a global pandemic by …[continue reading]
Spiro Skouras joins program to discuss what the bankers are doing behind the scenes while everyone is preoccupied with the very real crisis of the CoronaVirus. As Winston Churchill (or Rahm Emanuel) stated, “Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste”. It appears the central bankers of the world are using every angle including climate …[continue reading]
In 2020, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF will be 76 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI), founded in 1944, are dominated by the USA and a few allied major powers who work to generalize policies that run counter the interests of the world’s populations. The WB and the IMF have systematically …[continue reading]